Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Owen

Katie contacted the studio and let us know that we had been highly recommended by one of her co-workers who is a long-term client of ours. She had expressed uncertainty over whether she should book a newborn session during the time of COVID, and he (yes folks, this was one of my DADS recommending me!) told her that she shouldn’t let this special time go by without having her baby professionally photographed. He and his wife actually had an upcoming session with me for their third baby, and he told her all about our COVID safety precautions and protocols. Katie liked what she heard, so she reached out for more information…. and after reviewing everything, she and her husband decided to reserve their newborn session with me!


Great question: there isn’t one. If you are booking your newborn session before your baby is born (which most of our clients do!), you are reserving your guaranteed spot with us. Your actual session date is not scheduled until after baby has arrived. Once baby arrives, you’ll reach out to us via email or phone and let us know along with their weight and how you’re doing. If there were any complications, we’ll want to know about that too. You’ll also let us know whether you want to add on hair and makeup services to your session, and we’ll get back to you with some weekday dates to choose from. We do not schedule newborn sessions for weekend days: families with older school-aged children treat the session just as they would a doctor or dentist appointment and arrange for their children to leave school early or go in later.


When Katie and her husband arrived with Owen, she made herself comfortable in the hair and makeup chair since she had decided to add on hair and makeup services. Roughly 95% of our newborn mamas do! It’s such a great way to pamper yourself after just having had a baby, and will probably be the first time since giving birth that you’ve felt put together! Sleep deprivation with a newborn is real and often accompanied by undereye circles and other skin concerns - but not to worry! Between our hair and makeup artist and my post processing when I edit your photos, you will look well rested and your skin will not have any blemishes. Adding on services does not lengthen your session time, since I spend the first 90 minutes of every session photographing baby alone anyway!

I took Owen from Katie as soon as they arrived and got started with him over in my newborn shooting area. I keep my studio warm for my newborns during this part because they’re dressed in their diaper and whatever I am wrapping them in, so they need the warmth in order to stay comfortable and asleep. Owen was a pretty sleepy guy and very curly and snuggly, so his newborn portraits were all finished up just as our HMUA was putting the finishing touches on Katie.

I handed Owen to his daddy and pulled a few dresses from our studio wardrobe for Katie to look at, and she fell in love with a white lace dress. It worked perfectly with what her husband, John, had brought with him to wear - AND with what her mom was wearing as well! Katie’s mom came to be in a few generational photos, which I absolutely love! If you are hoping to include grandparents in your session, we are happy to accommodate and we'll chat with you at length about how we handle that and when they come during the session, etc.

Once the whole family was dressed and ready, I moved into the family portion. If you’re worried about not knowing what to do, you can stop now. As soon as we get started, I show you EXACTLY what to do with visual demonstrations and gentle guidance, and I even explain why I’m asking you to do things a certain way. My first priority is your baby’s safety, and we will work together to transfer baby between people gently and securely for your photos. You will never be left standing wondering what to do next. Many first time parents have told me that their baby is the first one that they’ve ever held or handled for longer than a minute or two - and that is at the top of my mind. If you ever don’t feel like you’re confident in how you’re holding your little one, I will be able to tell from your body language and will step in to make adjustments to get you to that place. If you’re a recovering c-section mama and not feeling up to standing, I can work around that too. We will work together to ensure the needs of everyone are met and create beautiful images of your family!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Owen’s newborn session! We are currently booking February and March (yep March already!!!) as of this blog post, so if you’re pregnant and considering a newborn session, it’s NEVER too early to reach out and get information! Contact the studio by filling out our website inquiry form or giving us a call - we can’t wait to chat with you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Luke

As you know from the last blog post, Leslie had contacted the studio to learn more about booking maternity session and had so much fun during it that she and her husband booked a newborn session too!

Leslie requested that she have the same hair and makeup artist if availability allowed, and then Luke surprised us all by arriving FIVE weeks early! He was healthy with no issues or NICU needed, but his unexpected early arrival left his mom and dad scrambling to finish up all the baby preparations they hadn’t had a chance to do! Since Luke was born so much earlier than expected, we scheduled his newborn session to take place when he was three weeks old. Leslie’s requested HMUA was available, and she was so thrilled that all she had to do was show up at the studio - especially since it was a 90 minute drive for them from their small hometown south of Atlanta! This gave Leslie and Jordan some more time to get acclimated at home, and for Luke to gain a little bit more weight since he was a tiny little peanut!

On the morning of their session, Leslie & Jordan arrived at the studio with baby Luke! Leslie wanted a more casual look for the session and had brought a cream sweater to wear over a tank top and jeans. Jordan had FORGOTTEN his clothes on the way out the door, and there was some momentary panic on his face when we realized, but I quickly reassured him I had a solution! We have two Targets very close by and I pulled up my Target to show him exactly what would work with Leslie’s outfit. He wanted to go out and grab some coffee and breakfast anyway, and I showed him a map of where Target was along with the closest Starbucks. Problem solved! Since their session, I have stocked my studio wardrobe with several pullover Henleys (yes, the one Jordan is wearing!) in size S-2XL. Adding these to our client wardrobe has actually come in handy several times since then when dads have forgotten their outfits, or don’t have anything in their wardrobe that really works!

Baby Luke was awake when the family arrived, and Leslie expressed concern that this would be a problem. I let her know that it actually wasn’t, because he was calm and content. I took the opportunity to get an open eyed photo of him, and it’s a good thing I did because his awake period was very short lived. He stayed awake for all of the first two minutes and then I didn’t see his eyes open again for the rest of the time he was in the studio!

If your baby is awake and they’re fussy, I’ll have you snuggle or feed them! Sometimes babies get fussy when they have an uncomfortable diaper as well - we will figure out what your baby needs and get them happy again!


I have a wide assortment of neutral colors when it comes to my wraps and drops for the beanbags here in the studio! I choose them based on your baby’s skin tone! There is more than one shade of white, and not every shade looks good with every baby! Neutrals are truly classic and will look beautiful decades from now. Using neutrals keeps the focus on your baby and their unique details, which is exactly where it should be! My posing and wrapping techniques are very natural and led by your baby and their degree of sleepiness and flexibility. I won’t force your baby into any position they aren’t comfortable in, because their comfort and safety is my priority.

After I finished up with Luke’s solo portraits, Leslie took him for a diaper change and a feeding since he was due to eat. He was such a sleepy little guy that his parents had to wake him up somewhat to feed him!

One of my most favorite parts of newborn session is photographing brand new parents together with their little one! There is so much palpable love coupled with awe and wonder. If this is your first baby, and you don’t have a ton of hands on experience with newborns, you are likely still getting used to handling them and moving around…especially while standing up! As I’ve stated already, my top priority during newborn sessions is your baby’s safety. I will verbally communicate what to do and will model for you with demonstrations as needed. There’s are plenty of different ways to hold a baby - so if you aren’t quite confident holding your baby in the way I ask, I’ll quickly pivot and come up with an alternative that feels good and secure for you!

I’m here to make your session experience FUN and as stress-free as possible for you! During your time with me, I will handle all the little things so you don’t have to worry about them. I’ll tuck stray hairs, adjust your head angle so you don’t give yourself a double chin, and straighten your clothes. Your focus will be on your baby, and you will only have to worry about relaxing and enjoying yourself!

Leslie and Jordan loved the images from Luke’s newborn session so much that they chose to keep the full gallery! They are planning to return for Luke’s milestone sessions and we’ll create a compilation album at the very end of his First Year!

If you’re pregnant and thinking about a newborn session, congratulations! I’d love to work with your family and document this special time in your lives with beautiful photographs that will last a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you.

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this handsome little guy’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Mateo

I first worked with Erised & Dan when they were expecting their first baby for their maternity session and was so excited to hear from Erised that she was pregnant again! She actually told me in person when she was at the studio to pick up an order from Benicio’s First Birthday session, and I may or may not have screamed in my excitement. Erised opted to enroll in The First Year collection to enjoy all the member perks - her favorite part of being a member is that she doesn’t have to remember to reach out to schedule upcoming sessions!

I LOVE working with clients for their maternity and newborn photos! Your maternity session is such a great way to get to know each other - much like an engagement session with your wedding photographer! When you bring your baby to me for their newborn session, you’ll already be at ease with me and in front of my camera.


The sooner, the better!

I know you are excited, and probably a little overwhelmed juggling work, home, and all the baby prep! Why not get this checked off your list ASAP so you can set it and forget it? I have a limit on the number of newborns due in each month I accept for a guaranteed session. Most clients secure their session while they are early in their second trimester to ensure they have a spot on the studio calendar! Many of our repeat clients reach out as soon as they get a positive pregnancy test because they know how far in advance we fill up! (Don’t worry, your pregnancy news is safe with us if you’re waiting a while to tell the world!)

Remember: booking your newborn session doesn’t mean that you’re scheduling the exact date of the session! It simply reserves a guaranteed spot on my calendar, and we’ll schedule your date once baby has arrived and we know how you both are doing. There are lots of factors to consider when scheduling such as your baby’s birth weight, whether you had a c-section, and if there were any other complications. Typically we’ll schedule for 8-21 days of life with those factors taken into consideration!

Don’t stress if you’re reading this and your baby is already here! Sometimes our reserved newborns arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates. When this happens, that means there are some months I can take a last minute newborn client. Contact us NOW to check on if that’s possible for you!


When older siblings participate in a newborn session, we need to know what their nap schedule (if they take one) is. We want your older child(ren) to be as well rested as possible and will take their nap time into consideration when planning your session. If you have a school aged child - please know that we do not schedule newborn sessions on weekend days or late afternoons. Our clients treat a newborn session with us like they would a doctor or dentist appointment and plan for their child to be out of school for a couple of hours. Typically we see older siblings get checked out of school right before the noon hour to come and join at the studio for the session.

I start newborn sessions in the morning between 9 and 10 AM, with the first 90 minutes of session time devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway while I photograph your baby. So, you might as well treat yourself to some pampering. ;) Erised was a hair and makeup artist early on in her working life before children, so she usually does her own!

When Erised and Mateo arrived, I took Mateo out of his carseat and got started right away while Erised looked through some of the dresses I had pulled for her to look at. Since I’ve worked with her so many times previously, I knew which dresses would be perfect for her skin tone and were in line with her style preferences. Ultimately she chose to wear the same dress she had worn during her maternity session since she loved it so much! This is such a fun way to nod back to the days of pregnancy, and some mamas who have studio maternity sessions enjoy having a couple before/after images with similar posing of cradling their baby bump and then having baby cradled in their arms.

Mateo was the sweetest little guy with the most beautiful eyelashes, and such a great sleeper! He looked so different than his big brother did as a newborn too - although some of that was due to their weight difference at birth! Big brother was much bigger size wise than Mateo! As I was finishing up with Mateo’s solo portraits, the rest of the family arrived. Erised had brought a special outfit for Mateo that coordinated with Benicio, so she got him changed into that. Please know that you do NOT need to have matching outfits or a special outfit for your newborn unless you want to! If you choose to do that, be sure that the outfit is not too large for your baby and fits them snugly. If it’s too big, they’ll be swimming in an overflow of material and it can be hard to keep it from shifting up and looking strange.


Mateo was in and out of sleep at this point, which is always completely fine! I actually really love when I have an awake and alert newborn in the family images! Sometimes I get lucky with a photo of everyone actually looking at the camera (rare, but it does happen sometimes!). If your baby is awake and NOT calm, don’t worry. We’ll work together to figure out what they need and get them happy and content again! Sometimes all your baby needs is another feed, a diaper change, or some snuggle time with you.

Your baby’s safety is my TOP priority when you’re in my studio. I will not place your baby near their older siblings if they are not calm and still. Every toddler is different, so every session will look different! I’ll gauge how big siblings are doing with baby when deciding which types of photos are safe to do. Since Benicio was not interested in being next to his brother at first, we defaulted to family images with brother interaction. Eventually, we were able to get the brothers to lay next to each other - but you’ll see that Erised and Dan needed to have a hand on each child for safety.

Once Benicio was finished being in the photographs, he went home with grandma and grandpa! We undressed Mateo to wrap him in one of our studio blankets, and I finished up the session with parent images and a few more solo of Mateo.


