Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Natalie

I first worked with Bethany and John for their maternity session at the park location. You can view those images by clicking here. I had such a great time with them and their two pups during their maternity session, and was so looking forward to seeing them again when they welcomed their daughter!

That day finally came when I got the email from them announcing that their baby girl, Natalie, had arrived! Bethany knew she wanted to add on hair and makeup services again, and we scheduled their session for a couple weeks out.

The morning of their session, the new family of three arrived. I really love getting that first glimpse of their little face in their carseat and seeing which features they have from each parent. Little Natalie definitely favored her daddy in many ways, but I could see Bethany in her too. It’s amazing how fast babies change, though. When my first daughter was born EVERYONE made a point to let me know that she looked just like her dad. By the time she was six months old, that wasn’t the case anymore. She’s seven now, and she’s pretty much my twin (minus the hair color) - especially when you compare photos of us at the same age. It’s so much fun to see how they develop and change over time.

Bethany settled into the hair and makeup chair with Margaret, our lead HMUA, and I got started with Natalie’s solo portraits. I keep my colors very neutral and simple and generally use ivory whites, creams, blushes, and some beiges depending on which look best with each individual baby that comes my way. I want the focus to be on your baby and their sweet features, not on a busy or loud backdrop. Some of my wraps and tiebacks have texture to add visual interest and layers, but my photography style is very clean, simple, and authentic to my subjects.

Natalie was a good sleeper for me, and I was able to move her around and wrap her pretty easily. Some babies are not, and I modify my wraps and how I place them to their preferences. No two newborns look the same because every baby is unique in their preferences and touch sensitivity. I absolutely will not force a baby into a position that they don’t want to be in, and have years of experience in knowing when a baby can be coaxed or when we should move on to the next thing. I always like to photograph the little baby details as well, such as toes, hands, eyelashes, noses, etc with my macro lens. These macro shots are the perfect way to capture your baby’s sweet little details forever, so I always include them in the proof gallery. They’re often chosen as favorites: especially the toes!

When I was finished photographing Natalie, she was in need of a diaper change and a feeding break. John changed her diaper and then handed her to Bethany who nursed her while Margaret put the finishing touches on her hair. Once Natalie was done, I had the studio set up for the parent and family portion. Most of my new parents are a little bit nervous about what to do, but since Bethany and John had worked with me for their maternity session, they knew they didn’t need to be nervous. No matter what type of session, I guide my clients through the entire thing. I make slight adjustments, smooth hair flyaways, straight shirts, tuck in bra straps, and give easy to follow direction. AND we’ll have fun during the session too! ;) Newborn sessions are really just about loving your baby and admiring them… and parents of newborns are pretty much experts at that straight out of the gate. I’ll take care of the rest and make sure you’re photo ready!

After going through a mix of John and baby, Bethany and baby, and the whole family together, we were finished with the session. Bethany changed back into her clothes and I went over what to expect from me next in terms of when they’d see their proof gallery. We exchanged hugs goodbye, and they set off for home while I started the cleaning up of the studio. All studio pieces worn and used during a session are laundered afterwards, and the floors are swept. Our studio changing table is disinfected and the changing table cover and pad is changed out for a fresh one for each new client. All door handles and surfaces are also disinfected after each client just to be on the safe side. We take cleanliness seriously around here with the tiny little immune systems that come through our doors.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Natalie’s newborn session. I cannot wait to see her and her parents again in December when Natalie meets Santa for the first time as a six month old!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Lucia

I last worked with Saidie, Daniel, and big sister Zoe for their family maternity session at the gardens location. You can view those images by clicking here. I was SO excited to hear from Saidie that baby Lucia had arrived! When Lucia was born, she was a little itty bitty thing at just over 5 pounds. Her session was scheduled for when she was almost three weeks old because of her weight and to give Zoe a little bit of time to acclimate and adjust. You just never know how your older children will react to having a new baby in the house. I’ve found that the majority of kids in the 18 month through late 2’s range need some time, so I tend to schedule those sessions around the 2-3 week mark. It also gives mom and dad some time to adjust to having another member of the family too! :) The way that I work with and photograph newborns does NOT require them to be under 10 days old like many other photographers. So if you’ve heard that before, ignore it when it comes to me. It’s just not the case here! And if you’re reading this while holding your three week old newborn, regretting not booking a newborn session, and thinking you missed the window….think again. Give us a call and we’ll see if we can fit you in on the schedule!

Saidie and Lucia arrived at the studio on the morning of their session, and I got started photographing just Lucia while Saidie took some time for herself to relax. She already knew exactly which dress she wanted to wear because of her maternity fitting, so her dress was already steamed and ready for her.

Lucia was wide awake when I took her out of her carseat, but very calm. I immediately wrapped her up to take advantage of her alertness as photographs of newborns with eyes open and looking at the camera can be difficult (and sometimes impossible!) to get. I’d estimate that about half of my newborn clients are asleep for their entire session and won’t open their eyes, or are angry when awake, which doesn’t make for a good open eye portrait. Lucia didn’t want to sleep at all, so when Daniel arrived with Zoe, we moved right into the family and parent portraits. Zoe was interested in her baby sister and we played a few games to encourage natural and gentle interaction with her. I always hear from parents at how amazed they are by some of the techniques that I use to get images… the truth is, they’re pretty easy as long as the older child is interested in playing that particular game. If they’re not, we pivot to something else. We’ll eventually find something to engage them!

