Atlanta Family Photographer | The A Family at the studio

Jessi called the studio to learn about our process and asked to book a family session. She had never experienced professional photography with her entire family together, and she was very excited to find a studio that was in line with what she was looking for. Because she wanted to schedule her session for December, she didn’t want to try for an outdoor session with the risk of it being too cold outside. You just never know what you’ll get in Atlanta - sometimes we have 75 degree December days and other times we have 21 degree days. Studio sessions happen no matter what the weather is outside, so if you can’t be flexible to reschedule to the next available open date due to weather conditions, the studio is the best choice.

We sent over the style guide to Jessi for her to review as she planned what everyone would wear. On the phone, she expressed that her family loved to wear color, and we told her we love color too! Our studio is a very neutral setting and as long as families dress in color combinations that don’t involve neon or certain colors with heavy color casts, it’s all good! Our style guide is super helpful when it comes to deciding what to wear, and we are more than happy to have you come in for a complimentary style consult as well. We’re here to make this experience as easy and stress free as possible - so if you need some extra help or guidance, all you have to do is ask.

We set a date, and Jessi asked to add on hair and makeup services. We paired her with Olivia, who Jessi absolutely loved. She e-mailed us after her session just to tell us that Olivia was the best hair and makeup person she’d ever had in her life so far. Pretty high (and well deserved!) praise! Our hair and makeup team is absolutely fantastic, and our clients love working with them. It’s not unusual for clients to decide to never step in front of my camera again without utilizing the services of our team! You’ll feel like you’re chatting with a good friend the entire time you’re in the chair.

When the family arrived the afternoon of their session, I introduced myself to the kids. My approach with children is to give them space and let them approach me. I believe that kids are people too, and they deserve as much respect and consideration as adults do. Getting into a child’s face with a peppy cheerleader voice is not my style, nor does it tend to go over well from what I’ve observed. Sometimes my littlest clients are outgoing and friendly from the start, and other times they need to take a little time to familiarize themselves with the surroundings and warm up to me. This is exactly why I structure my family sessions the way that I do! We will almost always start with the whole family together and then move into parent/child images. This helps your child feel safe and secure with you while I gain their trust. By mid session, we’re usually exchanging high fives and playing games and that’s when we go for sibling and individual child portraits. There is no 100% set session flow that I refuse to deviate from. I’ll switch it up depending on the needs of your family and who is willing to participate at any given time.

Sadie & Zeke were just absolutely adorable! I love their big blue eyes and grins - and Sadie’s curly hair is just gorgeous. She had the best personality, and I spent a few minutes with just her in a chair photographing her expressions as we talked about her favorite things.

We had an absolute BLAST - the kids were running and jumping by the end and having a ball. Once I could see the kids were over being photographed, I pulled Sean and Jessi aside for a few parent only images. Most of the time with first time clients, the last time they’ve been photographed professionally as a couple was at their wedding! With my sessions, I always pull mom and dad aside for a few of just the two of them. After all, it was just the two of you once - and someday when the kids leave home, it’ll be just the two of you again.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from this family’s studio session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.