Atlanta Family Photographer | Sunrise in the gardens

I first photographed Ramsey for his First Birthday session at the studio, and was so excited when Angela emailed us to set up a family/second birthday session at the gardens location. You can view his First Birthday images by clicking here to see how much he grew in just over a year! You’ll notice how much his hair grew and how curly it is now. The changes that happen from year to year are always just so amazing to see, and I love when families make it a priority to schedule annual portrait sessions so they can look back and see it for themselves.

We scheduled their session to take place in September - and as most of you will remember, we had an incredibly HOT end of summer and fall in Atlanta. I mean, soooooo hot. We had originally scheduled their session to take place at sunset, but when I saw that the weather would literally be 25 degrees cooler the morning of their session at sunrise, I emailed Angela to see if they’d be open to switching the time to sunrise. I only photograph outdoor sessions the hour before sunset or immediately at sunrise. We do not offer any other times - as the light is not optimal.

Her response was an immediate: OMG YES. If you have a child who rises on the earlier side and is happiest in the morning, a sunrise session may be the perfect fit for you! If you hate early mornings and your child is dragging until 10 AM, it’s probably not for you. When you contact us, we’ll discuss what the best fit for you is! The time of year will also be a factor: a sunrise session in the winter is not an option since it’s sometimes below freezing outside.

The morning of the session, we met at the gardens location. While it was warm, it was not unbearably hot, and the light was gorgeous and soft. Angela and her husband both expressed how glad they were that I’d suggested we change the time to sunrise. Bonuses to an early start: no worrying about juggling naps or sleepy babies when it’s almost bedtime, and then you have the rest of your day wide open!

We explored the gardens and I photographed Ramsey alone, with each of his parents, and the whole family together. David had bought matching father-son tennis shoes that he was super excited about, so Ramsey changed his outfit mid session so we could include that. I thought it was so sweet and really special that he had done that.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from this family’s session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.