As we were finishing up with family photos, Lucia fell asleep, so I was able to get some family images with her both awake and asleep. Zoe and Daniel left to head back home, and I photographed Lucia’s solo portraits. Usually it’s the other way around, but babies run the show… so that’s how it was for this session! Saidie had brought the family rosary passed down from generations before them. Such a special family heirloom that I was honored to incorporate for them! She also brought a beautiful linen Mexican dress with a matching blanket that we saved for the very end that Zoe had also been photographed in. Lucia woke up as we were dressing her in it, but remained calm, so I was able to get a few quick images before she decided to announce very loudly that she was hungry again. ;)

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Lucia’s newborn session! You made me work hard, sweet girl, but it’s always worth it in the end!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Theo

Greer contacted the studio to ask about scheduling a newborn session. She had a lot of questions about the process and what to expect, so Caroline (our full time studio manager) gave her a call to answer all of her questions in depth. Caroline is lots of fun to talk to and super responsive. Our clients love chatting with her, and you will too! Greer emailed us the next week to let us know she was ready to proceed with getting on our calendar.

Let me address the MOST often asked question when it comes to newborn sessions. “How can I schedule my baby’s newborn session when I don’t know when they will actually be born?”

The answer: We have a limited number of spots each month for newborn clients in order to maintain the best level of service to our clients. When you reserve your newborn session, you are taking one of those spots that we have set aside. Once they’re full, they’re full. If you’re reading this right now and have already had your baby, please call the studio to see if we can accommodate you. When babies arrive earlier or later than their estimated due date, we are often able to fit in last minute requests depending on our schedule!

A couple of months went by, and Greer let us know that baby Theo had arrived! She also requested to add on hair and makeup services to her newborn session as well. When you add on hair and makeup, you don’t need to worry about finding dates that will work for our schedule. We handle all the coordination in house to make the process as easy as possible for you. Our HMUA team is absolutely wonderful and skilled at working with all skin types and tones. They’re caring, and kind, and specialize in natural beauty which is exactly what most of our newborn moms want. Should you want to kick it up a notch, simply discuss your preferences with them while you’re sitting in the chair, and they’ll create a beautiful look for you based on your vision that will also photograph well. I also want to mention that adding on services does not lengthen the amount of time that you are in the studio. You’re going to be sitting and waiting regardless while I photograph your newborn alone for the first portion. Might as well treat yourself and not worry about getting ready! PS: our HMUA artists are MAGIC when it comes to undereye circles from newborn induced sleep deprivation.

We settled on a date that worked for Greer, and sent over our newborn prep packet for her to review. It’s a short read and goes over best practices for the smoothest newborn session experience. We also cover what to wear if you’re bringing your own clothing from home, and we’re available to answer any questions you might have in the time leading up to your time in the studio!

When the new family of three arrived at the studio the morning of their session, Greer settled into the hair and makeup chair with Ellis at the helm. I took Theo back to the newborn shooting room. He was such a sweet and cuddly little guy and slept like a champ. As a newborn photographer, I’ve worked with all sorts of babies. Some babies need some extra help to get into a super sleepy state, and I have a bag of tricks up my sleeve that I’ve picked up over the past six years of photographing newborns. Because Theo was such a deep sleeper. I was able to move through the solo portraits pretty quickly.

When I came out of the newborn shooting room with Theo, he was hungry and needed a diaper change. Perfect timing! Daddy attended to Theo while Ellis put the finishing touches on Greer’s makeup. Greer had brought a few options from her home closet, and I loved what she’d brought. She was most comfortable wearing casual jeans and a blouse, and I thought it was perfect! While we have a large selection of studio dresses available to clients, it is NOT a requirement. I strongly encourage clients to choose clothing that they feel comfortable and beautiful in. If that’s a floor length maxi from my wardrobe or your favorite broken in Levi’s with a v-neck tee - either works! These are your images from one of the most important times of your life, and I want you to look at them and feel like you’re seeing yourself. One is not “better” than the other, it simply comes down to individual client taste and aesthetic preferences. The only thing I am concerned with is colors and patterns working well for the session type, which is why I’ll happily provide any assistance and guidance you need!

After Theo was changed and had a full tummy, we moved into the family portion of the session. New parents are often still getting used to holding and handling their newborn. Most new moms have been sitting down while holding them at home! My clients comment a lot about how amazed they are by how I make it look so effortless when handling their newborns. You’ll get the hang of it too and be a pro in no time!

I’m constantly watching my mamas to make sure they’re doing well and not getting dizzy. An 8 pound baby can start to feel like a 50 pound baby after 15 minutes of standing holding them, trust me. If you or baby need to take a break, we take one! The safety and comfort of my clients is my top priority in the studio, and I over communicate with my parents when we are moving baby from person to person to make sure the receiving person has baby securely in their grasp before removing my hands.

Another concern often expressed is, “We don’t know what we’re supposed to do.” The good news? You actually already do. ;) Your job is to hold your baby and admire them, and I’m pretty sure you’ve been (or will be!) doing that from the moment of their birth. I’ll take care of the rest with gentle guidance and demonstration. I explain things verbally as we go and make gentle adjustments as needed. My goal is for all of you to feel comfortable and relaxed, and I’ll help you get there! Nobody is left hanging in my studio wondering what they’re supposed to do next - I promise.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Theo’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Miles

I first worked with Jazmine & Chander for their maternity session in the gardens, where we had so much fun! You can view some of the gorgeous images from their shoot by clicking here. I told the two of them that my guess was that their baby boy would have LOTS of hair, and they agreed. I was so looking forward to getting to meet baby Miles at their newborn session!

Jazmine let me know that baby Miles had arrived safely and asked to add on hair and makeup services again. She knew she didn’t want to have to handle getting herself ready for the session while sleep deprived, and had a pretty good idea of which dress she would wear from the studio wardrobe. This isn’t unusual! The vast majority of our newborn clients who work with us for maternity beforehand have a good idea of which dress they’re going to wear for their newborn session. Sometimes it’s just a matter of waiting to see what fits well if their bust grows a lot due to milk production. It’s different for every woman, but many of our dresses can accommodate a range of sizes do to their stretch and construction.

When the new family of three arrived at the studio, I peeked inside the carseat and squealed when I saw that Miles DID have tons of hair! He also had some of the plumpest little lips and cheeks I’ve seen, and was just absolutely adorable.

