Atlanta Baby Photographer | Kerry and baby James

The last time I had seen Kerry was for her gorgeous maternity session. Kerry wanted to schedule a session for herself and her new baby boy, James, who is now 5 months old! Needless to say, Kerry is a loyal client, and I love working with her. We planned her wardrobe together after a trip to Anthropologie, and met at a park before sunset. When planning the session, Kerry let me know that she wanted some photos to document their nursing relationship, and that she loved James' thick tummy. I made a mental note of that and made sure to capture those things for her to look back on.

After viewing her images, Kerry selected several to display in their own home and as gifts for family. I'm looking forward to their family session this fall! 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Roswell Maternity Photographer | Tina and John

Tina contacted me after being referred to me by another client. She and I spent a few weeks planning their maternity shoot, and I assisted her with her wardrobe selection, which I provide as a complimentary service to all clients! The day we originally scheduled ended up being rained out, but I always have a backup date scheduled just in case. The backup date was absolutely gorgeous, and we had such a fun session. I drove out to their home in Alpharetta, and then we went to one of my favorite locations. Tina and John were one of the most romantic couples that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I felt like I was shooting an engagement session at times! The love they have for each other and their soon to arrive little boy is very evident, and I was so happy to work with them to give them beautiful photos of this beautiful and fleeting time in their lives.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | Northside Hospital Scheduled C-section

I first met Jessica and her partner, David at Izzy Maternity in Buckhead. She and I started talking and when I learned that David was a photographer, I mentioned that I was a birth photographer here in Atlanta. Jessica decided that she wanted to book my services even though she had a scheduled c-section planned. So many potential clients ask if a c-section will make their birth any less beautiful and the answer is absolutely not! 

I could go on, but instead I'll leave you with some kind words from Jessica about her experience working with me.

"My friend and fellow industry professional: Lauren captured the birth of my daughter two weeks ago. My partner and father of my child, David Rams, is also a photographer. So choosing another photographer to be a part of our experience and capture it from their viewpoint was as can be imagined, difficult for him to allow. We liked Lauren's style and felt she would capture our experience in the way we would want. Lauren was there from the moment we checked-in and regardless of her profession, I needed her there as my support in addition to David. I trusted her knowledge and experience. Our friendship with Lauren only grew from that day and both David and I feel like our friendship with her is in more of a special place because of that day and her journey through it all with David, Jansen and myself."


If you are considering reserving The Birth Session, contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Fill out this form here to get started. Birth photography is a personal experience and an investment: be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Norcross Newborn Photographer | Baby Grace

On July 25th, I was at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA for a birth and when I finished documenting the birth of Jansen, I headed over to see Crystal and Philip. The last time I had seen them was during their amazing maternity session, and I was so excited to find out if they'd had a little boy or girl since they were waiting until birth to find out.

Verdict: It's a girl! Grace was so beautiful, and so sweet. Her daddy was absolutely enamored with her, and both of her parents were just in awe of her. I love seeing the emotion and the transformation that couples make when they become new parents. It's hard to describe, but you can see a marked difference in their eyes. That's why I love Fresh 48 photography. Capturing those tiny newborn details that fade so very quickly and the quiet moments with your baby. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Norcross Maternity Photographer | Crystal and Philip

This was the first one of Crystal and Philip's upcoming sessions with me since they reserved maternity, Fresh 48, and Fresh Baby sessions. I loved Crystal's lace top so much that I added it to my studio wardrobe for future clients! We had a summer storm roll in during our shoot and had to camp out for a bit, but without that storm we wouldn't have had the amazing silhouette photo you'll see further down in this post. Part of being an on location photographer is being flexible to adapt to constantly changing environments. Being a birth photographer here in Atlanta has been great training for that! 

