Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Atticus

Katrina contacted the studio to learn more about booking a  newborn session after her son had arrived and had been referred by a good friend who is a client of ours. We had last minute availability, and told her that we could fit her in that same week.

Katrina had initially thought she wouldn’t do a newborn session because she was concerned about COVID, but when she saw how fast her son was growing, she didn’t want to miss out on such a special time - the newborn stage is so fleeting! Her friend had filled her in our safety protocols, and she liked what she heard. For those who are wondering: yes, I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, and my full protection kicked in on April 12, 2021. I also wear a mask with clients at all times in the studio! After speaking with Caroline (our full time studio manager) and learning more about the experience and our process, Katrina proceeded to book her newborn session.

She also opted to add on hair and makeup services, and was thrilled that this was an option to her! No worrying about trying to get ready in between nursing and packing your diaper bag the morning of your session!

Our in home newborn sessions have been indefinitely suspended due to COVID-19, and we are currently only offering studio sessions: the only thing you need to worry about is just getting here. You should know that in-home newborn sessions actually require so MUCH work on your part: cleaning, moving distracting elements out of rooms, turning the heat up to get it warm enough in the house, and the list goes on. Most moms don’t want to deal with all that while recovering from childbirth and dealing with sleep deprivation. With a studio newborn session: you simply show up. You’ll enter our sanitized studio which will be set to the perfect temperature for your baby, and has perfect natural lighting from our giant 25 foot long wall of windows.

On the morning of their session, Katrina and her husband arrived at the studio with Atticus. Katrina had brought some options from home but looked through the studio wardrobe and fell in love with one of our casual cream jersey dresses. She felt beautiful AND comfortable - both important factors!

Baby Atticus was awake when he arrived, so I took the opportunity to photograph him with his eyes open. Atticus was a BIG boy, and I knew he would need to eat based on his rooting and squirming. When he started getting fussy, I took him to Katrina over in the hair and makeup chair for a feeding and snuggle break, and that did the trick! Once he was soundly asleep in his mother’s arms after a full feeding, I took him back to the shooting area to finish his solo portrait. He stayed asleep for the rest of the session, and was very easy to pose and work with due to being in such a deep sleep!

I use neutral tones here in the studio, and I select them with your baby’s skin tone in mind. Neutrals are 100% timeless and will still look classic 50 andeven 100 years from now. The use of neutrals keeps the focus on your baby and all their unique details, which is where it belongs.. My posing and wrapping is also baby led and kept very natural. I will never force your baby into a position they don’t want to be in. The safety and comfort of your baby is my utmost priority when they are in my care.

After I finished up with Atticus’s solo portraits, he had a diaper change and another short feeding break to calm him back to sleep. Most babies get pretty mad when their diaper is changed, so I always have parents change the diaper BEFORE feeding, so we can help calm baby down. Once he was asleep and content, we moved on to the parent and family portion of the session!

I LOVE observing first time parents with their little one! For many of my clients, their baby is the FIRST baby they have ever held and they’re still getting the hang of handling them. Most of my first timers are a little nervous because they aren’t used to handling their baby while standing up. If you think about it: when you’re at home with your new baby, most of the care you are giving your baby is while seated, or in bed, or with them on the changing table or other surface.

 If you are one of those first time parents that doesn’t have much hands on baby experience, there is NO need to stress. I will verbally walk you through the entire session along with demonstrations and adjustments if needed. There are plenty of ways to hold your baby - so if you don’t feel secure or confident holding your baby one specific way, we’ll adapt it to a way that you are! 

I’ll tuck back stray hairs and adjust your clothing if needed throughout our time together. I want your focus can be holding and admiring your new baby while following my gentle direction, not on whether your hair looks okay. The family photos are typically the “easiest” part of our time together! The only thing you have to do is admire the amazing little baby that you’ve welcomed into your family. One other perk of choosing to to work with me for your baby’s first family portraits is that I’ll make sure you don’t give yourself a self inflicted triple chin while looking at your baby.  ;) 

My goal is to make sure that your session is fun and relaxed, and we will create images that are natural and true to life. Let me help you preserve those special moments for generations to come! Your baby will grow up before you know it, and soon enough they'll be a teenager in the ninth. You're going to want pictures of them when they were impossibly tiny so you never forget these memories. Contact us today for more information and discuss booking your session with us!

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this sweet little guy’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.