Atlanta Family Photographer | A sunrise session with the G family

I’ve worked with this fun family for their maternity session when they were expecting their little boy and then an in-home lifestyle session for his sitting milestone. Chitra requested to book an outdoor fall session, and we put a date on the calendar for October!

I always tell clients not to look at the weather, and to let me worry about it since it can be stressful, especially in the South! I can’t tell you how many times a forecast has shifted from 100% rain to no rain at all or the opposite.

In their case, it looked like it was going to rain on the evening of their session and as we approached their date, it was looking pretty definite. I schedule my outdoor sessions for an hour before sunset for the most part, but there’s an option out there for early risers! We can start at sunrise at a specific park location, and the gardens is often open at sunrise too. In the summer months it means you’ll be waking up earlier - BUT it will also be about 2-25 degrees cooler. If you have early risers in your family and you’re up for it, the sunrise time might be just perfect for you. Not sure what time your session will start? Simply google “Sunrise/Sunset time on X date in X year in Atlanta, Georgia” and you’ll have your answer. We will meet 10 minutes before sunset and 10 minutes before sunrise. I do not recommend sunrise sessions for the winter months as you’re looking at below freezing temperatures at times.

After speaking with Chitra about the impending rain, she agreed to move her session to sunrise that day instead when the forecast was showing no rain. We met at 7:45 AM at my park location for sunrise sessions, and it was such a gorgeous morning! It was nice and quiet outside as well, and Suman was cheerful and well rested. Sunrise light is soft and beautiful, and a bit “whiter” in terms of light color as sunsets tend to be more golden to orange in light.

We started off the session with lots of family images and exploring the park. When we finished, I asked if they’d like to step into the gardens location which was within a short walking distance from where we were, and they were all for it. If you’re hoping for a weekend session at the gardens, scheduling for sunrise is the best bet as it’s usually reserved for events in the evenings - especially during peak wedding season. We had a great time, and Chitra expressed that shooting sunrise was way easier than she initially thought it would be - and she was glad they now had the entire day ahead of them and didn’t have to worry about Suman taking a good afternoon nap to be ready for an evening session.

Here’s a few of my favorite images from this family session at sunrise!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.