Crystal and Philip are waiting to find out if they're having a son or a daughter, and I can't wait to find out when I get the call that they're ready for me to come visit them at Northside Hospital for their Fresh 48 session! 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Baby Theo

Krystle and Teddy are so much fun, and I loved their maternity session! I was so excited to work with them again. I headed to the home of Krystle and Teddy to meet their 3 week old son, Theo. Theo is a BIG boy, and his parents are in love! The last time I had seen Krystle and Teddy was at their maternity session, so I was excited to see them both and hear how Theo's birth went. Krystle and Teddy were interested in lifestyle, so I traveled to their home and captured their normal day to day interaction with Theo. Krystle selected a few images to print for a Father's Day gift and as grandparent gifts. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Baby Ellie, 8 weeks old

I was SO excited to see Amie and Daniel again for their family/Fresh Baby session. Baby Ellie was 8 weeks old when I came, and she was such a doll baby! The last time I had seen Amie and Daniel was at their maternity session, and it was so good to see them and hear about how Ellie's birth went. I love Amie and Daniel's style, and their house feels like an Anthropologie store! 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | Adalie's Home Birth

I first met this mama via FaceTime since she lived over an hour away and wasn't up to traveling to interview me. We connected right away and by the end of the conversation she had decided to hire me to document her birth. We became friends (as I do with all of my clients) and texted each other quite a lot in the months leading up to her birth. Traditional Birth Services of Atlanta with midwife Brenda Parrish and her assistant midwife in training, Cindy Morrow attended the birth. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful birth, and SUCH a gorgeous baby!  


If you are considering reserving The Birth Session, contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Birth photography is a personal experience and an investment: be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ella, Fresh 48

I headed to Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, GA for Ella's Fresh 48 session. Have you ever seen such a beautiful baby!? I was amazed by her head of hair! Spending time with her parents, Tiffiney and Chee, was a lot of fun and I was able to offer some encouragement to Tiffiney as she navigated breastfeeding. Chee was such an attentive partner and father, and Tiffiney was such a warm and loving mother. The images from Ella's Fresh 48 session are now displayed in her nursery, and also in her baby book. I love when families see the value and importance of documenting their tiny brand new baby … because as parents find out, they change SO fast. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Norcross Maternity Photographer | Eddie and Elysia

Eddie and Elysia drove to Atlanta from their home in Norcross for their maternity session. This was our "get to know each other" session before the birth of their baby girl, since I'm their birth photographer as well! They're having a homebirth with Dawning Life Midwifery, and I'm so excited to document that for them. 

We met in a park with beautiful trees that filter the evening light beautifully, and they were naturals at interacting, and needed very little help. The necklace that Elysia is wearing in these photos belonged to her grandmother who her baby girl is being named after. I just love when my clients incorporate such rich history in their photos to make them that much more meaningful. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | Paxton's Birth at Kennestone Hospital in Kennesaw, GA

I first met Georgia and Thomas at their maternity session, and really enjoyed getting to know them. They decided to hire me as their birth photographer at the end of their maternity session, and I happened to be available to accept them! It was only a couple of weeks later that Georgia and Thomas welcomed their baby girl Paxton into the world on April 29th at Kennestone Hospital in Kennesaw, GA. I was so honored to be a part of it and document such an important and beautiful day in their lives. Congratulations Georgia and Thomas! Paxton, you're a lucky little lady with parents like yours! 


If you are thinking about birth photography or reserving The Birth Session, please be sure to contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour.  Birth photography is a personal experience and an investment: be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | How to make your maternity session more meaningful

If you have a ring or a necklace passed down from your mom or your great great grandma, that's a beautiful thing to include in your maternity session.

Every photo has a story, and additions like this only make the story that much richer and meaningful to you when you look back on them! Isn't that part of the reason you hire a photographer to photograph you? You want to look at a photo and feel emotion, and see things in the photo that are special to you. Incorporating family jewelry is an amazing way to do this.

I love to hear the stories of my clients when they explain what the meaning behind special items are. In the photos below, the necklace my client is wearing belonged to her grandmother. When I commented on how unique it was, and asked her if it had any special meaning, she told me the story. It belonged to her beloved grandmother who passed away when she was a teenager, and they were naming their baby girl after her! How special is that? I now suggest that clients think about any jewelry they may have that has been handed down to them.  Wouldn't it be so special if a mom expecting a little girl chose to wear her grandmother's pearl earrings and then her little girl wore those same earrings on her wedding day?


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta photographer | A list of random things about me

I don't know about you, but I like to get to know people and learn who they are, what they love, and what they're interested in. After all,  life is about relationships.