I keep it simple for you! You just had a baby, so the last thing you need is to deal with anything complicated. About a week after their session, Erised & Dan viewed their proof gallery and chose their collection. They knew they wanted to keep every image and have an album just like big brother Benicio had!

When their final images were completed, they chose which ones they wanted in their album, and I designed a proof for them. Album proofs are viewed online, and if revisions are requested, I’ll take care of that for you! 99% of the time clients approve the first go, which Erised did. She chose her favorite leather album cover, and I put the order in!


When your order arrives at the studio (typically within 2-4 weeks of ordering!) you’ll get an email from me! Each week I send out an email to my clients who have orders ready for pickup. The email outlines the pickup process with a link to a scheduling calendar for the week ahead. You’ll simply click to make your reservation and come to the studio at that date and time for your contactless pickup!


Are you pregnant and interested in reserving a newborn session with us for your baby? We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, the experience we offer our clients, and how we can serve you. Contact us today to chat!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Sonic

Rebecca had completed a maternity session at our field location with us and she loved the experience so much that she asked to reserve a  newborn session for after her son arrived. We fortunately still had room for another newborn in the month he was due, so we were able to get her taken care of! If you want to see the pictures from their maternity session, just click here!


Your baby will grow SO quickly, and the newborn stage is incredibly fleeting. It’s amazing how much your baby will change in appearance from their first days to weeks, to months. Preserving exactly how they looked when they were at their tiniest is what I specialize in, and I absolutely love being able to give parents these memories in tangible form for a lifetime! You will never regret having these photographs taken.

If you’re wondering when you should book your baby’s newborn session, the answer is NOW. Don’t wait until your baby is born to try and find a photographer. You will be tired, sleep deprived, and not in the best frame of mind to make major decisions. Who you entrust with your baby’s and your family’s first photographs is a pretty big one!

To reserve your newborn session, you need to reserve a spot on our calendar in advance because I have limited space for newborns due in each month, and I book pretty far in advance. To give you an idea: more and more of my clients are choosing to reserve their sessions in their first trimester or right at the end of it to ensure they have a guaranteed spot.

Once I reach my monthly newborn capacity, there are no more available spots. This policy is in place to ensure we can provide the excellent experience and service that you deserve! Reserving your session is NOT scheduling the exact date since it’s impossible to guess when your baby will actually be born. When your baby arrives, you will let me know and we will then schedule your session to take place here in the studio! Typically, clients can expect to be scheduled to come in between the first 8-21 days of life, depending on how much their baby weighed at birth, if they were early/late, and if there were any delivery or postpartum complications that necessitate some extra recovery time at home.

If you’re reading this and your newborn is already here, you can always check with the studio to see if we have availability for a last minute newborn. There are times throughout the month that we have the space to take on an additional client if we’ve had a lot of our reserved newborns arrive early and they have already been photographed that month. You’ll never know unless you ask!


On the morning of their session, Rebecca and Bo arrived to the studio with Sonic in tow. Rebecca was a bit concerned about how their session would go because she said that he sometimes would get fussy and take a while to calm down. I reassured her that I have seen it all at this point (I’m in my ninth year of business!) and that it wouldn’t be a problem even if he was fussy. I have all sorts of tricks up my sleeve and am very skilled at assessing a baby and what they might need to calm down. If your baby is fussy at times, know that this is NORMAL and we will get through it! There is no such thing as a “good” baby or a “bad” baby. When your baby is fussy or cries, it’s because they need something, and it’s our job to figure out what it is! I have a four hour chunk of time allotted for your newborn session to allow for calming and soothing your baby, as well as diaper changes and feedings just in case we need that much time. It will be fine, I promise! And just so you know: most newborn sessions are accomplished in 2-2.5 hours - the 4 hour chunk is just my “insurance” policy if your baby needs a lot of soothing time!

Sonic was a BIG boy, born at nearly nine pounds, and had the squishiest cheeks. Rebecca already knew we had tons of options available in our client wardrobe from when she had tried on options for her maternity session, and had a pretty good idea of which dress she wanted to wear for her newborn session. She felt both beautiful and comfortable in her choice of a mauve cap sleeved dress, which is exactly what the goal is when choosing what to wear.

Baby Sonic was a super sleepy guy, and he slept right through his solo portraits. He had the cutest little nose and head of black hair, and was just a chunky love bug!


You will notice when looking through my blog posts and portfolio that I primarily use neutral colors for newborn sessions. There’s a few thoughtful reasons for this!

  1. Neutrals are timeless. They will stand the test of time and be impervious to being dated by trendy colors.

  2. Netrals keep the focus on your baby and all their unique details. There are no loud colors competing for attention with your baby.

  3. Neutrals look good on everyone! While the specific shades I use for your baby will depend on their skin tone, I have quite a few that are versatile and will work with pretty much every baby’s skin.


After we finished up with Sonic’s solo portraits, Rebecca and Bo changed his diaper and gave him a bottle. He was alert at this point and looking around with a very serene gaze. Rebecca asked if we needed to get him back to sleep, and I told her it wasn’t necessary for the next part as long as he stayed happy and calm. I actually ADORE when babies have their eyes open during the parent and family portion because I’m able to capture that connection between parents and babies taking each other in. If this is your first baby and you didn’t have a lot of hands on experience prior to your baby’s birth, you might feel a little nervous or unsure of how to hold them. I will guide you and show you just what to do for your family portraits, so you don’t need to be concerned about figuring it out on your own. A lot of my clients have told me that a newborn session with me was like attending a Baby 101 class and that they learned things they wish had been covered in all their birth and baby prep classes! I have three children of my own, and have photographed hundreds of newborns over the past nine years of being a professional family & baby photographer. Prior to being a mom, I was a governess and overnight baby nurse so parents could get more sleep - in my tenure as a baby nurse I had NINE sets of twins. With all this combined professional and personal experience of being a mother myself, I have a LOT knowledge to share, and I am more than happy to be a resource for you if you ask! Don’t worry though: you won’t get unsolicited advice from me or be told you should do XYZ!


Not only will I guide you though how to hold your baby and what to do throughout your session, I’ll also make sure to tuck back any stray hairs. (Postpartum baby hair is REAL and sets in quicker than you think!) I pay attention to the little details, and adjust clothing and all those little things as needed. You just had a baby so the last thing you need is to deal with anything complicated. My client experience requires minimal brainpower from my clients, and we strive to make everything as simple as possible for you from first contact to final product delivery!

During your time with me, I want your focus to be holding and admiring your new baby. The family portion is typically the “easiest” part of our time together ! All you have to do is admire this amazing little human that you’ve welcomed into your family while following my gentle prompts for natural interaction with your baby and as a new family.

If you're expecting a new baby, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m so thrilled for you, and would love to be considered as your trusted photographer for your newborn and family’s first portraits.

We will work together to create images that you will treasure for a lifetime and pass down through generations, and you’ll never regret taking the time to have these moments photographed. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio, and contact us to learn more about our client experience!

Enjoy a few of my favorite photos from Sonic’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn and Family Photographer | Baby Bence

Mayers contacted the studio to learn more about booking a  newborn session after her son had arrived. She had relocated to the Atlanta area from her home state of Texas, so didn’t know many people in the area but loved what she saw on our website and knew we were the perfect fit for her family. After speaking with Caroline (our full time studio manager) and learning more about our client experience and COVID safety, she proceeded to book her son’s newborn session.

On the morning of their session, new parents Mayers and Jeremy arrived at the studio with Bence, and grandma accompanied them as well. We welcome grandparents in the studio, and have them present just for their part in the session. Mayers had brought a couple of options from home but looked through the studio wardrobe with her mother, and found a dress she really loved. Grandma also found something in our client wardrobe for herself too which she felt and looked fabulous in.

Baby Bence was awake upon his arrival, and Mayers expressed concern that he wasn’t sleeping. I reassured her that it was totally fine because he was calm and content. If your baby is awake and fussy, I’ll have you meet their needs with snuggling or a feeding to get them to a relaxed and happy state. I could see that Bence was tired and getting sleepy so I knew he wouldn’t be awake for long! Alert babies are so much fun to photograph and I work to get those eye contact images of your little one. After a few minutes of being swaddled up and warm with the sound machine turned on, Bence fell into a deep sleep, and I continued the session. I have an array of neutrals here in the studio, and I choose which are used based on your baby’s skin tone. Neutrals are timeless and will still look beautiful decades from now. They also keep the focus on your baby and all their unique details, which is where it should be! My posing and wrapping is very natural and led by your baby. I will not force your baby into any position they don’t want to be in, because their comfort and safety is important to me.

After we finished up with Bences’ solo images, he was awake again and a little bit fussy due to being hungry and having a wet diaper. Mayers took him for a feeding break and a change and once he was settled, we moved on to the family images.

I absolutely LOVE observing and photographing new parents together with their little one! There is always a sense of awe and wonder, and a whole lot of love. A lot of my clients don’t have a lot of prior experience with babies, and are still getting comfortable with handling and moving them around.

If this is your first baby, and you don’t have a lot of prior experience with babies, there is NO need to be nervous about your session! My utmost priority is your baby’s safety. I will verbally walk you through what to do and will model for you with demonstrations. There’s more than one way to hold a baby - so if you aren’t quite confident holding your baby in a certain way, I’ll seamlessly pivot and find an alternative that is comfortable and feels secure for you!

I’m here to make your experience fun and as stress-free as possible for you! During our time together, I will take care of all the little things so you don’t have to stress. I will smooth stray hairs and adjust your head angle so you don’t give yourself a double chin. I want your focus to be on your baby and for you to truly relax and enjoy yourself.

Grandma jumped in for some images with Bence and Mayers also, which I just loved. Bence was so alert and “looked” at the camera for so many of the family images. It’s always fun when this happens….but be aware that it’s always 100% sheer chance when it does. I can’t guarantee that your newborn will open their eyes at any point during their session - not every baby wakes up!

Mayers and Jeremy loved the images from Bence’s newborn session so much that they chose to keep all of them. They selected a gorgeous large framed print of their favorite image from the session. W e had a lot of fun choosing the best frame moulding for the print from my studio line, and the print now hangs in a very prominent place in their home for them to enjoy on a daily basis.

A lot of my clients ask if I like framed artwork or albums better when deciding what they want for their own homes…. I love both, but I’m a fan of seeing your photos EVERY day… and the best way to do that is on the wall of your home, so framed prints definitely have an edge over albums in that area!

If you’re expecting a new baby, congratulations! I’d love to work with your family and document this special time in your lives with beautiful photographs that will last a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you.

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this sweet little boy’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Atticus

Katrina contacted the studio to learn more about booking a  newborn session after her son had arrived and had been referred by a good friend who is a client of ours. We had last minute availability, and told her that we could fit her in that same week.

Katrina had initially thought she wouldn’t do a newborn session because she was concerned about COVID, but when she saw how fast her son was growing, she didn’t want to miss out on such a special time - the newborn stage is so fleeting! Her friend had filled her in our safety protocols, and she liked what she heard. For those who are wondering: yes, I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, and my full protection kicked in on April 12, 2021. I also wear a mask with clients at all times in the studio! After speaking with Caroline (our full time studio manager) and learning more about the experience and our process, Katrina proceeded to book her newborn session.

She also opted to add on hair and makeup services, and was thrilled that this was an option to her! No worrying about trying to get ready in between nursing and packing your diaper bag the morning of your session!

Our in home newborn sessions have been indefinitely suspended due to COVID-19, and we are currently only offering studio sessions: the only thing you need to worry about is just getting here. You should know that in-home newborn sessions actually require so MUCH work on your part: cleaning, moving distracting elements out of rooms, turning the heat up to get it warm enough in the house, and the list goes on. Most moms don’t want to deal with all that while recovering from childbirth and dealing with sleep deprivation. With a studio newborn session: you simply show up. You’ll enter our sanitized studio which will be set to the perfect temperature for your baby, and has perfect natural lighting from our giant 25 foot long wall of windows.

On the morning of their session, Katrina and her husband arrived at the studio with Atticus. Katrina had brought some options from home but looked through the studio wardrobe and fell in love with one of our casual cream jersey dresses. She felt beautiful AND comfortable - both important factors!

