Atlanta Birth Photographer | Piedmont Hospital

When I first met these lovely parents here in Atlanta to talk about birth photography, I knew it was going to be a fun birth. They informed me that they were waiting to find out if their sweet baby was a boy or a girl until the birth, and that the whole family would be in the waiting room. I was right. When I arrived at the birth, I spent some time out in the waiting room with their very excited family members to document how they were passing the time. When baby boy arrived, it was nothing short of magical to hear the announcement to them by dad and hear the cheers and whoops. Here are just a few images from their birth session. This couple chose to have their birth story told through a birth video as well, and if you come to the studio for a consultation, you can watch it there with me. Each of my clients determines if they are comfortable sharing photos and their video online or in the studio only. 


If you are thinking about birth photography or reserving The Birth Session, please be sure to contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Fill out this form here to get started. Birth photography is a personal experience and an investment: be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby rolls

I love welcoming newborns and their families for newborn sessions in my natural light studio here in Atlanta, GA. My newborn sessions are a blend of simple, organic posing and some lifestyle. It is so important to capture all of those little details of your baby that you can't see yourself unless you're standing in front of a mirror and paying attention.

This image is a perfect example of what I mean.


This father is cradling his baby boy to his chest. He can't see how tiny his son is and how his hand covers his son. He can't see the sweet little baby rolls and how snuggly his little boy looks. Except, now ... he can. Because he has a photo of it to treasure for a lifetime. So, someday when his son asks for the keys to the car, or calls his dad out of breath to say, "Dad, the baby is coming!", he can reach for this image and remember exactly how it felt to hold his newborn son and how little he was. 

Want to schedule a time to come and see the studio (located in Historic Grant Park near Zoo Atlanta) and see the products before reserving your newborn session? Contact me today! I would love to meet you and answer any questions you have. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Why Pregnancy Photos are important

As a maternity photographer in Atlanta who LOVES taking pregnancy photos for clients, I meet a lot of different women. Some women love the way they look and feel when they're pregnant. Others hate the way they feel but love the way they look. Some women hate it all and consider pregnancy a means to an end. Pregnancy isn't always easy. I dealt with pretty severe morning sickness with my pregnancies, and didn't feel so great for the first half.


The biggest concern I hear from clients is that they're going to look fat in their images. You may not look like you did before pregnancy, but hear me: you look beautiful. I promise. I know exactly what to dress you in from the studio wardrobe and what angles to shoot from to make you see how stunning you are pregnant. I also know how your hair and makeup need to be done and have many referrals of fabulous hair and makeup artists in the Atlanta area. Why not make a special day for yourself out of it? Get a massage beforehand, have your hair and makeup done as an add on service from our HMUA at the studio, and enjoy every minute of your session! 


Our bodies are amazing. We have the capability to grow a tiny cell cluster into a baby that weighs several pounds. We grow an entire new organ (the placenta) to support them. Regardless of how we may feel when pregnant, the kicks and the movements as your baby grows within are an amazing thing to feel. The thoughts that you think while feeling those movements: who will my baby look like? What will my baby be like personality wise? What color eyes will my baby have? The answers to the questions don't even matter in the end. It's your baby, and you love them with a fierceness you didn't even know possible. That love is only going to multiply in an infinite way the moment you meet them for the very first time. When you meet them, you will know them. You've gotten to know them over the nine months you have carried them. And you know what? They will know you. They know your voice, your warmth, and your love. Welcome to motherhood: let's celebrate it by capturing your pregnancy!


Ready to schedule a maternity session to capture your pregnancy? Watch this short film to see what it's like to work with me.  Contact me today to schedule a time to come by the studio and check out the wardrobe and product line before reserving your time with me. I can't wait to meet you! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Making your memories tangible

I photograph newborn sessions here in Atlanta in my natural light studio, and really enjoy meeting new little babies and their wonderful parents. Being able to capture images of parents with their new babies is so rewarding. Knowing that someday these babies will grow up and look at the photos and SEE how much their parents loved them gives me great satisfaction in my job. I'm a mother too, and I understand firsthand how much these newborn images will mean to you when your baby isn't a baby anymore. My own daughters are now 3 years old and 16 months. They are often too busy for their mama, and I think back to the long nights of the newborn days, how I studied their every feature, and how they were so tiny in my arms. The truth is, if I didn't have photographs from that time, I wouldn't remember all of those little details. The good news is... I don't have to worry about it because those memories are in tangible form in prints and an album. Let's make sure your newborn memories are too. 