I took Miles out of his carseat and into the dedicated newborn shooting room. We keep it toasty warm and comfy for newborns, and there’s an observation window for parents to watch through if they so desire. Jazmine settled into the hair and makeup chair with Brielle to be prepped, and I set to work with Miles. He was a sleepy baby and very relaxed and flexible, which made for a pretty smooth session! I have endless patience, so if your baby is fussy or is fighting sleep, I’ll keep working with them and we’ll still get wonderful images even if they refuse to sleep. (yes, this has happened!) My style of photography is focused on your baby, so the colors I use are various shades of neutrals. I have carefully chosen colors that will work with a wide range of skin tones, and I select wraps after I see your baby and determine what would be the best for their skin. Every baby is different! I do have some clients who request an all white session in advance, and I’m happy to accommodate that as well. Unless I am specifically asked to photograph using all white, I usually use a mixture of beautiful colors and textures.

When I came out with Miles, Jazmine will still being prepped. Miles needed to eat, so it was perfect timing. He was also a quick eater, so when he finished up, Jazmine was done also. She slipped into the blush pink off the shoulder dress she had chosen to wear, and we got started with the last half of the session - which is parent and family images. I don’t have a set specific flow, but I keep the transitions for baby minimal and have mom and dad be the ones that move as needed. This part of the session is also very laid back and relaxed, and consists of you enjoying your new baby! Since Jazmine and Chander had previously worked with me for their maternity session, they were very comfortable from the start and already knew my basic “rules” for how to stand and where. If you’re coming in as a new client who has never worked with me before, no need to worry. I’ll direct you and give you all the guidance that you need, and you’ll be a pro in no time at all!

Enjoy some of my favorites from this absolutely joyful newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby George

Dmitry contacted the studio to schedule a last minute newborn session for his son, George. He and his wife had come to the United States from their home country of Ukraine to deliver, and were returning in just a few weeks. After reviewing our information, they booked their session for a couple of days later on our only remaining available date, and Dmitry asked to add on hair and makeup for his wife as well.

The morning of their session, they drove from their home in Buckhead to the studio. We schedule newborn sessions for after the majority of traffic has passed for our clients who don't live intown. For those who do live intown, it's a quick trip as we're located less than a half mile off the Zoo Atlanta exit on I-20. We have a lot of clients who drive from far away - we've had newborn clients from Macon, Braselton, Hampton, and Carrollton. All you have to do is get here and we'll handle the rest! 

When the new family of three arrived, I pulled out a few options for his wife to look through. His wife did not speak any English, so Dmitry translated, and there was lots of pointing and smiles. She chose a beautiful floor length cream gown that was a perfect fit for her. She settled into the hair and makeup chair with Margaret, and I took George into the newborn shooting room.

Their new baby boy, George was absolutely ADORABLE and had the cutest little expressions throughout his session. He woke up a couple of times during his session when he wanted a bottle, and I took advantage of his being awake and calm and took some photos. Not every newborn will open their eyes during a session, and sometimes they are not calm when awake. I can't always guarantee an image of your newborn with their eyes open making direct contact with the camera, but I definitely take advantage when presented with the opportunity!  

After I finished up with George’s solo portraits we moved on to the parent and family portion. It was so sweet seeing them with their son. I love watching new parents interact with their babies. The expressions of awe and wonder and ineffable joy are beautiful to observe and document. While I do help my clients get into the best positions for photographs, the emotion you see is all genuine and unforced. How can you not look at your beautiful baby and each other and smile? These are the moments I'm looking for as you interact with each other, and the reason why I love photographing newborns and their families so much. I want you to tangibly see how much you loved your little one from the very beginning. I want you to be able to show your child when they’re older so they can see it too. For me, that's the entire point of photography. It's the only way we can freeze time and revisit the moments that we will someday desperately miss. 

Enjoy a few of my favorites from George’s newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Amanda

Viviana contacted us to book a newborn session at the studio after seeing the photos from a coworker's session. She and her husband had taken their own newborn photographs of their first child, and had decided that they wanted professional photographs for this go round. Viviana also asked to add on hair and makeup services to her session, as her sister had so enjoyed them as well.

The morning of their session, Viviana arrived with Amanda. She and I looked through the studio wardrobe and she chose a very simple white sleeveless dress that looked perfect with her skin tone. She commented on how comfortable it was, and it was also such a great fit for her personality! Her husband and toddler son were scheduled to arrive later. We minimize the time older siblings spend in the studio by having them arrive when baby’s solo portraits are done, and most dads also appreciate it as well! :) Amanda was the SWEETEST little chunk with a full head of hair and the LONGEST eyelashes. After I gushed a little bit over how adorable she was, I took her into the newborn shooting room while Viviana settled into the hair and makeup chair.

Amanda was one of the easiest newborns that I’ve had in my studio. She slept very soundly, and was very squishy. I moved through her solo portraits pretty quickly with only one nursing break needed. Every baby is different! I work with each baby and respect the unique individual that they are. If they don’t like being on their tummy or side, I will not force them into that position. My sessions are very baby led, and their safety and comfort are my top priority.

Viviana did eventually wake up a little bit, and made the cutest little nose scrunchy grins. Right about this time, Viviana was almost finished, and her husband and son arrived. He was SUCH a good big brother! He was a bit hesitant about me, but was was so sweet and gentle with her, and loved participating in the session. After we finished up with the family and parent portion of the session, we said our goodbyes and the family headed home.

Enjoy Amanda’s newborn session images! I still can’t get over how cute these two siblings are - the cheeks and the dimples!!! I’ve shared some of my favorites below.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Elias

Earlier this week, I blogged Rachel’s studio maternity session, and am so excited to share her son’s newborn images today!