Baby Atticus was awake when he arrived, so I took the opportunity to photograph him with his eyes open. Atticus was a BIG boy, and I knew he would need to eat based on his rooting and squirming. When he started getting fussy, I took him to Katrina over in the hair and makeup chair for a feeding and snuggle break, and that did the trick! Once he was soundly asleep in his mother’s arms after a full feeding, I took him back to the shooting area to finish his solo portrait. He stayed asleep for the rest of the session, and was very easy to pose and work with due to being in such a deep sleep!

I use neutral tones here in the studio, and I select them with your baby’s skin tone in mind. Neutrals are 100% timeless and will still look classic 50 andeven 100 years from now. The use of neutrals keeps the focus on your baby and all their unique details, which is where it belongs.. My posing and wrapping is also baby led and kept very natural. I will never force your baby into a position they don’t want to be in. The safety and comfort of your baby is my utmost priority when they are in my care.

After I finished up with Atticus’s solo portraits, he had a diaper change and another short feeding break to calm him back to sleep. Most babies get pretty mad when their diaper is changed, so I always have parents change the diaper BEFORE feeding, so we can help calm baby down. Once he was asleep and content, we moved on to the parent and family portion of the session!

I LOVE observing first time parents with their little one! For many of my clients, their baby is the FIRST baby they have ever held and they’re still getting the hang of handling them. Most of my first timers are a little nervous because they aren’t used to handling their baby while standing up. If you think about it: when you’re at home with your new baby, most of the care you are giving your baby is while seated, or in bed, or with them on the changing table or other surface.

 If you are one of those first time parents that doesn’t have much hands on baby experience, there is NO need to stress. I will verbally walk you through the entire session along with demonstrations and adjustments if needed. There are plenty of ways to hold your baby - so if you don’t feel secure or confident holding your baby one specific way, we’ll adapt it to a way that you are! 

I’ll tuck back stray hairs and adjust your clothing if needed throughout our time together. I want your focus can be holding and admiring your new baby while following my gentle direction, not on whether your hair looks okay. The family photos are typically the “easiest” part of our time together! The only thing you have to do is admire the amazing little baby that you’ve welcomed into your family. One other perk of choosing to to work with me for your baby’s first family portraits is that I’ll make sure you don’t give yourself a self inflicted triple chin while looking at your baby.  ;) 

My goal is to make sure that your session is fun and relaxed, and we will create images that are natural and true to life. Let me help you preserve those special moments for generations to come! Your baby will grow up before you know it, and soon enough they'll be a teenager in the ninth. You're going to want pictures of them when they were impossibly tiny so you never forget these memories. Contact us today for more information and discuss booking your session with us!

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this sweet little guy’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Jude

***In-home sessions have been temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 situation and it is not known at this time when they will resume.***

Stephanie contacted us for a last minute newborn session when she was in her first trimester. She and her husband had a very long road to have a baby and were so thrilled to be expecting. They opted to wait until baby arrived to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. I love this approach… I’m a little biased since I also chose to wait to find out with all three of my children!

Stephanie requested an in-home session because she loves the decor in Jude’s nursery and wanted it in the images and didn’t care as much about having the solo portraits of Jude. Please note that I do not bring my wraps, lighting equipment, or posing surface to home. I work with whatever is available within your home.

As a note: I am fully protected with the Pfizer vaccine as of April 12, 2021 when full protection kicked in after my second dose on March 29, 2021. I always wear an N95 mask when I am with clients regardless of their vaccination status.


I accept a limited number of newborns due each month. You deserve an incredible portrait experience from start to finish, and limiting the number of monthly newborn sessions is how we make that possible for all!

Reserving your newborn session means you are guaranteeing a newborn session for your baby on the calendar. It does NOT mean that you are scheduling the specific date.

No one can accurately predict your baby’s birth date. Sorry, Aunt Matilda. When your mother gave birth to you has no bearing on when you will give birth. Doesn’t matter when your mother-in-law did either. I’ve had so many moms tell me they were absolutely going to deliver the baby early because of a variety of factors and end up having baby at 41 weeks. I’ve also had the reverse! Welcome to motherhood: also known as the wild ride where nothing is absolutely certain anymore except for the incredible love you have for your child!

“What if I have a scheduled delivery because I’m high risk?” Also doesn’t matter. I’ve lost count of the number of reserved babies born before their scheduled induction or c-section date! I’ve also had mothers show up to the hospital for an induction and be sent home with delivery happening a week later than planned for whatever reason.

When your baby does arrive, you will notify us via phone or email as soon as you’re able to - preferably within the first 48 hours. We’ll you ask a few questions and based on the answers, schedule your session date! There are quite a few factors that go into determining the best time to schedule your session. Some of these factors include (but are not limited to) the length of your partner’s paternity leave, any delivery complications for you or baby, how you’re feeling post delivery, how much your baby weighed at birth, etc.


If you are deciding between an in-home or studio newborn session, let’s go over the major differences between the two to help you determine which is best for you! If you’re still not sure after reading through this blog post, please call the studio and we’ll discuss the options at length with you!

If you choose an in-home session, you will need to:

  • Understand that your images will be lifestyle oriented with baby in your arms for the most part.

  • Be ready to start your session upon my arrival.

  • Ensure you have ample natural light in your home.

  • Have neutral colored walls in your home.

  • Be ok with not having access to our studio wardrobe that is complimentary to our clients.

  • NOT be married to the idea of shooting in a particular spot within your home. I will assess your home upon arrival and we will be shooting where the best light is available.

  • NOT have cats living in your home. I am highly allergic and cannot travel to homes with cats, but dogs are totally fine!

  • Tidy your house and declutter. You will need to be willing for things to be moved at my direction if they are distracting in your images.

  • Unplug lamps, clocks, etc in the rooms and hide the cords so they are not in the photos.

  • Understand that there will be fewer solo portraits of your baby and that they will be wrapped in a blanket on your bed or in your arms. There will not be wrapped solo portraits like what you see for my natural posing.

So, as you can see, it is actually NOT “easier” to choose in-home for your newborn session, and it limits the types of images that will be taken.

Many clients tell us the reason they want an in-home session is because they want to showcase their baby’s nursery. (1) We may not be able to use your nursery if the lighting does not work. (2) Your baby is completely unaware of their surroundings as a newborn. An in-home milestone session for your baby’s 6 month session when they can sit unassisted on the floor of their nursery and hold on to the side of their crib while standing is such a fun way to show off the nursery with your baby actually aware of everything and interacting with their toys! Just something to keep in mind when making your final decision! Ask about our First Year Collection for the perfect way to photograph your baby for their first year including their newborn, siting, and First Birthday milestone sessions.

The studio is the perfect setting for my blend of lifestyle meets posed, and all you have to do is worry about getting here. It’s also a nice break and gets you out of the house to a safe, private, and zero pressure location where you don’t have to worry about if your baby is crying or needs to eat. Once you’re here, everything else is taken care of for you!

If you choose a session here at the studio:

  • All you have to do is show up.

  • Your images will be consistent and like what is shown on my portfolio (which is why you’re hiring me!)

  • The studio is all neutral and intentionally designed to be a blank canvas so that your newborn and family are the focus, and your session images will look beautiful in any home.

  • You can add on hair and makeup services to your session, so you don’t have to worry about getting yourself ready while managing everything at home.

  • You will not have to stress about cleaning your house after just having had a baby.

  • You’ll have access to our studio wardrobe.

  • The studio will be heated to the perfect temperature so your baby is comfortable.

  • You will have solo and naturally posed portraits of your baby intermixed with family and parent images.

  • ALL your needs will be met, and you will be very comfortable! We have everything you need here - elevator access for recovering c-section mamas, a full kitchen, private bathroom, Nespresso coffee machine, nursing pillows, extra diapers and wipes…..the list goes on!

  • You’ll have a gallery that is a perfect mixture of lifestyle blended with posed images.

  • You won’t have to worry about whether the lighting is adequate enough.

  • You can take a nap on the couch, or connect your laptop and work remotely with our studio Google Fiber

  • If you have older children, they will most likely better behaved at the studio than at home. It’s true! Ever notice how your children are always perfect angels at school or when visiting another household? The expectations are different! When I go to client homes, toddlers are really comfortable in their own environment. Because of that, they are easily distracted, and often much more difficult to work with. When they come to the studio, it’s a new place with far less distraction, because they have nowhere familiar to run off to for escape or toys to distract them.


If you choose an in-home session, here's what you can expect.

I will arrive and when I come into your home, I will do a quick walk through to see where the best light is and where the best places to shoot are within. If you need any input on what to wear from your closet, I’ll go through your options quickly and pull it all together for you if we haven’t already done this in advance of your session via virtual consult. I’ll rearrange decor and furniture as necessary and may ask you to move things for the best images. We’ll transition through the different areas in your home that are adequate for lighting and composition.

I will photograph your family the EXACT same way I would if we were in the studio - you’ll just have your home interior as the background! If there is an area and surface (ie: bed, ottoman) with adequate light that I can photograph your baby alone on, I will wrap them in a blanket you have on hand for some simple solo images!

Stephanie and Gene lived in a small townhouse, but had the benefit of the nursery and living room being incredibly well lit. The living room had a sliding patio door so was essentially a giant floor to ceiling window. The images taken in front of that window look pretty much EXACTLY like they would here in my studio. Due to a very firm shaped couch in their home located right by that window, I was able to accomplish some of those posed solo portraits with Jude as well even though that’s typically NOT the norm.

When we finished with the downstairs photographs, we headed upstairs to the nursery. Stephanie changed into a another outfit (also available in my studio wardrobe!) and brought in their white fluffball shepherd for some sweet images including her.


After I leave your home, you can expect your proof gallery in about 7 business days beginning the day after your session! You’ll look through it, decide on your favorites, and choose what best fits your needs! Stephanie and Gene loved all of Jude’s images and it was impossible to narrow them down, so she chose the full collection of images so she wouldn’t have to!

Enjoy some of my favorites from Jude’s in-home newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Connor

Joanie and David contacted the studio when their son was already 2 weeks old to see if they could book a newborn session for him! They were in the process of selling a house and looking for a new one, and had simply gotten so busy with all of that they’d forgotten to schedule one.

Joanie asked if the session could include family images also, and we assured her that they always do. Having a newborn session is an event that will be so special for your entire family. The big siblings are important members of your family, and they should feel included in this process too! My newborn galleries are a combination of solo newborn portraits mixed with family/parent images, as well as sibling/baby images where applicable and when safe.


If you know you want to work with me, reach out right away. It’s never too early to reserve your session! Here’s why: Reserving your newborn session does NOT mean you are booking an exact date for your session. This is impossible since birth dates are unpredictable! When you reserve, you are guaranteed a session for your baby! When your baby arrives, you’ll notify us, and we will then schedule the exact date for your session.

I provide excellent service for each and every client, so I limit the number of newborn sessions that are available in a month. This way I can be certain that you will have the level of service you deserve from start to finish! When clients reserve with us, they secure themselves a guaranteed spot.

Are you holding your newborn while reading things and thinking you might have missed the boat? Maybe not! Our booked newborns often arrive earlier or later than the estimated due date. As such, there are some months that I can take a last minute newborn client. Get in touch with us right away to see if we can accommodate you!


Joanie let me know that her two year old daughter would also be participating in the session! I welcome older siblings, and love when they participate. We will ask you what your child’s nap schedule is because we want to ensure they’re well rested and adjust timing to reflect that if needed. Dads always relax at home and bring any older siblings the session later after the newborn solo images have been completed. This gives mama a break with some peace and quiet, and dads and toddlers are happiest at home until they’re needed!

Newborn sessions are scheduled for morning hours and start time between 9 and 10 AM depending on the time of year. The 90 minutes of our time together is devoted to photographing your baby alone, which makes it the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services! Adding on beauty services does NOT lengthen your session. I’m actively photographing baby only while you’re being prepped. Go ahead and treat yourself, since you’ll just be sitting on the couch anyway! ;) Added bonus: our HMUA team is pure magic at making our sleep deprived mothers look rested. Undereye circles, be gone! Joanie was thrilled that we offered this service and jumped at the opportunity to pamper herself.

When Joanie and Connor arrived at the studio the morning of his session, I took him out of his carseat and got started photographing his solo images right away while Joanie settled into the HMUA chair.