Are you ready to reserve your maternity or newborn session? Contact me today to set up a time to come by the studio (located in Historic Grant Park by Zoo Atlanta) and chat! I can't wait to meet you. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Daddies are important too

I recently had a newborn session in my Atlanta natural light studio, and had one of the most involved fathers to date. This father wanted to be in the photos with his newborn son, and was eager to create beautiful images for an album. I do not pose babies completely naked, so this little guy kept his diaper on. I keep my studio warm and toasty so that babies are comfortable and sleep well. While his mother was pregnant with him, both parents wore a pendant with the archangel Michael, which is what they named their little boy after. If you look carefully, you can see the pendant on the father's chest in this image. Since the pendants have such special meaning for this family, I knew it was important to have his father keep it on for their photos. 


While I love motherhood portraiture, I also believe that images of babies and children with their fathers are equally as important. Your children need to see how strong their daddies are, how much their daddies love them, and how tender their daddies were with them when they were babies. I have found that fathers (and most men in general) often do not understand the emotional importance of photographs. My own husband is included in this generalization. I have a very dear friend who lost her father to cancer a few years ago. We were on a trip with them when our first daughter was an infant, and my husband didn't want me to take a picture of him holding our daughter. Our friend turned to him, put her hand on his arm, and said "I have many photos of my father. I don't have anywhere near enough photos of us together. And now that he's gone, photographs are the only thing that I have left." My husband  hugged her and turned to me with a nod, and I took the picture. 

Be in the photos. Your children will be grateful for it someday. 

My newborn sessions are a blend of posed and lifestyle. Clients often remark on how easy and relaxed their session was at the end of it as we are packing up, and that they were expecting it to be more stressful. Your baby always leads the way, and we work around their needs the day of their session. There are so many beautiful images that can be created with baby in your arms, even if they aren't asleep. 

Want to stop by the studio to meet and see the products available or reserve your session? Contact me today. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Capturing those little moments

One of my favorite things about being an Atlanta family and baby photographer is getting to see my clients more than once! This lovely mama and her family are such a joy to work with.  I first met them when Harry was just a tiny eleven pound baby (okay, maybe not so tiny) for their newborn session, and was excited to see them again for his 6 month old session. He's SUCH a doll, and such a happy boy! 

His mama let me know before the session that she wanted the session to focus primarily on Harry, and I reminded her that I shoot the connection between parents and children for my family sessions. I did shoot half of the session to be of just Harry, but the other half was focused on capturing moments between Harry and his parents. This moment is one of them, and I just adore this image so much. This is what motherhood is all about! Getting down on the ground with your baby and seeing the world through his eyes. Who knew grass was so fascinating? Someday Harry will be a grown man, and he will have this image of his mother on the ground next to him exploring the world right alongside him. He will know how much she loved him - because he will SEE that in this image. This is why I am so passionate about photography and what shapes the way I shoot sessions...emotive, connective moments where you feel the love in the images. 


Ready to book your session? Contact me today to begin planning. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Heather

Have I mentioned how much I adore maternity sessions and capturing pregnancy photos for expectant mothers in the Atlanta area? Motherhood portraiture has a special place in my heart.

My natural light studio is a warm and cozy space, and all my clients have remarked on how serene and comfortable it is. It doesn't take long to warm up to the camera with the way I shoot. If you haven't seen what I'm like in action during sessions, I encourage you to watch this short 1.5 minute film. Every single client who has scheduled a session with me and seen the film has informed me that it perfectly captures my personality and the way I work. 

This is Heather, one of the doulas behind the Sweet Blessings Doula team,  expecting her fourth child. She's waiting to find out if she has another son or daughter. I dressed Heather in several studio wardrobe pieces through her session, and I can't wait to share more from her beautiful session soon! 


Are you ready to create beautiful images of your pregnancy to treasure and share with your baby when they're older? Contact me to reserve your maternity session. I can't wait to meet you! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Michael

I was so excited to see Erica again! She was last in studio for a beautiful intimate maternity session, and we had a lot of fun choosing her favorite dresses from the studio wardrobe. Baby Michael was such a sweet little baby, and he slept for the entire time! He is by far my fastest newborn yet, as we wrapped up in just under 90 minutes. 


Many mothers think that they only want photos of their newborn and don't want to be in them. You may feel the same way after having given birth recently. Your body is in a strange sort of limbo, and you may not feel your best. Rest assured though, that even if you don't feel beautiful - you are. The glow of your new motherhood will be apparent. All you need to do is admire your baby and snuggle them, and I'll take care of the rest. Because when your baby leaves for college, the images of you holding them are the ones you will reach for to remember how small they felt cradled in your arms. Every client that I had who felt a little bit reluctant to be in the photos told me after our session when they viewed their images that they were so grateful to have those memories in tangible form forever. Don't worry: my sessions are a blend of your baby alone and also with you and your partner so it's the best of both worlds!