  • I'm 6 feet tall without shoes. Fortunately, my husband is 6'5", so I'm still shorter than him in heels! 
  • Speaking of heels,  the last time I wore my beloved stilettos to a wedding I swore I would never wear them again (but I will). I literally could not feel my feet by the end of the night. Sometimes fashion before comfort just wins, regardless. 
  • I have one younger sister, who means the world to me. She is one of the most amazing and inspirational people I know, and has a positive attitude despite being a dialysis patient due to kidney failure.
  • I think the best ice cream in the world is Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter. I have always loved the combination of chocolate and peanut butter and used to put peanut butter on my ice cream as a topping when I was a kid. Wait....I still do.
  • I love historical fiction. This is probably why I loved the American Girl Dolls so much growing up. I can't wait to pass down my dolls to my own daughters when they're old enough for them!
  • Fall is my favorite season. My birthday is in October, I love wearing scarves, sweaters, and tall boots, and the golden autumn colors are just so beautiful. 
  • Fall reminds me of s'mores. Another junk food treat that I adore.
  • Have I mentioned I have a sweet tooth?
  • One of my most amazing and sobering life experiences is standing in one of many large holes created by a mortar in World War II while overlooking Omaha Beach in Normandy, France.  It really gave me perspective in what the soldiers went through while fighting for their countries in that war. 
  • My favorite beach destination is the Florida Gulf area in Destin. The drive through the quaint little Alabama towns is just so peaceful and pretty! 

What about you? What's the first random about you that pops into your head?


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | Kerry & Bob

Kerry was expecting her second baby boy in March, and elected to have a lifestyle maternity session indoors. Her house was a photographer's dream with lots of beautiful natural light pouring in her windows, and amazing detailed furniture! 

Kerry wasn't quite sure what to wear for her session so had pulled out several choices for me to look over when I arrived. Even though she's having a boy, I fell in love with this beautiful pink sweater that was included in her options. It was perfect for her complexion, and looked absolutely gorgeous with the colors of her bedroom. I always love when clients ask for my input in their wardrobe selection since I can offer my advice from a photographer's standpoint. Some clients even text me their ideas for wardrobe beforehand, and I'm always happy to give advice and feedback! Wardrobe consultation is complimentary and part of the client experience. The best advice I have for my Atlanta maternity session clients is to wear something that you feel beautiful in. If you feel great, it will show in your photos - Kerry's photos are stunning! 



Kerry & Bob welcomed their baby boy on March 4th! Welcome to the world, baby boy! You're super blessed with amazing and loving parents and big brother!  

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | What do you most want to remember?

I'm a mother of two. I never cease to be amazed by how quickly my daughters change, especially in the first year of life. I swear, sometimes I put my baby down for a nap and when she awakens later I feel like she sprouted more hair. It's so important to capture the little details of my children. I know when they're all grown up, I won't be able to recall exactly what their features looked like. This is why I love photography so much... a photo remembers what you have forgotten.

What do you love most about your baby? I love little baby toes and baby feet. I absolutely love when my babies learn to grab their feet... and when they manage to stick their toes in their mouth. It's just about the most adorable thing I've ever seen. 


When my daughter gets married and has children of her own, I'll still be able to remember what she looked like when she chewed on her little toes like she's doing in this photo. Will you be able to say the same? Make sure you document the little details and moments in your own photos or have a photographer come to your home and capture that for you! You will never regret having those photographs to look back on. 

I'd love to capture these memories for you and create beautiful artwork for your home! Contact me to schedule a session. Can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photography | Amie & Daniel

As a maternity photographer in Atlanta, I want my sessions to reflect my clients' personalities and tastes. Every shoot needs to show who they are as both a couple and as individuals. Since Amie expressed her love for the outdoors, we scheduled their shoot at a local park that they enjoy spending time at. 

Amie & Daniel are expecting a little girl at the end of March, and they were just so sweet together! I love when I have a couple that isn't afraid to be affectionate and goof around. A session should be FUN! 

I know not everyone is comfortable in front of a camera. I set aside some time at the beginning of every session to chat and get to know my clients. Getting comfortable with me first helps them relax, and it shows in my photos! As I tell my clients in my complimentary consultations: as long as everyone is willing to have fun and try new things with my direction, I can produce beautiful images to treasure for a lifetime.

