Alana called the studio to see if we had any availability for her twin girls to come in for a newborn session. We sent her the information and then didn’t hear back for a while…. until a week before the twins’ due date when she was on hospital bed rest. Things had gotten a little crazy, so she had simply forgotten to get back in touch to confirm her session with us. Fortunately, we still had availability and were able to schedule a session based on her nearing induction date.
I typically have a few sets of twins every year and I love it! As a note, twin sessions CAN take a bit longer than a single newborn, but that's not always the case. It really just entirely depends on the set of twins. I knew that even though these two girls were identical, there was a 1 pound difference between the two. The biggest visual difference was in their head size as you’ll see in the images shared! We also chose different colors for each of the girls as well to further eliminate any potential confusion on which was which, especially for the up close and individual images.
When she booked, Alana asked to work with our HMUA team and added on hair and makeup services. She also borrowed a dress from the studio wardrobe, because hello... nobody has time to try and go find something to wear with one baby, let alone two!
While Alana was in the hair and makeup chair with Brielle, I was photographing the girls. I don't use an assistant for twin sessions, but I do often use dad's help. Dad was absolutely amazing in bringing me each baby as I photographed them individually and then together and we laughed about how Annie was being a bit finicky about where she wanted to be positioned and how. Photographing twins together is either really easy or really challenging - in this case, it was more on the challenge side because Charlie was not having it. She didn’t like being next to her sister at that moment, and kept trying to break free, which was disturbing Annie. So, I asked dad to take Charlie so I could focus on Annie’s solo images. When I finished up with Annie, Charlie was sound asleep and Annie was still sleeping, so I was then able to get the images of the two of them together! After those, I handed Annie to dad, and finished up with Charlie’s solo images.
Once I was finished with the twins, we moved on to sibling photos. Big brother was SUCH a sweetheart and such an amazing kid! For a three year old, he listened incredibly well and was gentle and patient. Dad still stood right next to him just out of the camera frame ready to swoop in if needed. After the sibling images, we moved into family and parents and it was a pretty smooth session conclusion as both babies slept like rocks.
I loved working with this sweet family, and can’t wait to see them at our annual Santa event and see how big they have gotten! As a note, our Santa event sold out within a few hours, but you can still get on the wait list in case a spot opens up.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!
Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.