Contact me today to reserve your maternity or newborn session!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Violet is one

I can't believe my youngest is one. I took my daughters out to the field in Atlanta that I love to shoot in (all by myself) so that I could preserve this time  in photographs. My oldest looks oh so very big… when really, it wasn't that long ago that she was an itty bitty thing. I let them explore the field and be themselves and just stood back, like I do with my clients. 

Through my lens, I saw two sisters, undeniably siblings, but so different in personality. One blonde (where did this come from?!), the other brunette. One full of energy that has a hard time sitting still, the other content to sit quietly and explore through observation. This image captures my two little girls perfectly, and sums them up. It speaks more than a thousand words to me about each one and their relationship with each other. I love it. I am so glad that I have it to keep and look at forever. So that when I say "Remember when…", I have a photo to truly remember. And in a way, having this moment frozen in time will keep them this little forever. 


If you would like to reserve a session for your baby and family, please contact me today! My sessions are intimate, relaxed, and fun. You won't feel rushed or pressured, and your little ones will lead the way for how the session unfolds. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Olive

I was so excited to photograph Olive's maternity session in my natural light studio here in Atlanta. Olive had planned her wardrobe far in advance and had a clear vision for her session, which was very much in line with what I love to shoot. Olive brought her own split front maternity gown, and chose to wear a white chemise from my studio wardrobe for the in studio portion.

We then took her session outdoors to a quiet little spot that I knew would be the perfect location and backdrop for the stunning maternity gown she had chosen, and her husband joined in for some photos as well. It was in the 40's and windy, but Olive was a trouper and I worked as quickly as I could with some breaks in between for her to warm back up in a coat. 


While shooting the session was wonderful, it was even more amazing to reveal the gallery a couple of weeks later to Olive and her mother. Seeing the beaming smiles and hearing the gasps as they saw her maternity pictures for the first time was a lot of fun. Lily Sophia Photography is a full service boutique studio, and providing the full client experience is so important to me. I can't wait to see Olive again when she brings her baby to the studio next month!

If you'd like to book a maternity session, contact me today! I have limited openings this winter, and my warm and cozy studio space is the perfect place to escape the frigid outdoor temperatures we're experiencing this winter. If you're brave and willing to face the cold, I have some perfect locations that are gorgeous in the winter.  

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.


Atlanta Maternity Photographer | The beauty of pregnancy

I love to take pregnancy photos for maternity clients here at my natural light studio in Atlanta, Georgia. Women are at their most beautiful when they are pregnant! I encourage my clients to take the time to have their hair and makeup professionally done, and am more than happy to recommend some talented makeup artists.

Maternity sessions are a lot of fun! Studio maternity sessions are perfect for women who want to show off the bare belly or wear more intimate clothing and not have to worry about gawking passerby. In Atlanta, the studio is also a reprieve from the oppressively hot summers and cold winters. 

Clients are often a little bit nervous and worried about feeling silly, but they all end up having the best time. Many other clients are worried that they don't look their best and are uncomfortable in their new pregnant body. It is my job to place my clients in the most flattering angles, and choose the perfect pieces from the studio wardrobe to accentuate the best features. A maternity session wonderful way to take some time out for yourself in the midst of all the business of the showers, getting the nursery ready, and fretting about all those last minute details. Take the opportunity to both pamper yourself and create beautiful images of this incredibly special time in your life!

Contact me today to begin planning your maternity session! I can't wait to work with you and create your perfect session with images to treasure for a lifetime. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | The Moments that Matter

Newborn sessions here in my Atlanta, Georgia natural light studio aren't just about posed photos. While I do include some organic and natural posing on the beanbag, the moments that are most important are the moments between you and your new baby. These moments are pure. They can't be posed. They're what you're going to look at years from now, and when you do: you're going to feel the same overwhelming emotions as you did when the image was captured. That is the point of photography, and the goal I have for every session that I shoot. 

While I appreciate the artistic effort that goes into creating photos of babies with their hands propping up their chin, it's not something I shoot here in the studio. I believe that babies should be captured just as they are. Their tiny little fingers, nose, lips, flaky skin, and pouty sleeping lips. Babies are so beautiful in their own right. I don't distract from that beauty and innocence with heavy props or themes. As a mother of two daughters, my most treasured images are the ones I have with my sweet baby girls in my arms, just as we were in that moment. This is what I provide to clients, because that is what I love. 


I adore the admiration and love emanating from this mother as she takes in every detail and feature of her beautiful baby's face. For those of us who have experienced motherhood, you know what I'm talking about. You can't get over the fact that you made something this beautiful and that this tiny little person is yours. You also can't quite believe after 9 months of waiting, they're finally in your arms. The responsibility is humbling, exciting, and overwhelming all at once. For those who are expecting and haven't experienced motherhood just yet… just you wait. The best is yet to come. 