I can't wait to meet Amie and Daniel's sweet baby girl for their lifestyle newborn session after she arrives!


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | Is flash bad for baby eyes?

One of the most common questions that I am asked about my birth photography in Atlanta is whether or not I use a flash. The answer: only if I absolutely have to, and NEVER once baby has been born. I do not use a direct flash. If you don't know what that is, it's basically what you have on your camera that pops up from the top and flashes directly at the subject. As you probably already know, direct flash is blinding and often washes out the photo completely. 

However, during birth I do sometimes use a bounced flash. For example, during a waterbirth in a dark room, I might need to bounce my flash off the ceiling or wall with a diffuser to capture the baby crowning and coming out. It all depends on the lighting conditions of the labor room and the photos that the parents want to have. Some parents don't want crowning shots, some do. A lot of factors come into play when making decisions about how to best capture images in the different stages. Regardless of the lighting conditions, I never have my flash pointed directly at the mother. I can't think of anything worse than trying to concentrate during a contraction and having a bright light flashing in my face randomly with no warning. Part of my job as a birth photographer is to respect the birthing space and be as unobtrusive as possible so the mother can progress well and not feel interrupted or annoyed.

There's no way to predict what the lighting situation will be at a birth since some mothers prefer to labor with the lights turned low, while others want lights. My job as a birth photographer is to work with the existing environment and be flexible. Sometimes the lighting situation will change multiple times during a labor. If I had a dollar for every time a nurse or midwife flipped a light switch on or off during the time I cover a birth... well, I'd be rich!

When the baby is born, my flash is tabled completely. The research states that flash isn't actually harmful to the eyes of newborns, but I just don't think it's necessary to put them through that. I have the experience and the training to photograph the moments after birth without needing to use my flash. Besides, your baby just came from a safe, warm, and dark place. A flash would just be invasive and disturb them. I'd much rather use the other continuous lighting options that I carry with me! 


As you can see from the photo above, I don't need to use flash to get beautiful photos of a minutes old baby! It was actually quite dark in this room, but since I shoot with a full frame camera and am experienced with the best settings for low light environments, I simply made a few quick adjustments and captured baby's measurements in a non invasive way for all present. 

Most babies spend time on their mom's chest after their birth and open their eyes to look around. There are so many sweet moments that can be captured, and the last thing I want to do is upset a brand new baby (or mother!) with a harsh flash that disturbs them or makes them cry. They've already had a tough journey to earth side! 


Another major reason that I don't use flash after the baby is born is illustrated in my image below. 


This little one opened their eyes and spent time looking around and taking in their environment. I wouldn't have been able to get photos of this baby with their eyes open without causing them to squint or just refuse to open their eyes to avoid the flash entirely. 

I hope this has answered any questions you may have had regarding my use of flash in birth photography! If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking for a birth photographer, I would love to chat more with you about my services. 

If you are considering reserving The Birth Session, contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Fill out this form here to get started. Birth photography is a personal experience and an investment: be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Birth Photographer | The Birth of Caroline

I'm an Atlanta birth photographer, and I love documenting birth stories! This couple was such a sweet couple, and they were expecting their third baby... a little girl after two boys. To say they were excited would be an understatement. When I arrived, I silently sat in my corner of the room as Lauren and Russ worked together as a team to bring baby Caroline into the world. It was very special to watch, and the look of elation on Lauren's face when Caroline was placed on her chest was so beautiful. That look is the look I see in every birth... the mixture of overwhelming joy, relief, excitement all blended together in one. Birth is a transformative event in the life of a woman, no matter if it's their first baby or their fifth! Lauren and Russ had invited Lauren's mom to come to the birth, and it was so special to see her mother's reaction. It was love at first sight for all of them! 


If you are considering reserving The Birth Session, please contact me right away. I meet with all interested couples in my studio for a no obligation consultation for about an hour. Want to know what it's like to work with me? Watch this short film which will give you a very good look at my personality and how I work. Every single client who has seen this before coming to meet with me has stated it depicts me perfectly.

 Fill out this form here to get started! Birth photography is very a personal experience. Your baby's birth only happens once. The Birth Session is an investment: I want you to be confident in your choice! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.