Connor was WIDE awake as he was an older newborn (3.5 weeks) due to being a last minute one. Despite being wide awake, he was very calm. I never stress if I have an awake baby, because I love the images that I can create with direct eye contact. He did eventually fall fast asleep, so his solo portraits were a great mix of awake and asleep. As I was finishing up with his solo portraits, dad and big sister Hanna arrived. Everyone got themselves dressed and ready. We started the session with Connor wrapped in a blanket, and Joanie asked to dress Conoor in an outfit she had bought specifically for some family images. If you want your baby to wear a special outfit, please be sure that it fits snugly. If the outfit is too large and swallows them up, you will be struggling throughout the session trying to make sure their face is visible and not obscured by the material.


As I mentioned before, if your newborn is awake during your session, it’s not a problem at all as long as they are calm. If they're awake and fussy, no need to stress either. We’ll work together to figure out how to soothe your baby into a calm state for photos.

I started out the session photographing Hanna and Connor together for sibling images. I start with the sibling photos because these are usually the highest priority for clients. Most of the time, your toddler will be the most cooperative upon arrival to the studio. I work quickly and efficiently to photograph siblings, each parent with their children, and whole family before your toddler’s patience runs out! How I photograph your children together entirely depends on your older child. In Hanna’s case, she was full of energy and preferred to run around, so having them next to each other was not possible for safety reasons. You’ll see how we ended up doing their images when you scroll down!

The TOP priority in my studio is safety for all involved. I will not place your newborn near their older sibling(s) if they are not calm or are not capable of following my direction. Every toddler is different, so I’ll assess your child and go from there. Parents are always right outside the camera frame just inches away and ready to intervene!


About a week after their session, Joanie and David viewed Connor’s proof gallery and chose her collection. They chose a collection which included an album and all of the digital files, because they loved their gallery so much that they didn’t want to narrow it down! When I was finished with the final editing of her session, they chose which ones they wanted within their album and their favorite for the framed wall art.

Most clients look through the different album options that we have available as samples in the studio and snap photos of the cover options with their phone before leaving. Album design and proofing is handled virtually, and it’s a simple process for my clients. Most clients approve their proof immediately with no revisions, and once it’s approved to print, I send it off!

After your album is ordered, it takes about 4-6 weeks (due to their handcrafted construction) for it arrive and be ready for pickup. If you’re interested in having your favorite image on the wall to enjoy instead of or in addition to an heirloom album, I have an absolutely beautiful line of frame moulding for you to look at here at the studio as well. Ask about our design mockup service when choosing to purchase frames from - I am here to make your decision making a snap! We make it easy for our clients! We’ve been there, and we know the last thing you need is to deal with something super complicated when you’re in the throes of the newborn stage.


As your baby grows, so do the memories. That's why you need to secure your newborn session sooner rather than later - and I can't wait until we get started! We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to speak on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from Connor’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Harper

Lilly contacted the studio at last minute after her daughter was born to ask if we had any last minute availability for a newborn session. She had found us by searching Google, and thought we were a perfect fit for her family. Because our reserved babies had all already been born, we did have availability to schedule them to come in. She also requested to add on our HMUA services since she knew that trying to get ready at home juggling a toddler and newborn would be unnecessarily stressful. We make it easy for our clients! You deserve to be able to enjoy your baby or toddler's first days, weeks and months without worrying about anything, so booking is an easy and streamlined process and is all handled securely online.

You should take care of yourself, not spend time figuring out the ins and outs.


Can you believe it's never too early to reserve your newborn session once you know you’re pregnant? As an expecting or brand new parent, I know that there are so many things on the radar. But don't put off these memories and get your session reserved as soon as possible.

When you reserve your newborn session, you are NOT scheduling your exact session date.

Scheduling your specific newborn session date is impossible, since due dates are just an estimate!

We want to provide excellent service for each and every client, so we limit the number of newborn sessions that are available in a month. This way we can be certain that all of our clients are well taken care of at the level they deserve. Once we reach our monthly newborn limit, our newborn schedule is closed for that month and we maintain a wait list.

If you’re like Lilly and reading this after your newborn has arrived and is still less than 21 days old right now, don’t panic! It is not unusual for our reserved babies to come “early” or “late”. This means that some months we have the ability to take on a last minute newborn clien or twot. Contact us right away, and we might be able to schedule you in our calendar, but you’ll never know if you don’t ask.


A newborn session is an event that is be so special for the entire family. The big siblings are such important members of your family, and they should feel included in this process too! When toddler siblings are involved in newborn sessions, we ask what their schedule is so we can plan for the most successful session! We want them to be happy, well rested, and fed at the time they arrive for their portion.

Newborn sessions in the studio have a start time that is between 9 and 10 AM depending on the time of year. The first 90 minutes of session time is set aside for photographing your baby solo.

The beginning of the session is the perfect time for you enjoy pampering yourself with our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing during your baby’s solo portraits! Our HMUA team is fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and are lots of fun to talk to. They’re also complete magicians with makeup and will ensure that you look like yourself, minus the sleep deprivation. ;)

Older siblings and dads arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve started photographing your baby’s solo portraits. I am usually finished with these by the time mama is done in hair and makeup, and will transition to the sibling and family portion of the session. My goal is to get all of the photos with your toddler in them done FIRST so that they don’t have to sit around any longer than necessary! :)

Once your toddler is finished with being in photographs , they are free to play until we’re finished with dad/baby and baby/parent images. Some parents will have Grandma whisk them away to take them back home, but if you don’t have family help, no worries!

Some families ask if we can start with family photos. The answer is generally no. I have found in my 9 years of experience working with newborns that changing the flow of starting with newborn solo images usually backfires. What usually ends up happening is your baby becomes overstimulated and fussy from the start with all the activity and noise, and never quite settles. As a result, I will not be able to get as varied of a gallery in our allotted time.


Lilly and Harper arrived, and we looked through the studio dresses. She loved one of our gorgeous mauve dresses in the client wardrobe and settled into the hair and makeup chair for some pampering time while I got started photographing Harper!

Harper was absolutely adorable and very alert when she arrived! She was such a great sleeper, and we moved through the solo portraits pretty quickly. When I finished up, big brother Hudson and dad weren’t there yet so Lilly put on her dress, and dressed Harper in the outfit she had brought along for her. Most mamas do not bring an outfit for baby, but if you have one that is important to you, we can definitely use that. The outfit should fit your baby well and not be too baggy, otherwise it will cause you more stress than it’s worth.

I have quite the assortment of soft, textured, and beautiful neutral blankets to wrap your baby in for the family portrait, as well as a few onesies and gowns. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of blankets vs. gown/outfit, but the ultimate choice is yours! Using a blanket is always classic and what the majority of my clients choose, but larger or fidgety newborns can be difficult to keep in the wrap. Putting those babies in a onesie or a gown takes care of that issue, and still looks timeless and adorable!

When Hudson and daddy arrived, we moved right into the family portion!


It is my goal to photograph sibling images first, followed by each parent with their children, and wrapped up with the whole family together.

Sibling images are often the most important to my clients! 9 times out of 10 your toddler will be the most cooperative as soon as they arrive at the studio, so I take advantage of those first few minutes by making sure we’re ready to go! I move very quickly and transition seamlessly between each image, while respecting your child’s interest and cooperation level too.

For our newborns, safety is the number one priority. I make sure that your newborn is not near any older siblings alone if they cannot be calm and listen to instructions. Every toddler has a different energy so I will assess how they're doing when deciding which types of images are safely possible.

Hudson was a VERY sweet and attentive toddler who was so excited about his baby sister! As I was photographing Hudson and Harper together for their sibling images, their parents were mere inches from the pair of them ready to swoop in and intervene if necessary.

Once we had finished all of the photographs with Hudson and Harper together, we transitioned to the family and parent portion.While I do have a pretty typical flow, sometimes your older child will need a break, and I’ll adjust things to accommodate that. It's important that everyone in your family is included and has a good time, including older siblings!


We make it easy and stress-free for our clients! After you’ve had a baby the LAST thing you need is to contend with anything that is overly complicated.

About a week after their session, Lilly and Josh viewed their proof gallery and chose their favorite images for their desired collection.


Our framed artwork is typically ready in about 2-6 weeks. Sometimes a particular moulding will be on backorder, but you’ll be informed of that before the order is placed so you’re aware of it and can change to one in stock if having it quickly is important to you. When you choose the image(s) your want framed, we’ll discuss the best size for where you plan to hang it in your home.

Once the the size is chosen, the print is ordered! After it comes in, we then “dress” the print together with the moulding (frame). We’ll choose the best frame from our line for your image and home decor/personal style preferences. We’ll also decide on the mat width - I’m a fan of 3-5” inch mats depending on the size of the print.

As a virtual appointment for choosing frames, we’ll have a text message conversation where I'll help you decide on the perfect frame to fit your image tone and then send over some photos of suggested frames next to your print. Most clients are able to choose their favorite pretty quickly. If you’d rather come into the studio to see the frames in person with your image for yourself, I can do that too!

After you’ve chosen your frame, we’ll talk about the mat. The mat size depends on your frame! I'll determine the best one that complements both it and your print. The larger the print, the wider my mat should be to balance it out - but this will also depend on what width of frames you can hang from a wall or in an oversized space.

Once that’s nailed down, I then order your frame, mat, and GORGEOUS museum glass. I am absolutely obsessed with museum glass! It might seem strange to describe glass as being stunning, but it really is. You can barely see the glass in the frame when looking at it because of how crystal clear and transparent with very little glare. I also love that 99% UV protection which makes sure there’s no fading or discoloration on my artwork! If you aren’t sure what museum quality framing looks like, you will once you’re in the studio - there are plenty of pieces hanging right up on these walls for your viewing pleasure!

When the frame, mat, and museum glass arrive at my studio, I mat the print, and assemble the entire piece. The last step of framing is to finish the back of the frame with paper and hanging hardware. This means that all you’ll have to do is hang it up on your wall. Once it’s there, you will find yourself standing in front of it and be transported back to the time it was taken. Your children will love looking at it also. How do I know? From personal experience! I have a gallery wall in my own home with treasured family images. I find myself standing in front of the framed prints marveling at how quickly my children have grown in the years since they were taken even though it feels like it was just YESTERDAY. My kids really love them too. They have commented that seeing these portraits makes them feel loved, and asked if I could frame their favorite images to hang on the walls of their rooms as well!

If you order framed artwork from us that contains a 16x20 or larger print, I’ll deliver their finished artwork right to your front doorstep within a 20 mile radius of the studio. If you reside further away than this radius, you’ll need to make pickup arrangements. If you don’t have large framed artwork as part of your order, you’ll come to the studio and pick up your order when it’s ready. I send a weekly email to clients with a link to schedule on designated pickup days and time windows throughout the week. Your order pickup is safe, contactless, and simple.


Are you expecting a new baby and interested in reserving a newborn session with us? We would LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer and how best we can serve you! Please contact us today to set up a time to speak on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Levi

Kari contacted us for a last minute newborn session after her daughter, Levi had arrived. She wasn’t sure that we would be available but she took the chance anyway, and was glad she did! Kari requested an in-home session because she loves her home decor and wanted it in the images, but also really wanted to have posed studio images of her baby as well. I do not bring my wraps and posing surfaces to homes . They decided on two sessions so they could have the best of both worlds, which is definitely an option available for clients! Booking two sessions means that you would your baby to the studio for solo portraits, and I would then travel to your home for the second in-home session sometime in the following couple of days, and images from both sessions are presented together in one proof gallery for you to choose from!

As a note: I am fully protected with the Pfizer vaccine as of April 12, 2021 when full protection kicked in. I wear an N95 mask with clients regardless of their vaccination status.


I can only accept a limited number of newborns due each month. Limiting the number of newborn clients I take ensures I am able serve all of my clients equally at the level they deserve.

Reserving your newborn session means you are guaranteeing a newborn session for your baby on my calendar, not booking the exact session date. No one can accurately predict your baby’s birth date. I have lost count of how many of my newborns were born before their scheduled induction or c-section date! When your baby is born, you’ll let us know, and we’ll schedule your session date! There are SO many factors that determine when we schedule your session. These include but are not limited to: length of your partner’s paternity leave, any complications for you or baby, how you’re feeling post delivery, how much your baby weighed at birth, etc.