Rachel had elected to add on makeup services as she has done for all of her other portrait sessions. As a busy mom of (now) THREE boys, she appreciates being able to just show up and be taken care of.

The morning of their session, Rachel arrived with her mother and baby Elias and we went through the studio wardrobe together. She already knew that she wanted to wear the same dress for a few photos that she had worn for her maternity session as a way to come full circle. After viewing the other options, she fell in love with a gorgeous blush pink lace dress and settled into the makeup chair while I got started with Elias.

Elias was sound asleep when I took him back, and stayed that way for most of his session. He did need a nursing break, but then went right back to sleep! He made some of the cutest expressions with a lip curl and half grin here and there. The focus of my sessions are entirely on your baby, and I choose to use simple neutral wraps to achieve this and keep posing natural. If your baby doesn’t want to do into a certain position, I don’t force them to. Their comfort

I finished up pretty quickly with Elias and came out to the main shooting room just as his daddy and big brothers arrived. Aaron Thomas was still all about his sister, but Luca was still a little bit unsure.

Forcing big siblings to do something or putting a lot of pressure and expectation on them is (a) unnecessary and (b) almost always backfires. It’s SO much more effective to adopt a relaxed approach with no expectations at all. I work with so many children on a weekly basis, and have been told I have infinite patience. In all honesty, there is pretty much nothing that I haven’t seen at this point. I have a whole arsenal of techniques and tricks up my sleeve if I need them. My number one priority is the safety of your newborn. Some toddlers just aren’t going to come near their new sibling alone! Two and under is always a roll of the dice when it comes to “cooperation” for sibling shots, and the chances increase with age 3-4. Age 5 and up - I’ve never had a sibling this age not be a fantastic listener or not want to participate.

Since both big brothers were willing and ready to participate, we started immediately with the sibling images. Because of the ages of the big boys, I chose to have Aaron Thomas in the middle. That way if Luca decided to jump up, Elias wouldn’t be affected. I knew that Aaron Thomas was mature enough to stay in place and hold his baby brother securely. What you can’t see is that we have spotters right by the brothers ready to reach in if needed!

Rachel slipped into her dress, and we continued with family images. I asked the big boys for permission to play some games with them and if I could touch them gently to move them where I needed them to be. When young children feel that they have a choice in the matter, they are much more likely to be happy and willing participants! You’ll always hear me talking to your children with respect. I 100% believe in asking them for permission to touch them. If they say no, that’s ok. We’ll work around it! We gave the boys a quick break to photograph some daddy and son images, and then a few of just the parents with Elias. I had daddy and big boys out the door in about 30 minutes. Rachel’s husband had braced himself for a horrible time because of their last newborn session experience, and was shocked (and pleasantly surprised!) by how much fun he ended up having. She later sent me a screenshot of a text exchange with him saying “That wasn’t bad at all! She was great, and had us in and out!” ::dusts off shoulder:: Just kidding! I can’t predict how your newborn will do - I’ve had some newborns decide to start crying at the start of family images, and we then have to spend some time getting them calm before we can continue. That being said, I make every effort to be as efficient as I can be so that you are there for the least amount of time possible.

After the boys left, Rachel changed into her white dress and we photographed just her and her last baby. It’s such a bittersweet feeling holding your very last baby and knowing you won’t get to do it again, even if you’ve made the decision yourself and know it’s the right one. I still wonder if I’m REALLY done, even though my brain knows I am! I looked over at Rachel’s mom and asked her if she’d like to be in a few of the images. She waved me off, saying that she wasn’t dressed appropriately. I responded by saying I had the perfect top for her to put on. When she took a really long pause, I grabbed the tunic off the hanger and handed it to her before she had a chance to change her mind. I’m so glad she decided to participate for a few images! What a precious gift to give Elias: a three generations photo. I know Rachel will also fondly look at the images of her mom with Elias in the future. We wrapped up the session and parted ways.

After seeing her proof gallery, Rachel chose to keep all of her images, and we designed a gorgeous album together for their home as well as a huge wall portrait and other smaller prints. I LOVE assisting families with albums and wall art so that they can enjoy their photographs in their homes every day. Our album covers are so gorgeous: and I’m partial to the suede and velvet materials! We have a stack of albums in the studio for you to peruse while you’re there, and it gives you a chance to touch them and see which one is your favorite.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Elias’s newborn session! I can’t wait to see him and his older brothers again in October for his six month milestone session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby AJ

Laura contacted the studio in her second trimester to inquire about a newborn session. After speaking with Caroline, our studio manager, and reviewing the information sent over with her husband she replied that she was ready to book!

One of the questions clients ask us is: how do you book a newborn session date when you’re pregnant? Answer: you don’t! Booking a newborn session with us in advance of your baby’s birth means that you’re securing your guaranteed spot on our calendar. We only take a limited number of newborns due in each month in order to provide our clients with the best experience from start to finish. Newborn sessions take longer to photograph than regular portrait sessions, and also take longer to edit due to the complex skin work that newborns often need. (ie: skin flakes, jaundice, purple feet - just to name a few) Once you’re on our calendar, you simply let us know when your baby has arrived! We’ll ask you a few questions about your baby and your recovery and schedule your session based on the answers to those questions. In general, we see newborns in between 8-21 days of life. That being said, we’ve photographed as young as 5 days old and as old as 6 weeks when the family’s situation necessitated it. So if you’re reading this now while holding your three week old and kicking yourself for not scheduling a newborn session, just contact us to see if we have room to fit you in! You will not be the first, and you won’t be the last. The number of last minute newborn sessions from moms who initially thought they didn’t want one and then changed their minds is much higher than you’d think! (and every one of those moms has expressed how glad they were that they did!)

Laura contacted us after AJ was born to let us know he had arrived. We scheduled his newborn session date, and sent over our short and sweet newborn prep packet. It details how to prepare for your session, what to bring, and what to wear if you’re planning to bring your own clothing from home. The studio wardrobe is always available to clients, but some clients prefer to wear their own clothing and it’s totally a matter of your personal preference!