If you're expecting and would like to reserve your newborn session, please contact me today! It's never too early, and we'll have lots of fun planning as you wait for your baby to arrive. My sessions are warm, laid back, and relaxed. You won't feel rushed or pressured, and your baby will lead the way for how the session unfolds. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | In the Studio

It was a freezing cold day in Atlanta, but it didn't matter, because this studio maternity session was toasty warm for my pregnant mama. Look how gorgeous and happy she is! I can't wait to meet her little baby boy due at the beginning of January. 

Maternity sessions in the studio are perfect for expectant moms who want intimate images showcasing their pregnant belly. You will absolutely glow in your session, and will have so much fun! If you're worried about being awkward and self conscious, don't be. As a birth photographer in Atlanta, I have seen it all, so various stages of undress don't bother me. All of my clients warn me that they're going to be nervous and uncomfortable before their session, but by the end they tell me how much fun they had. I know it's difficult to embrace your changing pregnant body, especially as a first time mom. I have been there myself with my own two daughters. Some of the changes are fun, others not so much! I am a very warm personality, but not overbearing - and I know exactly how to guide you into flattering poses. Pregnancy is so beautiful - celebrate it! 

I have an exquisite studio wardrobe available to clients to use for their session if they desire. I also strongly recommend that clients take the time to work with a makeup artist, and have some amazing referrals here in the Atlanta area. 


Contact me today to begin planning your maternity session! I offer in studio and on location sessions. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.


Atlanta Baby Photographer | Mommy and Harry

I just loved capturing these two at Harry's 6 month session. We doubled it as a family session, and I will be able to share the rest of the images after Christmas! If you think that a winter session isn't a good idea: think again. Winter provides such a beautiful natural background and I love to use the golden sun. 

This image is perfection to me and makes me happy just to look at it. How many of us will do anything to make our children laugh and squeal with delight? We are the entire world to our children for such a very short time. There will come a day when they won't be small enough to lift to the sky. 

Family and baby sessions are so important because you need to remember these moments with your baby. You will blink, and they will be going to kindergarten. Being a parent is so bittersweet, because you want to hold on to their littleness forever but you're so proud of them as they grow and learn new things. 


Contact me today to begin planning your baby or family session! My session fee includes 3 appointments: pre-planning for your session, your actual session, and your gallery reveal/ordering session in my natural light studio. I can't wait to meet you and create images that will make you and your baby smile for a lifetime.  

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Intimate Studio Sessions

With the weather in Atlanta reaching extremes during winter and summer, I'm happy to offer pregnant mothers a reprieve for their maternity photos inside my gorgeous natural light studio. Many clients want to document their pregnancy wearing pretty intimates, and the images are absolutely lovely, tasteful, and stunning. My studio wardrobe also has quite a few options for clients to choose from!

This mama is expecting her baby boy in January, and she was so much fun to work with. She's a wedding photographer, and I love when other photographers trust me to craft images for them. She is so in love with her little boy, and can't wait to hold him and see his little face for the first time. I'm so excited for her!

I currently have limited openings for maternity clients in January and February, so if you'd like to reserve a maternity session, contact me today to begin planning! Newborn and birth clients have exclusive access to petite maternity studio session reservations. I can't wait to work with you and create stunning images of this incredibly beautiful time in your life. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Child Photographer | Sweet innocence

I love to photograph children, including my own. This is my little girl. She is my oldest, and spunky and smart. I study every sweet feature of hers in the moments she is still, and cement them in my mind. Because I know I will blink, and she'll be asking for the car keys. I take photographs of her and her little sister, because I know ten, twenty, thirty years from now I will struggle to remember in my mind exactly what they looked like when they were small.. 

This is why photographs matter to me. So I never forget.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Studio Wardobe

When you're a client of Lily Sophia Photography, you have access to my studio wardrobe for expecting and new mothers. It's one less thing to worry about! There are many gorgeous pieces in neutral tones with feminine details ranging from size XS to XL. I have carefully chosen each piece for the studio wardrobe.  Every piece photographs like a dream, and will always be beautiful and timeless - even when your children's children see them.

All of my maternity and newborn/baby sessions include an optional complimentary pre planning session, and clients have the option to come to the studio to browse through the wardrobe to try things on and see if they fall in love with anything. The wardrobe is available for both in studio and outdoor sessions. Contact me to plan your maternity or newborn session today!


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | From 3 to 4

This sweet family is welcoming a new baby at the beginning of 2015 and wanted to capture both their pregnancy and family for their photos! They're waiting to find out if they're having a son or daughter, and I can't wait to find out when the baby arrives. Erica and I planned their shoot a few months prior, and she chose to use a dress from my studio wardrobe available to my clients. We spent an evening in 37 degree weather to capture their family and Erica's pregnancy. I just love their little family, and can't wait to share more from their session.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.