If booking two sessions isn’t possible for you and you are deciding between an in-home or studio newborn session, let’s go over the differences!

If you choose an in-home session, you will need to:

  • Understand that your images will be lifestyle oriented.

  • Be ready to start your session upon my arrival.

  • Ensure you have ample natural light in your home.

  • Have neutral colored walls in your home.

  • Be ok with not having access to our studio wardrobe that is complimentary to our clients.

  • NOT be married to the idea of shooting in a particular spot within your home. I will assess your home upon arrival and we will be shooting where the best light is available.

  • NOT have cats (I am highly allergic and cannot travel to homes with cats, but dogs are fine!

  • Clean your house and declutter, and be prepared for things to be moved at my direction if they are distracting.

  • Unplug lamps, clocks, etc in the rooms and hide the cords so they are not in the photos.

  • Be okay with limited solo portraits of your baby, wrapped in a blanket on your bed or in your arms. There will not be wrapped solo portraits like what you see for my natural posing.

So, as you can see, it is actually NOT necessarily “easier” to have your newborn session be in your home, and it limits the types of images that will be taken.

One note: I hear a LOT of clients state that the reason they want an in-home session is because they want to showcase their baby’s nursery. I always like to remind my clients that their baby is completely unaware of their surroundings as a newborn. An in-home milestone session for your baby’s 6 month session when they can sit unassisted on the floor of their nursery and hold on to the side of their crib while standing is such a fun way to show off the nursery with your baby actually aware of everything and interacting with their toys! Just something to keep in mind! Be sure to ask about our First Year Collection for the perfect way to photograph your baby for newborn, siting, and First Birthday milestone sessions.

The studio is the perfect setting for my blend of lifestyle meets posed, and all you have to do is worry about getting here. It’s also a nice break and gets you out of the house to a safe, private, and zero pressure location where you don’t have to worry about if your baby is crying or needs to eat. Once you’re here, everything else is taken care of for you!

If you choose a session here at the studio:

  • All you have to do is literally show up at your session time.

  • Your images will be consistent and like what is shown on my portfolio (which is why you’re hiring me!)

  • The studio is all neutral and intentionally designed to be a blank canvas so that your newborn and family are the focus, and your session images will look beautiful in any home.

  • You can add on hair and makeup services to your session, so you don’t have to worry about getting yourself ready while managing everything at home.

  • You will not have to clean your house after just having had a baby and running on no sleep.

  • You’ll have access to our studio wardrobe.

  • The studio will be heated to the perfect temperature so your baby is comfortable.

  • You will have solo and naturally posed portraits of your baby intermixed with family and parent.

  • ALL your needs will be met, and you will be very comfortable! We have everything you need here - elevator access for recovering c-section mamas, a full kitchen, private bathroom, Nespresso coffee machine, nursing pillows, extra diapers and wipes…..the list goes on!

  • You will have a gallery that is a perfect mixture of lifestyle blended with posed images.

  • You will NOT have to worry about whether the lighting is adequate enough, because it is!

  • You can take a nap on the couch, or connect your laptop and work remotely with our studio Google Fiber

  • Your older children will be better behaved than at home - it’s true! Ever notice how your children are always perfect angels at school or someone else’ house and wonder why? The expectations are different! When I go to client homes, toddlers are extremely comfortable in their environment. They are easily distracted, and often much more difficult to get to cooperate. When they’re here at the studio, it’s a new place with far less distraction, because they have nowhere familiar to run off to for escape or toys to distract them.


If you choose an in-home session, here's the flow you can expect!

I will arrive to your home and when I come in, I will do a walk through to see where the best light is and where the best places to shoot are. If you need any input on what to wear from your closet, I’ll go through your options quickly and pull it all together for you. I’ll rearrange things as necessary and may ask you to move things to be more conducive to the resulting images. We’ll transition through different areas that are adequate for lighting and composition. I photograph you the EXACT same way I would in the studio - you will just have your home interior as the background! If there is an area and surface (ie: bed, ottoman) with adequate light that I can photograph your baby alone on, I will wrap them in a blanket you have on hand and photograph them alone for some simple solo portraits!


After I leave your home, you can expect your proof gallery in about 7 business days beginning the day after your session! You’ll look through it, decide on your favorites, and choose what best fits your needs! Kari loved all of Levi’s images from both sessions so much that she chose to purchase the full collection of images.

Enjoy some of my favorites from Levi’s studio and in-home sessions!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Austin

Laura contacted the studio in her second trimester to book a newborn session for her second baby. She was so excited to have found us. She really loved that we include family members in our session, since others she had contacted did not. I don’t photograph just your newborn, because your baby deserves to have photos with their family too. My session galleries are always a combination of your newborn alone for solo portraits and family/parent images!


If you know you want to work with me, now. It’s never too early! Here’s why: Reserving your newborn session does NOT mean you are booking an exact date for your session. This is impossible since birth dates are unpredictable! When you reserve, you are guaranteed a session for your baby! When your baby arrives, you simply let us know when they have arrived and we will go from there in scheduling the date for your newborn photos.

I know you’re most likely very busy with all the baby prep checklist, but do yourself a favor and don’t put this off! The majority of our clients contact us early in their second trimester to guarantee getting on our calendar. We can only take a certain number of newborns due in each month. We do this to ensure we are able deliver our unparalleled level of service that you deserve. Once I’m full, I’m full.

Has your baby already arrived? All is NOT necessarily lost. Our booked newborns tend to arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, so there are some months that we DO have the ability to take on a last minute newborn session. Get in touch with us right away, and we might be able to fit you in!


Laura let me know that her toddler daughter, Elle would also be participating in the session! I love and welcome older siblings, so no worries there! Dads plan to relax at home and to bring older siblings later once the newborn solo images have been completed.

When toddlers are involved with your baby’s newborn session, we will ask you what their nap schedule because we want to ensure they’re well rested. Studio newborn sessions are scheduled in the morning for a start time between 9 and 10 AM depending on the time of year. The 90 minutes of our time together is devoted to photographing your baby alone, which makes it the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services! Adding on our HMUA services does NOT extend your total session length as I’m actively photographing baby only while you’re being prepped…. so you may as well treat yourself since you’ll just be sitting on the couch anyway!

When Laura and Austin arrived, I took him out of his carseat and got started photographing his solo images right away.

Austin slept like a rock and and was a very snuggly little guy that curled up very easily for his wrapped photos, but did wake up towards the end and opened his eyes for some of the cutest eye contact images! As I was finishing up with his solo portraits, dad and big sister Elle arrived. Everyone got themselves dressed and ready, and Laura changed Austin into an outfit she had bought specifically for the family images. If you are planning to have your baby wear a special outfit, please be sure that it fits well and is snug. If your baby is dressed in an outfit that swallows them up, you will be fighting with the outfit the entire session trying to make sure their face is visible and not obscured by puffed loose material.


If your baby is awake during our time together, it’s no problem at all as long as they are calm! I LOVE when I have an alert baby, because then I have the opportunity photograph them with direct eye contact. It’s remarkable how different your baby can look when they’re peacefully asleep vs. wide eyed!

I started out the session photographing Elle and Austin together for sibling images. As long as it’s safe, I start with the sibling photos because these are usually the highest priority for clients. Most of the time, your toddler will be the most cooperative upon arrival to the studio - not 30 minutes later when the shock and awe of being in a new place has worn off. I work efficiently to photograph siblings, each parent with their children, and whole family before your toddler’s patience runs out!

My TOP priority in the studio is safety. I won’t place babies near their older sibling(s) if your toddler is not calm and still and capable of following direction. Each toddler is different, so I’ll make the judgement based on my assessment of your child. Elle was loving and sweet to her brother, and followed my direction well, so I was able to safely place Austin next to her. What you can’t see from these images is that both of her parents were just inches away ready to jump in if needed.


We make it super simple for our clients! About a week after their session, Laura viewed Austin’s proof gallery and chose her collection, which included an album. When the session images were completed, she chose which ones she wanted for her album! The digital files of chosen collection images are also included as well.

Most clients look through the different album options that we have available as samples in the studio and snap photos of the cover options with their phone before leaving. I handle album design and proofing virtually, and it’s a super easy process for my clients to log in and look through the proof! Most clients approve their proof immediately, and others ask for a couple of changes, but once it’s approved to print, I sent it off to be printed!

After your album is ordered, it takes about 4-6 weeks (due to their handcrafted construction) for it to be ready for pickup at the studio. If you’re interested in having your favorite image on the wall to enjoy instead of or in addition to an heirloom album, I have a stunning line of frame moulding for you to look at here at the studio as well. Ask about our design mockup service when choosing to purchase frames from - I am here to make your decision making a snap!


Are you expecting and interested in reserving a session with us for your baby's newborn session? We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to speak on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from Austin’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Brooks

I first worked with Matt & Lindsay when they were expecting their first baby for their maternity session, and have worked with them SO many times since then for milestone and family portraits. I was so excited to hear from them again requesting to book a maternity session at the field as well as a newborn session for their second baby. Lindsay let me know that she wanted to add on hair and makeup services as well since she had loved the experience so much with her maternity session. Fun fact: it took me until her pregnancy with Brooks to convince Lindsay to work with one of our artists! She had previously gone to a local salon before her sessions, but then decided to give my HMUA a try for her maternity session. Well…she has now converted and will always use our team for her sessions. I know it can be hard to entrust someone you don’t know with your hair and makeup, but you can be confident that our HMUA is absolutely stellar and their work is impeccable.

I adore working with clients for both maternity and newborn photos and for the long term! The maternity session serves as a great get to know you warmup, and by the time your newborn arrives, we know each other, and you’re very comfortable being with me and in front of my camera.


Answer: It is NEVER too early to book and it is optimal to reserve before they’re born.

I can only accept a limited number of newborns due each month. Limiting the number of newborn clients I take ensures I am able serve each of my clients equally at the level you deserve.

Reserving your newborn session means you are guaranteeing a spot on my calendar, not booking a specific date. We don’t schedule your specific session date when you book a newborn session since we can’t accurately predict your baby’s birth date. When your baby actually arrives, we’ll go from there with exact scheduling! There are many factors that go into when we schedule your session. Paternity leave, any complications, how you’re feeling, how much baby weighed at birth, etc, etc.

All is not necessarily lost if you’re reading this and baby is already here! Sometimes reserved newborns arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, opening up my ability to take on a last minute newborn session. Contact us right away to see if I can squeeze you in!


When older siblings are part of a newborn session, we always ask what their nap schedule (if they take one) is! We want them to be well rested and happy. In this case, big brother was 4 and past needing naps, so it wasn’t something we had to take into consideration.

I begin newborn sessions here in the studio in the morning between 9 and 10 AM, with the first 90 minutes of session time devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway while I photograph your baby.

Older siblings and partners arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve gotten started with baby only. In this case, because both mamas were receiving HMUA services and they didn’t have any help in town, the whole family came along with quiet entertainment planned for big bro.

When Lindsay and Brooks arrived at the studio, I took him out of his carseat and got started right away. Lindsay got settled into the hair and makeup chair for her beauty services. She already knew which dress she wanted to wear (she loved it when she tried it on during her maternity fitting) for her newborn session, so it was all ready to go!

Brooks was the sweetest little guy, and such a great sleeper! He looked SO much like his dad, and didn't look that much like big brother did as a newborn. That has DRASTICALLY changed as Brooks has grown up though…. the brothers could be twins - that’s how much alike they look now! I have a hard time sometimes telling baby photos of them apart when Lindsay texts them over to me. Matt and Peyton arrived at the studio as our HMUA was finishing up with Lindsay’s hair and makeup services. It was perfect timing since I had just wrapped up Peyton’s solo portraits!

After everyone was dressed, we transitioned right into the family and parent images that included big brother Peyton.


Brooks was in and out of sleep at this point in the session. If you are in the studio for a newborn session, please don’t stress if your baby is wide awake! They do NOT need to sleep for the entire time. I love alert babies for some solo eye contact images and sometimes we get lucky enough to capture a family photo of everyone looking towards the camera. As long as your baby is calm and content, it is no problem at all. If your baby is awake and NOT calm, don’t worry. We’ll figure out how to get them to their happy place again! Sometimes they need another feed, a diaper change, or some extra snuggles from you.