When Laura and her husband arrived at the studio with AJ, I had to keep from squealing when I saw his little face. He was SO cute, and slept like a rock for his solo portraits! Mom and dad hung out while I photographed AJ in the newborn shooting room, and just as I was finishing up, the little guy woke up in need of a diaper change and very hungry! Perfect timing, if you ask me! His parents attended to his needs while I did a quick setup of the main shooting room for the family and parent portion. Mom and dad had opted for a more casual look, and I loved the white top that Laura paired with her jeans.

After AJ had finished eating, he was awake, but happy and calm. I love taking advantage of the time that newborns are awake for some open eye images. We took a few of those, and when he started to get a little wiggly, I bundled him back up. It wasn’t long before he was soon asleep again. Parent and family images are usually the easiest part of sessions. All you need to do is snuggle and love on your baby. I’ll tell you where to look, how close to stand to each other (hint: it’s closer than you think), and even make suggestions for where to put your hands if you find yourself at a loss. We’ll be casually chatting throughout, and it’s a very relaxed and laid back experience. I have no room for stress at my studio! Your newborn session experience should be a positive one where you feel cared for and not rushed.

How beautiful is this new family of three?!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ava

You last saw this sweet couple’s maternity session at the field here on the blog a couple of days ago. If you missed it, no worries! Just click here to see those images.

I was so excited when Heather let us know that little Ava had arrived! Heather asked to work with Margaret again for add on hair and makeup, and we scheduled the date for Ava’s newborn session. Adding on hair and makeup is super easy! You just let us know that you’d like to do so, and we take care of determining who is available, and send you a date. You have enough going on taking care of your new baby, so we’ll take care of the coordination for you. As a note, our HMUA’s are often busy on the weekends with weddings and other events, so the vast majority of our newborn sessions are booked on weekday mornings.

When the new family of three arrived at the studio, I couldn’t get over Ava’s full head of dark hair! I had a sneaking suspicion that would be the case, but babies have surprised me before and looked nothing like their parents or I thought they would. It’s always so neat to see a newborn with their parents and see what features they have from each parent. Some newborns look like their very own person with no features from anyone! Genetics are such a cool thing.

Heather settled into the hair and makeup chair with Margaret, and I took Ava to the newborn room to begin her solo portraits. Some of our clients are concerned that adding on hair and makeup services will cause their session to last longer… I think the opposite is true! I’m going to be photographing your newborn alone anyway, so you’ll just be sitting twiddling your thumbs and waiting for me to be done. Why not choose to get pampered by one of our incredible artists while you’re waiting anyway? They are MAGICAL at helping newborn moms look like they’ve had a full night’s sleep. ;)

Ava was a good sleeper for me, and even cracked a few sleepy smiles. Her big cheeks and perfect little lips were absolutely adorable. Since she was such a good sleeper, we moved through her solo portraits pretty quickly, and finished up right before Heather was finished being prepped. I took the time to pull a few options from our wardrobe for Heather, and Ava needed a diaper change and a feeding, so the timing was perfect.

Heather chose a gorgeous blush pink lace dress which was perfect for her skin tone and looked amazing on her. Jason had brought along a few different shirt options, and I chose a white one with tiny blue dots all over. Subtle patterns are great! If you’re worried about what your husband should wear, don’t be. We send out a handy newborn prep packet in advance of your session that goes over all of that. Most dads bring a few options along, and I make a decision on what will work best in about 5 seconds. All you have to do is make sure that it fits the subject well and is ready to be photographed (ie: no wrinkles).

Once Heather and Jason were dressed, I wrapped Ava up and we began the parent and family portion of the session. I LOVE getting to see parents with their new baby, especially when they’ve worked with me for maternity! The changes that happen in their dynamic and relationship as new parents are beautiful, and I can clearly see it. I hear maternity clients confess to me that they’re a little bit nervous about being a first time mom and then I get to photograph them confidently holding their new baby. I see the slightly nervous anticipation of what is to come between my couples at their maternity session, and then I get to photograph them looking at their new baby with loving awe and wonder. How incredible is that? Welcoming a new baby is, without a doubt, one of the most momentous times to happen in your life, and sometimes I pinch myself that my job is to photograph that for my clients.

Because Heather and Jason had previously worked with me, they were pretty comfortable during their session and knew my main “rules” what what to do and what not to do in terms of where to stand and how to turn their heads. Even if a client has never worked with me before their newborn session, it’s no problem. I’ll guide you through the entire experience and gently make adjustments or demonstrate what I need for you to do. You’ll catch on in no time at all. Sessions here in the studio are laid back and relaxed: there is no place for stress here, because it’s so unnecessary!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Ava’s newborn session. I can’t wait to see this little sweetheart and her parents again in the fall for her six month milestone session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ellis

I first worked with Jess and David for their maternity session in the field, which you can view by clicking here. They had not scheduled a newborn session, but I checked in with Jess to see how she was doing. I really love staying in touch with my clients after I’ve worked with them and seeing photos of their little ones as they grow! Jess responded that they hadn’t had their little girl yet, but were still waiting and would let me know when they did. A few weeks later, Jess emailed the studio and asked if they could schedule a newborn session for Ellis! They hadn’t thought they wanted a newborn session, but after Ellis had arrived a couple of weeks ago and they saw how quickly she was changing and growing, they decided that they wanted to preserve those early days. It took some finagling when it came to the studio schedule, but we were able to fit them in on a day that worked for both of us when Ellis was almost FOUR weeks old. I prefer (when possible) to photograph babies between 8-21 days of age, and we schedule most between 8-16, barring any complications for mom and baby. However, sometimes things happen or we get a last minute request for an older newborn whose parents had a change of heart about wanting newborn photos. If that’s you, don’t wait to contact us - if we can fit you in, we will. Most of our clients book their newborn sessions when they are in the second trimester.

