Sydney contacted the studio to inquire about booking a newborn session. She let us know that she and her two year old daughter would be using the studio wardrobe and that she was a little bit nervous about her daughter not cooperating. Caroline (our studio manager) reassured her that we have a lot of experience with toddlers. While we cannot make a toddler cooperate, we do have a bag of tricks to implement to help it happen in a fun way for them! As a note, when toddlers are involved with newborn sessions, we have them arriver later with daddy or a grandparent/caregiver. They will be so much happier at home for that first part and there won’t be any waiting around when they arrive. We will also take their nap schedule into consideration when planning your session so we can have the best possible time scheduled in the morning for them to arrive.
When Sydney and Brannon arrived at the studio that morning, we looked through the studio wardrobe options and she quickly selected a pretty blush dress with floral embroidery that she loved. She mentioned how helpful it was to have access to the wardrobe since it would have been stressful trying to find something she liked with a newborn in tow. I pulled a few options for her daughter, and set them aside for when she arrived. I got started with Brannon and Sydney enjoyed relaxing on the couch.
Brannon was a a big boy, and very sleepy with a head of brown hair. He also had the most delicious cheeks! Because he was such a good sleeper, we got through his solo portraits very quickly and he didn’t wake up durig that portion. Sydney changed his diaper and fed him when I was done, and it was perfect timing as the rest of the family arrived right then.
Sydney showed her daughter the dresses we had pulled, and they settled on one. Once they were dressed had told me she wasn’t sure how she was going to be for the session and that she was crossing her fingers that she would “cooperate”. Expecting a two year old to sit perfectly still is pretty unrealistic. The best thing you can do is just stay back and give them space to do things on their terms. Telling your older child to “say cheese” or becoming noticeably irritated with them will pressure on them and almost always backfires. When we approach the session as fun and play some games, it’s WAY more enjoyable for everyone involved. I know the feeling of wanting everything to go perfectly when you’ve invested so much time into planning your session. I have three kids of my own and am armed with a lot of patience and professional experience. While we may not be able to get the image that you envisioned in your head of your toddler sweetly cradling their baby brother or sister (safety first!) we will still get beautiful and organic images that capture their special relationship.
Enjoy some of my favorite photos from this family’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!
Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.