Baby safety is the FIRST priority during sessions. I will not place a baby near their older siblings if they are not calm and still. Every child is different, and therefore every session will look different. I’ll assess how your older child is doing when deciding which types of photos are safe to do. Since Peyton was 4 at the time of the session, he was much more mature than a young toddler sibling would have been,

Because big brother Peyton was listening, compliant, and able to be still while next to his baby brother, I was able to safely photograph a few different setups and he did such a fantastic job! Even though Peyton was a total dream to work with, I still didn’t take any chances. What you cannot see in the photographs is that their parents were mere inches away from them ready to swoop in and take over if needed.

We wrapped the session up with whole family images, Brooks with each of his parents, and Brooks with both of his parents. When you have your first baby, there is no “competition” for your attention. The second, third, fourth, baby gets more experienced parents who know what they’re doing, but they have to share your attention with their big siblings. I firmly believe that your subsequent children deserve their own images with just their parents like your first baby had, and make sure to make it happen!


I keep it the post session process super simple for my clients! You have enough to think about in the newborn days. About a week after their session, Matt & Lindsay viewed their proof gallery and chose the collection that best fit their needs.

When their final images were completed, they chose which one they wanted for their artwork, and it was ordered. When everything was ready, I sent Lindsay an email with a link to schedule her contactless pickup on our studio calendar. Yep, it really is that easy!


Are you expecting a little one and interested in working with us for your baby's newborn session? CONGRATULATIONS!!! We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to chat on the phone. We can’t wait to chat with you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Silas

I first worked with Angela & Sven when they welcomed their first baby for his newborn session at our old studio location, and was thrilled to hear from them again requesting to book another newborn session for their second baby boy! Angela had added on hair and makeup services for her first newborn session with us and let us know she wanted to add that on again for this one as well!


Simply put: It is NEVER too early to book!

I know when you’re pregnant, you’re so busy with reading the books, registering, and other prep tasks, but it’s REALLY important to not put off reserving your newborn session!

IMPORTANT: Reserving your session is NOT scheduling your actual session date, since it’s not possible to accurately predict your baby’s actual birth date in advance. When you reserve your newborn session, you are guaranteeing a spot on my calendar! So do NOT wait until your baby is born to reach out if you know you want to work with me. Get it checked off your list!

I am only able to accept a limited number of newborns due in each month. This limited number is so that I am able deliver my unparalleled level of service to each one of my clients. Airlines may overbook, but I do not. Once I reach my newborn cap, it’s possible that there will not be a last minute opening, so don’t bank on that being a surety.

Please don’t stress if you’re reading this and baby is already here! Our reserved newborns often arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, so there are some months I have the ability to take on a last minute newborn session although this is not always the case. . Contact us right away to see if we can squeeze you in!


When big sibs are participating in your baby’s newborn session, we ask what their nap schedule is so we can plan accordingly! We want them to be well rested and happy.

I start newborn sessions in the morning between 9 and 10ish AM, with the first 90 minutes of session time devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway while I photograph your baby. So, you might as well treat yourself to some pampering like Angela did!

Older siblings and partners arrive about 90ish minutes after I’ve gotten started with baby only, which allows your partner and older child(rent) to relax at home before heading over. You’ll get 90 minutes of peace and quiet with nobody asking you for anything! ;)

When mom and baby arrived, I took Silas out of his carseat and got started with him right away while Angela got settled into the hair and makeup chair for her beauty services. I had a few dresses for her to look through that I had pulled from the wardrobe prior to her arrival because I have worked with her a couple of times and knew her general size, style preferences, and the colors that would look best with her skin tone.

Silas was the most handsome little guy, and such a great sleeper! He looked similar to his big brother as a newborn, but not as chunky! Want to see for yourself and compare? Click here to head over to Sven’s newborn session.


When I was finished photographing Silas, the rest of the family arrived. Angela was finished being prepped, and had looked through the dress options and chosen her favorite. After everyone was dressed, we moved into sibling and family images.

Your newborn’s safety is the TOP priority during sessions. I will not place your baby near their older sibling if I don’t think it’s safe to. Every big sib is different when it comes to how well they listen, how calm they are, and how they are feeling about the addition of the new baby to their family. Therefore every session will look different. I’ll assess how your older child is doing with your newborn when making decisions on which types of pictures are safe to do. Sven was ok with being near his baby brother, so we were able to photograph the two boys together. What you can’t see in the photographs is that their parents were mere inches from them ready to swoop in if needed. From there, we moved to family images, which Sven was more than happy to participate in. I like to make my sessions fun for my little participants, so you can expect to play games with your child at my direction so that we can capture natural interaction between the whole family. Once we had finished with all the images including Sven, his parents gave him an activity to do to keep him busy. I wrapped the session up with individual parent images and both mom and dad with Silas. Your first baby has images with just you two, and your subsequent babies deserve to have some of those too!


Our clients find our process super simple, which they love! About a week after their session, Angela & Sven viewed their proof gallery and chose the collection that best fit their needs.

When their final images were completed, they chose which ones they wanted for their printed artwork, and once it was completed, they came and picked it up!


Many of our families love the framed artwork that we offer. Framed artwork is typically ready within 4 weeks as long as there aren’t any shipping delays due to the pandemic. Sometimes a particular moulding will be on backorder, but you’ll be informed of that before the order is placed! After you choose your favorite image(s) to be framed, we’ll discuss the best size(s) for where you plan to hang in your home.

Once you finalize your image size(s), the print(s) is ordered! After the order arrives at the studio, you’ll them choose your moulding (frame). I will offer suggestions and input on the best frame options for your image and home decor/ style preferences. You’ll also decide on the mat width - I’m a fan of 3-5” inch mats depending on the size of the print and the moulding width.

The larger the print size is, the larger the mat should be so it’s balanced aesthetically - you can also choose a very thick frame and go a bit smaller on the mat size. Once the mat and frame decisions are made, I then order the moulding, mat, and GORGEOUS museum glass. Museum glass is absolutely stunning and will make your framed artwork that much more beautiful. You can barely see the glass in the frame when looking at it because of how crystal clear it is, and I love the 99% UV protection it gives the printed artwork. If you’ve never seen museum glass, no worries - our framed prints here at the studio all have it for you to see for yourself when you’re here! PS: I love it so much that I replaced at the glass in my framed artwork hanging in my home with it.

When everything arrives at my studio (typically within 4 weeks of ordering!), I mat the print, and assemble the entire piece. The last step is to finish the back of the frame with paper and hanging hardware. Then, all you have to do is hang it up on your wall and then enjoy it!

If you order framed art from us that contains a 16x20 or larger print size, we deliver your finished artwork right to their front doorstep within a 20 mile radius of the studio. If you don’t have large framed artwork as part of your order, you’ll come to the studio and pick up your order when it’s ready. Every week I send an email to clients who have orders ready for pickup. This email includes a scheduling link that lists the designated pickup days for the week ahead (I only send pickup availability out one week at a time) and time windows throughout the week and pickup is safe and contactless.


Are you expecting and interested in reserving a session with us for your baby's newborn session? We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to chat on the phone. We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Bea

I first worked with Adam & Melanie when they were expecting their first baby boy. They chose to enroll in our First Year Collection membership and we photographed his newborn, 4 month, 8 month, and First Birthday sessions at our old studio location. I was so excited to hear from them again requesting to book another First Year Collection for their second baby… and this time it was a girl!!!


In a nutshell: It is NEVER too early to book!

Most expectant mamas are busy with all things baby prep, but it’s so important to make it a priority to book your session! Clients typically reach out to us early in the second trimester to make sure that they have a spot on our calendar, and a lot of our clients inform us in their first trimester if they’re comfortable doing so.

IMPORTANT: Reserving your session is NOT scheduling your exact session date!

It is impossible to predict the day your baby will be born or how your labor & delivery experience will go. When you reserve your session, you are guaranteeing that we will have room for you - and we will schedule your exact session date when you let us know that baby has arrived!

I only have the capacity to accept a limited number of newborns due in each month. Doing this ensures that I am able deliver my unparalleled level of service to each of my clients. Once I reach the monthly newborn cap, I sometimes maintain a wait list.

Please don’t panic if you’re reading this and baby is already here! Because our reserved newborns often arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, so there are some months I have the ability to take on a last minute newborn session. Contact us right away to see if we can squeeze you in!


When older siblings are participating in a newborn session, we always check on what their nap schedule (if they take one) is! We want them to be well rested and as happy as possible!

I start newborn sessions in the morning between 9:00 and 10 AM, with the first 90 minutes of session time devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway while I photograph your baby. So, you might as well treat yourself to some pampering. ;) Melanie has worked with one of our HMUA’s for ALL of her sessions, so this was a no brainer for her. PS: our First Year Collection members enjoy quite a few perks - so be sure to ask about those!

Older siblings and partners arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve gotten started with baby only. This keeps your toddler happy at home, and chaos at a minimum. ;)

When the family arrived, I took Bea out of her carseat and got started right away while Melanie got settled into the hair and makeup chair for her services. I already had a selection of dresses that I had pulled out for her waiting for her review. Once I’ve worked with clients a couple of times I have a very good sense of their style and know what will work well for them skin tone and fit wise! I’ve even been shopping for studio dresses and thought of very specific clients when purchasing it for the client wardrobe. 9 times of out 10 at their next session I pull it out and the client LOVES it and choose to wear it. I was pretty confident she would LOVE and choose the gorgeous lace off the shoulder dress option, and I was right!

Bea was the most beautiful little girl with a FULL head of hair, and such a great sleeper! She looked nothing like her brother did as a newborn. The genetic lottery always fascinates me and I love seeing if siblings share any features or just look like totally different little people. I have three children of my own, and they all share the exact same eye color and a very similar eye shape that people comment on all the time. They get their eye color from their dad!


Bea was awake when Adam and Hank arrived, which was totally fine. There is no need to worry if your baby is awake! I actually love alert babies for family images and sometimes we get lucky with a family photo of everyone actually looking at the camera. Awake babies are not a problem at all to photograph as long as they’re also calm. If your baby is awake and NOT calm, don’t stress. We’ll figure out how to get them there. Sometimes they just need another feed, a diaper change, or some extra snuggles.

Baby safety is my FIRST priority during sessions. I won’t place a newborn near their toddler sibling if they are not able to be calm and still and follow direction Every toddler is different, and therefore every session will look different. I’ll assess how your older child is doing when deciding which types of photos can be accomplished safely.

Since Hank was not yet 2, and quite the wiggle worm, I quickly assessed that we would not be able to have them close to each other. I was able to safely photograph a few different setups regardless though!. What you can’t see in the photographs with just Hank & Bea is that their parents were inches away from them ready to swoop in and intervene if the need arose. Taking risks with your baby’s safety is not something I do. From there, we moved into family images with Melanie and Adam holding Bea and inviting Hank to interact with her, and ended with individual parent images as well as some of just Bea with her parents. Your first baby has photos with just the two of you, so your second baby deserves some of those too!


We keep it easy for our clients! About a week after their session, Hank & Melanie viewed their proof gallery and chose their images. Because they are members of our First Year Plan, they’ll be designing an album with some framed artwork at the end of Bea’s first year so the only decisions they make right now for each session is which images to keep!


If you are expecting a new baby and are interested in reserving a session with us, we would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to chat on the phone. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Enjoy some of my favorites from Bea’s session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Finn

Elizabeth contacted the studio at the end of her first trimester to schedule a newborn session for her second baby. She had worked with us for her first baby’s newborn session and was so excited to work with us again. She loved working with our HMUA team the first go round and let us know she would definitely be adding on services for this baby as well! Have I mentioned that I love advance planners?! Elizabeth knew from experience that things were just going to keep getting busier while juggling working from home and a toddler, so she was proactive in getting us checked off on her list.


Repeat after me: It is never too early in pregnancy to reserve a newborn session! I know you are busy with life, work, and baby preparations, but seriously, don’t put this off! Put it on your priority list right up there with ordering the crib so that you don’t find yourself scrambling at the last minute trying to find the perfect photographer for you. I say this to EVERY person looking - regardless of whether you choose to work with me or not. There is nothing worse than the stress of trying to find a photographer that you love who is also available after you’ve had a baby and are sleep deprived and don’t know which way is up. Your newborn photos should not be left to chance and definitely should not be booked with “the only person who was available.” Planning ahead ensures you have the experience you deserve.