You may wonder how we book a newborn session for a baby that hasn’t arrived yet. You aren’t alone -almost everyone asks us this! Simply put: we have a limited number of newborns that we will take for our calendar. When you reserve your newborn session, you’re reserving a guaranteed session on our studio calendar. Our calendar is based on due dates, but babies operate on their own schedule. If you’re due in the month of May, but deliver in June - no worries, you’ll still have a guaranteed spot. When your baby arrives, you simply let us know. We’ll ask you a few questions regarding your delivery and baby’s stats, and then schedule your session based on the answers to the questions. If you’re adding hair and makeup services we’ll also take care of making sure one of our HMUA’s is available on the date that we schedule for you. Easy peasy! All that’s left is to review our short and sweet newborn prep packet that we’ll send to you after scheduling your date, and then just show up for your session.

On the morning of of their session the new family of three arrived at the studio with Miss Ellis! I was so excited to see them and hear about their delivery experience and how they were settling in to parenthood. We discussed whether they wanted to have Ellis wear headbands during the session, and they decided on a mix - some with, and some without. I leave this decision up to each parent. I have everything your baby will need and when I choose headbands for your baby, I’m choosing the best colors for their skin tone and the best size for their head. We don’t do flowers the size of a ten gallon hat in this studio! All of our headbands are meant to be simple and dainty so that the attention is on your baby’s sweet face and not what they’re wearing on their head.

Ellis was a big girl since she was almost a month old, and was wide awake when we got there. She made me work to get her to fall asleep, but once she had nursed and been shushed and swayed and soothed, she fell into a deep sleep and I was able to photograph her solo portraits pretty quickly. It just took us a bit of time to get her to sleep, but we used that time to chat and catch up. I am never in a rush, and your baby is never an inconveniencing me. All of my sessions are very laid back with no stress and baby leads the way.

Jess and David had followed our style guide and had opted to go with earthy tones which I LOVED. Olive green is one of my favorite colors and I half jokingly told Jess that I wanted to steal her dress. It seriously is one of my favorite colors, and she looked gorgeous in it. They had brought along some headbands for Ellis, and once I saw the mustard yellow bow, I knew it was a perfect fit for what they were wearing. Since they were wearing more casual clothing, they opted to dress her in one of our studio onesies rather than a wrap. The onesies that we have are selected for their fit and their color - many of the onesies out there are too white and will photograph with a blue cast. They also tend to be ill cut and bunch up under the chin. We have them in a couple of different sizes to fit the tiny babies and the chunkier ones. :) Ellis was wide awake at this point, and I loved it! She was so alert, but so chill and relaxed with her parents holding her. Some awake babies will fuss and flail, but not Ellis. She just casually checked out her surroundings and looked right at the camera for so many of her images, which is pretty rare for her age. I can’t wait to see her when she’s older and see if her personality is still the same as it was during her newborn session when she was awake!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from this awesome family’s session.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Olivia

I first worked with Gloria and Andres for their maternity session in the park, which you can view by clicking here. When Gloria emailed me to let me know that sweet baby Olivia had arrived, I was SO excited! We scheduled their newborn session and scheduled Brielle as she had specifically requested for hair and makeup add on services.

The morning of of their session the new family of three arrived at the studio with little bitty six pound Olivia! We were all surprised at her light hair since we had all been convinced it would be dark when she was born like her parents! She had such sweet and dainty little features, but was also a very opinionated little thing - especially about where she wanted her hands to be! Gloria and I looked through the wardrobe and she chose a simple white lace mesh dress to wear. She said she was so happy that finding something to wear wasn’t something she needed to be concerned with after having a baby. We hear this all the time from our clients and have a wide variety of sizes 0-14/16 to choose from.

Olivia was a curly and sleepy baby and stayed asleep for the majority of her solo portraits. She did NOT like her hands to be moved during, so I moved very, very slowly and coaxed her little hands and fingers patiently into place. I’d much rather have relaxed hands than clenched little fists! Babies dictate the flow of their session. What works for one baby won’t necessarily work for another, so every newborn session in the studio is unique to each individual baby and every session looks different.

After we had finished with Olivia’s solo portraits, I brought her out for a bottle. Her parents opted to have her wear a headband from my collection for the family portraits, so I pulled a few headbands from my stock, and they chose their favorite one. The rest of the session was very quick and easy as Olivia was tired out and slept well. We had a lot of fun and did our best not too laugh too loudly so we didn’t wake up the baby!

After the newborn session, her parents chose their collection and also chose to add on a beautiful distressed leather album that included both their maternity and newborn images together. Enjoy a few of my favorites from Olivia’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Kyden

I’ve been working with Caroline and her beautiful family since the birth of her first child, Slade. I blogged about her second maternity session with me at the field location earlier this month, and you can see the images from that session by clicking here.

Caroline has worked with one of our HMUA’s for every portrait session with me, and this time was no exception. Add on hair and makeup services are available! Just ask when you inquire. Adding this on does not lengthen your session because I am photographing your baby while you’re being prepped. So, you might as well pamper yourself instead of twiddling your thumbs during that time! Caroline has worked with Margaret for her other sessions, but Brielle was her HMUA this go round. Trust me when I say that you’re in for a treat with ANY of our HMUA team members because it’s like hanging out with great gal pal the whole time.

When Caroline arrived with Kyden, she settled into the hair and makeup chair. Blair and Slade went for a little adventure on their own beforehand that wasn’t too tiring for Slade. We have toddlers wait to come to the studio with dad or a grandparents until it’s time for them to be photographed, but since the family drove from over an hour away and didn’t have anyone else to help, Blair just took her for a quiet walk to explore.

