Atlanta Family Photographer | The G Family in the studio

Leila contacted the studio to book a family/milestone session in the studio with her husband and daughter, Raine. We sent over the style guide to her and set a session date. Our style guide is a helpful one page document that guides you through best practices for dressing your family with color and pattern combinations. If you want more detailed feedback, you are more than welcome to schedule a complimentary style consult at the studio or to send over quick phone photos of what you’re considering!

A couple of days before their scheduled session, Leila reached out to let us know that the whole family was sick with an upper respiratory infection. We know that life is unpredictable with little ones, so if this happens to you - don’t stress. We want everyone to be happy and healthy at their session! We looked through the studio calendar and rescheduled for a couple weeks out on a date that worked for both of us.

A funny story …. on the reschedule date, guess who woke up with NO voice. Yep, yours truly. I had zero warning that this was about to happen, and just woke up that way. I wasn’t sick with anything, but literally just did not have a voice. Never in my life have I had that happen, and to this day, I still don’t know why it did.

Because of how I run my sessions, having a voice is absolutely essential. I talk to babies, give direction to parents, and NEED my voice. My studio manager, Caroline, had to call Leila and let her know that I couldn’t speak and we needed to reschedule again. Leila understood completely, and was glad that I was erring on the side of caution just in case losing my voice was the precursor to actually being sick with something. Turns out that it really was just me losing my voice for no reason. I’m not kidding when I tell you that I was silent for three entire days until it came back. It was very, very strange to not be able to talk or communicate verbally… but my husband and kids seemed to love it! ;) My voice did return after that, and when Leila came in for her session she mentioned that when we had rescheduled she didn’t fully understand why I needed to be able to talk but that she 100% understood why afterwards! :)

Raine was a shy baby, so we began our session with family images and in parent arms. It took a lot of goofing around and trying different things, but I figured out that if Raine’s parents “dropped” her by bending their knees quickly and tilting her backwards she had a BIG smile and was laughing. So… guess what her parents did for the entire session? Yep. Your workout class is included free with sessions. ;)

After all the fun, Raine was feeling a lot more comfortable with me and the studio and we were able to sit her alone on a chair for some solo portraits. If you arrive and your little one is not feeling it, don’t stress. I have TONS of patience, and I’ll do whatever is help to your child feel comfortable. Come in ready to play and with a willingness to try unorthodox things to get the giggles going, and everything else will work itself out!

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from this family’s session!

Want to capture your family just as you are now before the time completely slips away and you’re packing their bags for college? Contact us and we’ll chat about your session goals, your vision, and our approach to see if we’re the perfect match for your family photography!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.