Atlanta First Birthday Photographer | Ben is ONE!

Carolyn contacted the studio to schedule a First Birthday session for her son, Ben with the whole family included as well. Carolyn was sent to us by her sister-in-law who has worked with us for multiple sessions over a year! Many of our clients are sent to us from existing clients, which we so love and appreciate.

After Carolyn chose an available date for their session, we sent her session agreement and invoice. We also sent her our style guide, Pinterest inspiration board, and our cake tips sheet to review! The sheets we send over are to the point and really easy to read through, so no need to feel overwhelmed. We know you’re busy, and we make your entire session experience as simplified as possible so you’re not wasting precious brainpower trying to figure things out. If you want more in-depth assistance with styling, I’m available to schedule a visit in the studio to go over your wardrobe or exchange a few emails in advance of your session.


Some moms find it it easier dress their child beforehand because they’re in that lovely stage of babyhood where a change instantly equals a temper tantrum. You know your baby best, so I will always defer to your judgment there!

If you choose to dress them before heading over, please make sure they are wearing something wrinkle resistant, and cover their clothing with a big bib. This will serve as insurance just in case anything happens on the way (ie: carsickness). You may scoff at this and think I’m exaggerating…but has actually happened to more than one client! When the outfit you were planning on your baby wearing can no longer be used, it can be upsetting, so let’s take every measure we can to avoid this in the first place.


Carolyn brought along a simple white cake with buttercream icing from Publix that had the word “One” written in blue icing on top. If you’re looking for a commercial options, Publix, Kroger, and Whole Foods are all great options for your baby’s smash cake!. If your baby needs a vegan, egg-free, or dairy-free option, we exclusively recommend She Takes the Cake. Christina is our preferred baker and we are happy to connect you with her! A major perk of working with Christina is that she offers a delivery service to the studio! She’ll drop your cake off at the studio in advance of your session so it’s one less thing you need to worry about the day of. No balancing your cake precariously on the drive over or the walk up to the studio while praying you don’t trip. Not only are they delicious (even the vegan ones!), her cakes are GORGEOUS.

I have worked with Christina to develop the best buttercream consistency for our babies: soft and malleable for interacting with and smashing, but not so sticky that it gets everywhere and doesn’t wipe off easily. Most babies don’t enjoy being wiped down because of being held still! The less elbow grease you have to apply to get the icing off their skin after their session, the better.

Wherever you choose to get your baby’s smash cake from, we’ll send our cake tips to you regardless. We’ll also warn you against a popular place in the Atlanta area. The warning is that we do NOT recommend getting your baby’s smash cake from this particular bakery rom because of the icing’s incredible stickiness which is like GLUE.

Below is a list of our top tips for your baby’s cake!

  • SIMPLE is the name of the game at the studio when it comes to smash cakes - the focus should always be on your baby, not their cake. Avoid fondant or tons of added objects for decor. Consider textured icing or ombre if you want more visual interest.

  • Don’t go crazy with the size. Keep your baby’s cake to a 6 inch diameter size or less and no more than two shorter layers at the max. If height of the cake is too high, it will limit angles for photography since your baby’s face can be obscured.

  • Real flowers are really pretty on cakes, but not practical for our purposes. If you choose to include them, you should plan to remove them after initial photographs because 9 times out of 10 they will end up on your baby’s mouth. This goes for anything other than icing on their cake - candles, decor, etc. Added elements often end up being a distraction from actually exploring and eating their cake, and most importantly: obscure adorable facial expressions during their session.

  • Choose a neutral icing color (off white, cream, or pastels) is best - AVOID neons, black, or super bright colors that may permanently stain and ruin your baby’s clothing, and cause unwanted color casts in their photos.

  • Skip using shaved coconut as a topping - yes, it adds beautiful, texture, but there has not been a single baby here that has liked it. It usually promptly ends exploration of the cake as soon as they put it in their mouth and causes tears. The exception to this guidelines would be if you’ve given this to your baby before and know that they consistently enjoy it!

  • Choose buttercream icing. AVOID whipped icing and fondant. Whipped icing is greasy and very resistant to being wiped off skin. Fondant is very thick, and difficult for little baby fingers to break through and eat.

  • Skip writing a message on top of the cake (save it for the party cake instead) - it doesn’t photograph well and can be distracting. If you HAVE to have something written that’s fine - but just be aware you won’t see it well like you think you will.


First Birthday sessions are the ultimate 3 sessions -in-1. Your gallery will have solo portraits of your little one, family portraits, AND cake smash photos to choose from. I started the session photographing Ben alone, and he was just the CUTEST little baby boy with the biggest blue eyes. He wasn’t shy at all, and gave me lots od sweet expressions and smiles. If your baby is on the shy side, I will start the session with them in your arms rather than alone. Starting this way will reassure them that they are safe and secure, and that everything is ok.

Once I was finished with those, we moved on to the family photos! I photographed a variety of family images: Ben with big brother, each of his parents, the whole family together, etc. Then it was time for the cake smashing fun!


Carolyn put Ben into a white cloth diaper cover that we have here in the studio. She put over his regular diaper - which don’t photograph well. I also have other knit bottoms as options for baby boys here! I set up one of our antique high chairs and we put Ben inside. I then demonstrated exactly how Carolyn should present the cake to Ben (sounds silly, but how parents do it does matter for the best pictures!). I physically model what I need clients throughout during my sessions as needed, so you will never have to worry about what to do, how to do it, or when.

When Ben saw his cake, he grabbed it the rest of the family joined in on the fun with big brother helping out! A lot of parents worry that a smash cake will be a waste of time if their baby doesn’t like it. While I can’t promise your baby will love their cake, I have lots of trips and tricks up my sleeve to get them interested that involve you interacting with them. Once they’ve become sufficiently interested, parents can exit out of the frame and I’ll capture those images of your little one enjoying their cake!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from adorable blue-eyed Ben’s First Birthday session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.