Caroline and I looked through the studio dresses and I had one specifically in mind for her that I knew would look amazing with her skin tone. She immediately loved it, and pulled out the shirts she’d brought for Blair. At her maternity session, Slade had not wanted to change her dress to a second option, so I pulled that dress we’d never used and it fit perfectly into the mix! We don’t have an extensive wardrobe for children, and stick to the basics, but in a pinch we are often able to help toddler moms with what we have on hand if they don’t have something that works! I know how hard it is to shop when heavily pregnant or right when you’ve had a baby!

Brielle got started with Caroline and I took Kyden back to the newborn shooting room. He was fast asleep, and didn’t love being moved. He woke up during the session, which allowed me to photograph some open eye images. While he slept well, he was a pretty light sleeper, so his solo portraits involved a lot of patting and shushing, and a few nursing breaks. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with being on his belly. I do not force babies into positions that they don’t want to be in. I’ll try a few times as sometimes it’s a matter of them being in a deep enough sleep, but it was clear that Kyden just didn’t like it. He was fine with being on his side, so I worked around his preferences. The comfort of your baby is my top priority, and each baby is different when it comes to what they like as far as position. Every newborn session will look different because of that, and I love this because every baby is unique.

When I finished up, Blair and Slade had come back, and Caroline was getting dressed. Slade was still getting used to Kyden, and was fine with touching him but didn’t want to be alone with him. Caroline REALLY wanted a photo of the two of them together, so we tried several different things.

If your child isn’t super excited about their new sibling, please don’t stress. I have many techniques in my bag to get your toddler close to the baby for some sweet and natural interaction, and we’ll talk about those when you arrive. Leave all expectations at the door, and I’ll create a no stress and low pressure experience for your older child. I have found that toddlers are much more receptive when they see that their feelings are respected and that they are being given the space they need. I consider children as my clients too, and I want them to have a great time!

I knock out the images that include toddler siblings as quickly as I can since their attention span is limited. Once they’re over it, they are OVER it. And sometimes babies are over it too…. one of my favorite photos that made us all laugh and laugh is in this gallery… I’ll let you guess which one it is!

After I finished with the family images and siblings, we moved on to parent and baby ones. I think second babies should have some images with just their parents because their older sibling did too. While it’s pretty much impossible to give perfect equality to every subsequent child after the first in all areas, this is one that I make sure of. Since Caroline and Blair didn’t have anyone on hand to help with Slade, they had brought some activities to occupy her when she was finished being photographed. She happily played right on the floor next to us while I wrapped up the session.

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from Kyden’s session! I can’t wait to see her again for her six month milestone!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Jackson

When Katrina emailed me to let me know that their baby BOY had arrived, I was so excited! I recently posted their maternity session in the field, and you can check out those images by clicking here. Baby Jackson came a while past his estimated due date, but he was definitely worth the wait. We scheduled their newborn session, and I sent over our newborn prep packet for them to review beforehand.

The morning of their session, the new family of three arrived and I got started right away. Jackson was going through a bit of a growth spurt and needed to eat very frequently. If this happens with your baby, know that it’s totally okay! I only schedule one newborn per day on my studio schedule and I am not going to rush through your session or be impatient with you or your baby. We’ll work around the needs of your new little one and keep everyone happy and comfortable throughout. Because Jackson kept needing to eat, he would open his eyes when he started getting hungry. I loved it because it allowed for some of the sweetest images with direct eye contact! I work with plenty of awake babies - the trick is that they also need to be calm. Awake and angry babies don’t make for the best photographs. ;) Once I finished the solo portraits, I had Katrina give Jackson a really long feeding and hold him for a bit so that he would fall asleep. We thought this had worked well, but he woke up shortly after being moved again. So I whipped out a few techniques from my bag of tricks, and had him sound asleep after a few minutes. Come to the studio for a newborn session to find out what those tricks are! ;)

We went right into the family and parent portion of the session and worked our way through it. I won’t lie - this part took some patience on everyone’s part because Jackson kept startling awake. What you can’t see is all of the soothing and walking back and forth to get him to settle. I would literally have Nick walk back and forth and then stop in place and take photographs in the in between moments, and that was all we needed. Katrina was tired from the lack of sleep that comes along with a newborn, and I could see that she was concerned we weren’t getting what we needed. I did my best to reassure her… but the proof is in the pudding.

When she looked at her proof gallery, she immediately emailed to thank me for my patience and that it had paid off. She absolutely LOVED her images, and was definitely a bit surprised. I can’t tell you how many of my clients have that concern that their session isn’t going well while in the moment. What they don’t realize is that I only need 1/800th of a second and a lot of patience to take a photograph if their little one isn’t sleeping or “cooperating”. I hate to even use that word because I feel like it places an unrealistic expectation on little ones. Of course a 10 day old doesn’t know how to “cooperate”. They know when they’re hungry, tired, or need to be snuggled - and it’s our job to make sure their needs are met. As a new parent, sometimes you’re still figuring out their cues. Our session together will be relaxed and laid back, and your baby’s comfort and safety are my top priorities. They run the show, end of story.

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from Jackson’s newborn session! Isn’t he just the SWEETEST!? When Katrina came by the studio a couple of weeks later to pick up her newborn collection, I was lucky enough to get to see him. Even though I know firsthand how fast babies grow, I am still always shocked when I see how BIG my newborn clients have grown in the few short weeks since their session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby John

Rachelle contacted us to book a newborn session at the studio after seeing the photos from her newest nieces' newborn session. (Want to see John’s sweetest big cousin Cecilia? Of course you do - click here to see them!) Rachelle also asked to add on hair and makeup services to her session, as her sister had so enjoyed them as well.

The morning of their session, Rachelle arrived with John. She and I looked through the studio wardrobe and she fell in love with one of our newest wardrobe additions, a gorgeous full length white lace dress. Her husband Nash and big brother Robert were scheduled to arrive later. We minimize the time older siblings spend in the studio by having them arrive when baby’s solo portraits are done, and most dads also appreciate it as well! :) John was the cutest little chunk with a full head of hair, and after I squealed over how adorable he was, I took him into the newborn shooting room while Rachelle settled into the hair and makeup chair.