Reserving your newborn session is NOT scheduling a specific date.

This is impossible. Most babies arrive when they want to and don’t pay attention to their estimated due dates with only 5% of babies arriving on their actual due date. When you reserve your newborn session, you may not be scheduling your session date, but you ARE guaranteeing that you have a spot on our calendar no matter what! I limit the number of reserved newborns accepted as clients each month so I can provide excellent and equal service to each of my clients. Once I reach the newborn limit, our monthly newborn schedule is closed.

If you’re reading this and baby is already here, it might not be too late. Our reserved newborns often arrive early/late, so there are some months I am able to take on a last minute newborn client. Contact the studio right away (giving us a call is best if you’re hoping to squeeze in), and we just might be able to schedule you in our calendar!


Newborn sessions in the studio start in the morning between 9 and 10 AM. The first 90 minutes of session time is devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway! Choosing to add on beauty services will NOT lengthen your session time because I will be photographing your baby alone during this time anyway.

Dads and older siblings arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve started photographing your baby’s solo portraits. I am usually finished with these by the time mama is done in hair and makeup, and will transition to the sibling and family portion of the session. My goal is to get all of the photos with your toddler in them done FIRST!

Once your big kid is finished with the photographs they’re in, they are free to play until we’re finished with dad/baby and baby/parent images. Parents bring some quiet entertainment along just for this purpose!

Some families ask if we can start a newborn session with family photos. The answer is no. Reversing my tried and true session flow of starting with newborn solo images does not work very well and tends to backfire. What usually happens is this: your newborn becomes overstimulated from the start, becomes fussy as a result and never quite settles. If you are a mama who won’t be adding on HMUA services and doesn’t care about having a big variety of solo newborn portraits if your baby doesn’t settle, then we can discuss starting that way! Every family and their needs are unique.


Elizabeth and Finn arrived, and she had brought along a dress of her own that she loved for me to look at. She knew she could borrow from our wardrobe like she had done with her first newborn session so wasn’t too worried if I didn’t think her option would work. I told her it was just perfect for the session, and she got comfy in the hair and makeup chair while I photographed Finn alone.

Finny was a sleepy little guy and looked so different from Fiona as a newborn! Because he was such a deep sleeper, we moved through the solo portraits pretty quickly. Towards the end he opened up his eyes, which allowed me to photograph some awake and alert shots as well. As I was finishing up with the solo portion, big sister Fiona and dad arrived. Once I saw what everyone was wearing, I pulled out a couple of blanket options for Elizabeth to choose from for the family portion.


If I am able, I start with the sibling photos FIRST because these are often the most important ones to mamas. This is entirely dependent on your toddler, but 9 times out of 10 your toddler will be the most cooperative as soon as they arrive. So, it’s always the goal to photograph sibling images first, followed by each parent with their children, and wrapped up with the whole family together.

Baby safety is the UTMOST priority above all else. I will not place newborn babies near their older siblings if they are not able to listen and be still. Every toddler is different energy and personality wise, so I’ll assess how they’re doing when deciding which images we’ll do. Delaney was a VERY sweet and compliant toddler who was super excited about her baby brother, so I was very easily able to safely photography her with Rhodes. What you can’t see in these images is that her parents were inches away from them ready to swoop in and intervene if the need arose.

Once we had finished the sibling photos, we transitioned to the family and parent portion. I work very quickly and move seamlessly between each image, all while considering your older child’s interest and cooperation level. While I have a pretty predictable flow for newborn sessions involving a toddler, sometimes toddlers need a break or want to do something else. When this happens, I simply adjust as needed. My goal is for everyone in your family to have a good time!


We make it easy for our clients! After you’ve had a baby (or really, anytime!), the last thing you need is to deal with something super complicated.

About a week after their session, Elizabeth viewed the proof gallery and chose their collection and corresponding final images. When the final images were completed, they chose which ones they wanted for some prints they were ordering as gifts for grandparents! After printed artwork and products are ordered, it takes about 1-2 weeks (longer for heirloom albums due to their handcrafted construction) for everything to be ready to go at the studio.

If you order framed artwork from us that contains a 16x20 or larger print, I’ll deliver your finished artwork right to your front doorstep within 20 minutes of the studio. If you live further away than 20 minutes, you’ll need to make arrangements to pick up your order.

If you don’t have large framed artwork as part of your order, you’ll come to the studio and pick up your order. Our pickup process is easy and contactless! Each week, I send out an email to clients who have orders ready to be picked up. This email has a booking link which lists that the available pickup days and times throughout the week ahead. Clients (or their designated errand person!) reserve their pickup time, and come to the studio on that date and time. See? Easy!


Are you expecting a new baby and interested in reserving a newborn session with us? We would LOVE to chat with you about your family, the experience and what we offer to our clients, and how we can best serve your growing family. Contact us today to set up a time to speak on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Finn’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Liam

I first worked with Josalin & Robin when they were expecting their first baby for their maternity session at the old studio location, and was thrilled to hear from them again requesting to book another maternity session at the field for their second baby! After their second baby arrived, Robin called the studio to ask if we had any last minute availability. She wanted to surprise her wife with a newborn session, and fortunately, we did!

I adore working with clients for both maternity and newborn photos! The maternity session serves as a great get to know you warmup, and by the time your newborn arrives, we’re friends, and you’re super comfortable with me and with being in front of my camera.


Simply put: It is NEVER too early to book!

I know most pregnant mamas are busy with all the baby prep, but it’s important to not put off scheduling your session! The majority of our clients reach out to us early in the second trimester to make sure that they have a spot on our calendar. Some of our clients inform us in their first trimester if they’re comfortable doing so.

I take a limited number of newborns due in each month. Doing this ensures that I am able deliver my unparalleled level of service to each of my clients. Once I reach the monthly newborn cap, I maintain a wait list.

Don’t panic if you’re reading this and baby is already here! Our reserved newborns often arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, so there are some months I have the ability to take on a last minute newborn session. Contact us right away to see if we can squeeze you in!


When older siblings are participating in a newborn session, we always check on what their nap schedule (if they take one) is! We want them to be well rested and happy. In this case, big brother was well past napping age, so it wasn’t something we had to plan around.

I start newborn sessions in the morning between 9 and 10 AM, with the first 90 minutes of session time devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway while I photograph your baby. So, you might as well treat yourself to some pampering. ;) Robin and Joslin opted to both add on services - makeup only for Josalin and both services for Robin!

Older siblings and partners arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve gotten started with baby only. In this case, because both mamas were receiving HMUA services and they didn’t have any help in town, the whole family came along with quiet entertainment planned for big bro.

When the family arrived, I took Liam out of his carseat and got started right away while Josalin got settled into the hair and makeup chair for her makeup services. She already knew which dress she wanted (she loved it when she tried it on during her maternity fitting) for her newborn session, so it was all ready to go! I had pulled a few options for Robin to have for her to look through as well. Once I’ve worked with clients a couple of times I have a very good sense of their style and know what will work well for them skin tone and fit wise! I’ve even been shopping for studio dresses and thought of very specific clients when purchasing it for the client wardrobe. 9 times of out 10 at their next session I pull it out and the client LOVES it and choose to wear it.

Liam was the most handsome little guy, and such a great sleeper! He looked SO much like his big brother too. About halfway through his solo portraits, Josalin was finished with her makeup and it was Robin’s turn. Robin went through the dresses that I had chosen and jumped into the hair and makeup chair for her turn. After everyone was dressed, we transitioned right into the family and parent images that included big brother Keegan.


Liam was in and out of sleep at this point. Don’t stress if your baby is awake! I love alert babies for family images and sometimes we get luck with a family shot of everyone actually looking at the camera (rare, but it does happen sometimes!). Awake babies are no problem at all to photograph as long as they’re also calm. If your baby is awake and NOT calm, don’t stress. We’ll figure out how to get them there. Sometimes they just need another feed, a diaper change, or some extra snuggles.

Baby safety is the FIRST priority during sessions. I will not place a baby near their older siblings if they are not calm and still. Every child is different, and therefore every session will look different. I’ll assess how your older child is doing when deciding which types of photos are safe to do. Since Keegan was already 4 at the time of the session, and was listening and able to be still while next to his baby brother, I was able to safely photograph a few different setups. What you can’t see in the photographs is that his mothers were inches away from them ready to swoop in and intervene if the need arose. Taking risks is not something I do when it comes to client safety.


We keep it simple! About a week after their session, Robin & Josalin viewed their proof gallery and chose their collection. They knew they wanted to keep every image and have one as a large framed print for their home just like they had chosen for their maternity collection.

When their final images were completed, they chose which one they wanted for the large piece of artwork. The print size ended up being 16x24 surrounded by a 3 inch mat with a substantial moulding as well. Framed artwork is a client favorite around here!


Framed artwork is USUALLY ready within 2-4 weeks as long as there aren’t any shipping delays due to the pandemic. Sometimes a particular moulding will be on backorder, but you’ll be informed of that before the order is placed! That’s right, no frame shops are involved - I handle the entire production process from print to frame. After you choose your favorite image to be framed, we’ll discuss the best size for where you plan to hang it in their home.

Once you choose your image size, the print is ordered! After it arrives at the studio, you’ll choose your moulding (frame). I will make suggestions on the best frame choices for your image and home decor/personal style preferences. We’ll also decide on the mat width - I’m a fan of 3-5” inch mats depending on the size of the print and the moulding width.

The larger the print is, the larger the mat should be so it’s balanced aesthetically. Once that’s decided, I then order the moulding, mat, and GORGEOUS museum glass. Museum glass is absolutely stunning and will make your framed artwork that much more beautiful. You can hardly see the glass in the frame looking at it because of how crystal clear it is, and I love the UV protection that it affords the printed artwork. Our framed prints here at the studio all have museum glass for you to see for yourself when you’re here!

When everything arrives at my studio (typically within 2 -4 weeks of ordering!), I mat the print, and assemble the entire piece. The last step is to finish the back of the frame with paper and hanging hardware. That means that all you have to do is hang it up on your wall and then enjoy looking in in your home.

For clients who order framed art from us that contains a 16x20 or larger print, we deliver their finished artwork right to their front doorstep within a 20 mile radius of the studio. If you don’t have large framed artwork as part of your order, you’ll come to the studio and pick up your order when it’s ready. Each week I send out an email to my clients who have orders ready for pickup. The email outlines the designated pickup days for the week ahead (I only send pickup availability out one week at a time) and time windows throughout the week and pickup is safe and contactless. Clients simply click to make their reservation!


Are you expecting and interested in reserving a session with us for your baby's newborn session? We would absolutely LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to chat on the phone. We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Rhodes

Brittany contacted the studio at the end of her first trimester to schedule a newborn session for her second baby who was due in 7 months! I love advance planners. She knew things were going to get pretty busy in her life with her older toddler, and wanted to get her newborn session squared away so it was checked off her list. She had found us by searching Google and then saw that a few of her friends had worked with us and knew that we were a perfect fit. We still had availability for her due date month since she had contacted us early on, and sent over all of her paperwork to reserve her session.


It really is never too early to reserve your session! I know you are likely are busy with other preparations, but don’t put this off!

Reserving your newborn session is NOT scheduling your exact session date.

That would simply be impossible, since babies arrive when they want to and don’t pay attention to their estimated due dates. When you reserve your session, you are guaranteeing that you have a spot on our calendar! We limit the number of reserved newborns due in each month so that we can provide excellent service to each and every one of our clients. Once we reach our monthly newborn limit, our newborn schedule is closed for that month and we maintain a wait list.

If you’re reading this and baby is already here, don’t panic! Our newborns often arrive earlier or later than their estimated due dates, so there are some months that we end up having the ability to take on a last minute newborn client. Contact us right away, and we just might be able to schedule you in our calendar!


When toddler siblings are involved in newborn sessions, we ask what their schedule is because it’s important information for planning a successful session! We want them to be well rested and happy. Newborn sessions in the studio start in the morning between 9 and 10 AM. The first 90 minutes of session time is devoted to photographing your baby alone. This is the perfect time for you to take advantage of our add on hair and makeup services since you’ll be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway! Choosing to add on beauty services will NOT lengthen your session time because I will be photographing your baby alone during this time anyway.

Toddler siblings and dads arrive about 90 minutes after I’ve started photographing your baby’s solo portraits. I am usually finished with these by the time mama is done in hair and makeup, and will transition to the sibling and family portion of the session. My goal is to get all of the photos with your toddler in them done FIRST so that they don’t have to sit around any longer than necessary! :)

Once your toddler is finished with the photographs they’re in, they are free to play until we’re finished with dad/baby and baby/parent images. Some parents will have Grandma whisk them away to take them back home, but if you don’t have family help, no worries!

Some families ask if we can start with family photos. The answer is generally no. Reversing or changing the session flow of starting with newborn solo images does not work very well in my 8 years of experience and tends to backfire in a major way. What tends to happen is that your newborn becomes overstimulated and fussy from the start, and never quite settles - and then we are not able to get as varied of a gallery in our allotted time. If you are a mama who won’t be adding on HMUA services and doesn’t care about having a big variety of solo newborn portraits if your baby doesn’t settle, then we can discuss starting that way! Every family and their needs are unique.


Brittany and Rhodes arrived, and we looked through the studio dresses. She loved one of our blush pink options, and got comfy on the studio couch while I photographed Rhodes alone.

Rhodes was a BIG boy, and 28 days old when he came in for his session! He had a full head of dark hair and slept like a rock. He was such a great sleeper, and we moved through the solo portraits pretty quickly. When I finished up, big sister Delaney and dad weren’t there yet so Brittany went ahead and got dressed and chose one of our newborn gowns for Rhodes to wear for the family portion. I have a big assortment of blankets and a few onesies and gowns as well - and it’s totally your preference! I’ll discuss the pros and cons of each, but it will really come down to your style and what you want your images to look like. A blanket is always a classic, but wiggly bigger babies can be hard to keep wrapped well. A gown eliminates that issue entirely, and still looks timeless and super cute.

While we were waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, Brittany changed his diaper, dressed him in the newborn gown she had chosen, and then nursed him so he would be back asleep for that part. The plan worked, and when Delaney and daddy arrived, we moved right into the family portion!


If I am able, I start with the sibling photos FIRST because these are often the most important ones to mamas. This is entirely dependent on your toddler, but 9 times out of 10 your toddler will be the most cooperative as soon as they arrive. So, it’s always the goal to photograph sibling images first, followed by each parent with their children, and wrapped up with the whole family together.

Baby safety is the UTMOST priority above all else. I will not place newborn babies near their older siblings if they are not able to listen and be still. Every toddler is different energy and personality wise, so I’ll assess how they’re doing when deciding which images we’ll do. Delaney was a VERY sweet and compliant toddler who was super excited about her baby brother, so I was very easily able to safely photography her with Rhodes. What you can’t see in these images is that her parents were inches away from them ready to swoop in and intervene if the need arose.

Once we had finished all of the photographs with Delaney and Rhodes together, we moved into the family and parent portion. I move very quickly and transition seamlessly between each image, while respecting your child’s interest and cooperation level too. While I do have a pretty typical flow, sometimes toddlers need a break or want to do something else and I’ll adjust as needed. I want everyone in your family to have a good time and to feel a part of the process, and that includes the little ones!


We make it easy for our clients! After you’ve had a baby (or really, anytime!), the last thing you need is to deal with something super complicated.

About a week after their session, Brittany and Brad viewed the proof gallery and chose their collection. They knew they wanted an album, and they also added on two large 16x20 framed prints for their home and had a pretty good idea of which ones they would choose from their gallery for those. When the final images were completed, they chose which ones they wanted for their album and for the framed prints. After printed artwork is ordered, it takes about 1-2 weeks (longer for heirloom albums due to their handcrafted construction) for everything to be ready to go at the studio.


Our framed artwork is typically ready in 2-6 weeks as long as there are no supply issues due to the pandemic and depending on what is ordered. Sometimes a particular moulding will be on backorder, but you’ll be informed of that before the order is placed! When a client chooses the image they want framed, we’ll discuss the best size for where they plan to hang it in their home.

Once the the size is chosen, the print is ordered! After it comes in, we then “dress” the print together with the best moulding (frame). We’ll choose the best frame from our line for your image and home decor/personal style preferences. We’ll also decide on the mat width - I’m a fan of 3-5” inch mats depending on the size of the print. Brittany preferred to schedule a virtual appointment to choose her frames, so that’s what we did. A virtual appointment for choosing frames consists of a text message conversation. I’ll determine which frames are best for your image tone and then send over a bunch of photos to you with the suggested frames next to it. Most families are able to decide pretty quickly what their favorite is!

After you’ve chosen your frame, I’ll determine the best mat size for a balanced aesthetic. The larger the print, the larger the mat width should be to balance it out - but this will also depend on your frame width too! Once that’s nailed down, I then order your frame, mat, and GORGEOUS museum glass. I am absolutely obsessed with museum glass! It might seem strange to describe glass as being stunning, but it really is. You can barely see the glass in the frame when looking at it because of how crystal clear it is with very little glare. I also love the 99% UV protection that it gives to the printed artwork. If you aren’t sure of what museum glass looks like, don’t worry - most of our framed prints hanging on the walls at the studio have it, so you’ll get to see it for yourself!

When the frame, mat, and museum glass arrive at my studio, I mat the print, and assemble the entire piece. The last step of framing is to finish the back of the frame with paper and hanging hardware. This means that all you’ll have to do is hang it up on your wall. Once it’s there, you will find yourself standing in front of it and be transported back to the time it was taken. Your children will love looking at it also. How do I know? From personal experience! I have a gallery wall in my own home with treasured family images. I find myself standing in front of the framed prints marveling at how quickly my children have grown in the years since they were taken even though it feels like it was just YESTERDAY. My kids really love them too. They have commented that it makes them feel loved when they look at the portraits of us all together, and even asked for their favorite images to be framed and hung in their rooms too.

If you order framed artwork from us that contains a 16x20 or larger print, I’ll deliver their finished artwork right to your front doorstep within a 20 mile radius of the studio. If you live further than that, you’ll need to make arrangements to pick up yourself. If you don’t have large framed artwork as part of your order, you’ll come to the studio and pick up your order when it’s ready. I send out an email to clients on a weekly basis who have orders ready to be picked up. The email outlines the designated pickup days and time windows throughout the week and pickup is safe and contactless. Clients (or their designated errand person!) reserve their pickup time in advance, and the process is super simple.


Are you expecting a new baby and interested in reserving a newborn session with us? We would LOVE to chat with you about your family, what we offer, and how we can best serve you. Contact us today to set up a time to speak on the phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Payton

Amanda reached out in her second trimester to book a newborn session for when their baby girl arrived. She was thrilled to hear that we had a full studio wardrobe available to her and even more excited about our add on hair and makeup services. When you’ve just had a baby, the last thing you want to do is worry about what fits or sacrifice precious sleep to do your hair and makeup before coming to the studio. Fortunately, with us, you don’t have to!

Amanda works in the hospitality industry, so to hear her say, “You’ve thought of everything!” come from her was quite the compliment! We really do strive to think of everything - because we believe your portrait experience should be easy and stress free. So even if you forgot to pack extra diapers or your nursing pads on the way out the door to us, there's no need to stress. We’ll take excellent care of you!


Don’t put off reserving your newborn session! The majority of our newborn clients contact us early in the second trimester to reserve their session on our calendar, with some reserving in their first trimester. We have been the first to know about a new pregnancy more than a few times! Are you confused about how you can schedule your newborn session months in advance? Don’t worry, you’re not the first one - we get this question a lot, and we’ll clarify further for you.

Reserving your newborn session is NOT scheduling your exact date in advance.

As you know, it is impossible to know EXACTLY when your baby will be born months beforehand. Even if you have a scheduled c-section or induction, there’s always a chance baby could arrive sooner or the date could be rescheduled. There are several factors that are considered when determining when to have you come in after your baby is born. We’ll ask when your baby arrived in relation to their due date, how much they weighed at birth, if you had a c-section or tough delivery, how you’re both doing, etc. When you reserve a newborn session at our studio, you don’t have to worry about whether or not we have room for you - because you’re guaranteed a session date.

We book a limited number of newborns due per month. Once we reach the cap, we are FULL for that month.

Why would we turn interested clients away?

The answer is simple. We have very high standards for the personalized experience we offer to our clients. We want to make 200% sure each and every one of our clients receives the same level of unparalleled service that we are known for, and proud of! If we overbook (ever been on an overbooked flight?), the client experience would take a hit, and we refuse to allow that to happen.

If your newborn is here already, you should know that our reserved newborns can arrive earlier/ later than their estimated due date, so we might still have the ability to take on a last minute newborn session as long as timelines allow and we can serve you and our other clients to our standards. Call us now if that’s you, and we might be able to fit you in on our schedule.


For a first baby with no big siblings involved, newborn sessions are pretty straightforward because there are no other schedules to take into consideration! If you have bigger kids, things run a bit differently (but not much!)

Your newborn session will start in the morning generally between 9:30 and 10ish AM depending on where in the Atlanta metro area you’re coming from.

The first 90 minutes of your session is spent photographing your baby’s solo photos.

The beginning of your newborn session is the perfect opportunity for you to treat yourself to our add on hair and makeup services like Amanda chose to, since you’re going be sitting on the couch doing nothing anyway during this time! Why not treat yourself to a relaxing experience which will likely be the first time you've felt truly pampered since giving birth? As an added bonus, our HMUA’s are really, really, really good at working their magic so you don’t look as sleep deprived as you might feel!


When Amanda and Ryan arrived with Payton, Amanda settled into the hair and makeup chair. She had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to wear from our studio wardrobe since she had looked through everything at her maternity fitting. I pulled a couple of her favorites out for her to make her final decision from, and then took Payton out of her carseat to get started!

Payton was the most exquisite baby girl with the daintiest features. She was awake at the beginning of her session, but soon conked out after I got her all wrapped up and snuggly. She then stayed sound asleep for the rest of her solo photos, and was very relaxed and content. She even flashed a few smiles throughout!

If you have a baby girl, we will discuss your preferences are regarding the use of headbands and tiebacks on your daughter’s head during her newborn photos. Amanda loves them, and asked for them to be used in all of the setups throughout the session. I can do a mix with them on, all, or none at all - it’s your choice!

I don’t work with giant oversized flowers or bows. I have a darling collection of the daintiest options for your little girl that will serve to enhance the image - not distract from your baby!

Payton was still sleeping soundly after I wrapped up her solo portraits. Amanda had just finished up with hair and makeup, so I handed Payton to her daddy and pulled a few options for Amanda to choose from the studio wardrobe. Once I have seen a client in person, it doesn’t take me long to select a few options that I know will work with their skin tone and body shape/size! Amanda fell in love with a cream textured lace dress, and we got started with the family portion!

Most first time parents are still a little bit nervous about handling their baby and moving them around. This is 100% normal, and it’s because you aren’t used to standing up while holding your little one! The hospital forbids you to do it, and when you get home you’re on the couch or in bed The only time you’re standing up is when you’re carrying your baby from room to room or to the changing table.

I will walk you through EVERYTHING during our time together and show you exactly how to hold your baby safely for photographs. If you’re ever uncertain or something just doesn’t feel secure, we’ll adapt it until you feel good about it! Comfort and safety are my top priority - for both baby and new parents.

I walked Ryan and Amanda through everything and we had such a good time chatting and getting to know each other throughout. When they left, they thanked me for making the experience such a fun and easy one.


We keep it simple for you! About a week after their session, Amanda & Ryan viewed Payton’s proof images and chose their favorites. After submitting their favorites, the images were put into my production queue, and the final gallery of their selected images was completed in both color & black and white versions.

Once your collection and any products are completed and ready for pickup at the studio, you’ll receive an email with a calendar scheduling link! The link will take you to our available contactless pickup dates and times for the week ahead, and you reserve what works best for you.


Are you expecting and interested in learning about working with our studio for your newborn session? We’d LOVE to chat with you about what we offer and how we can serve your growing family. Reach out today to set up a time to speak on the phone and chat!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.