John was admittedly one of the easiest newborns that I’ve had in my entire career. He slept like a rock, and was very curly still. I moved through his solo portraits pretty quickly with only one nursing break needed. Every baby is different! I work with each baby and respect the unique individual that they are. If they don’t like being on their tummy or side, I will not force them into that position. My sessions are very baby led, and their safety and comfort are my top priority.

John did eventually wake up all the way, and I absolutely LOVE his quizzical expression. “Um. Who are you, and what is happening right now?!” Robert is SUCH a good big brother and so excited about his baby brother. He was so sweet and gentle with him, and loved participating in the session. After we finished up with the family and parent portion of the session, we said our goodbyes and the family headed home.

When I sent the gallery to Rachelle, she loved it so much that she opted to keep all of the photographs. We also designed a gorgeous album for the family and Rachelle chose stone colored suede as her album cover. We also designed birth announcements for them, and are still in the process of choosing a large framed print for their home. I really love designing beautiful artwork for clients to keep. Have no fear: newborn collections come with the digital files - added on artwork products are completely optional!

Enjoy John’s newborn session images! I’ve shared quite a few of them below.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Brandon

I first worked with Ashley and Marc for their maternity session at the field, and it was SUCH a beautiful gallery. Want to see it? Just click here! I was so excited to hear from Ashley that her baby boy had arrived safely, and we scheduled her newborn session. She added on makeup services as well, since she had so enjoyed it the first time around! (yes, you can choose to just add on makeup if you don’t want or need your hair to be done!)

When the new family of three arrived at the studio the morning of their session, Brandon was wiiiiiiide awake. This is totally okay! I love awake babies, as long as they’re calm - which Brandon was. He had such bright eyes and a very steady gaze, and even showed off his cute little dimples for me too! I took as many images as I could with him awake and calm, and then held and shushed him until he fell fast asleep. Once he was asleep, he was OUT. I was able to move through the rest of his solo portraits pretty quickly, and then took him out to Ashley for a diaper change and to eat.

While Brandon was nursing, I chatted with Marc and Ashley and got caught up on their lives since I hadn’t seen them since their maternity session! I love hearing labor and delivery stories and how those first weeks of parenting are going. Marc confessed that he didn’t know what the word “tired” really meant until having a baby… and coming from a guy who has to stay awake for long periods and be on call for his job, that’s saying something! Pro tip: the lack of sleep will eventually pass. Don’t listen to the negative Nancys who tell you that you’ll never sleep again - it’s a lie, because you will at some point!

Ashley had brought along a casual black chiffon top to wear with jeans and asked if it was okay to wear. Absolutely! While we have a studio wardrobe available, there is no requirement to use it. The only thing I care about is that you look and feel beautiful… and that you’re comfortable! So whether that’s a white lace dress or jeans with a white t-shirt - that’s up to you. Your images will be beautiful and unique to who you are regardless.

Once Brandon had a full tummy, he snuggled up to his mama and fell asleep again. We moved through the rest of the session pretty quickly. I loved photographing Marc with his little boy, because he’s one of those men who has settled into his role of dad so comfortably and his love for Brandon was so evident on his face and tenderly he held him. Sometimes during newborn sessions when I’m photographing dads with their new baby, I look back at mom and can see the love and pride shining in their eyes. We added in Ashley for some family images and then ended with just Ashley and Brandon. Ashley has such a calm and confident demeanor, and her love for Brandon was just as evident as Marc’s. What a lucky little boy Brandon is with parents like his!

Have I mentioned I have the best job in the world? It’s really such an honor to photograph such a monumental time in my client’s lives as a brand new family! I really can’t think of anything better. Enjoy a few of my favorites from this session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Samuel

Mallerie called the studio when her son was already a week old to ask about whether we had availability for a newborn session. She had lots of questions, and Caroline (our full time studio manager) spent some time on the phone with her walking her through the whole process. We had only one day open for a session, and it happened to work for their schedule! Caroline is lots of fun to talk to, and her main priority is client care and communication. After speaking with her husband, Mallerie emailed and asked to officially book the date. Caroline sent over our newborn prep packet and style guide, as she does for all newborn clients. No question is a dumb question, and we’re here to serve you however we can to make your experience seamless and enjoyable!

The morning of Samuel’s session, I met the family at the studio. Samuel was sound asleep, so I got started with his solo portraits right away. He took a couple of nursing breaks in between, but stayed asleep the rest of the time. I loved photographing his little stretches and yawns. As I was finishing up, he woke up and was quite hungry and needed a diaper change, so we all sat and chatted while Mallerie nursed. I always enjoy getting to know my clients, and Mallerie and Joshua were no exception. They had relocated to Atlanta from Minnesota, and had quite an interesting story of how they ended up here! Mallerie is a sign language interpreter, which I find very cool. Even though I personally have a hearing loss and wear two hearing aids, I don’t sign - but I think it’s such a beautiful language!

Samuel fell asleep again, and we moved into the family portion of the session - which included their beloved pet, Roe. Joshua’s dad brought Roe in for her portion of the session. Dogs are permitted in the studio on a case by case basis. Basically: if your dog is well trained, calm, and can handle an unfamiliar environment, they are welcome! Certain “aggressive” breed dogs are not permitted in the studio due to insurance reasons. If you really want to include your pet but don’t think the studio will work for them, an in home session might be a better fit for your family! We’ll discuss all of that with you when you inquire.

The family portion of the session is so much fun. I’ll place you and your partner where I want you for the best light, and I’ll adjust you if necessary. Lots of my clients worry about not knowing what to do, but there’s no need. I have you covered every step of the way and I will gently guide you throughout our time together. It’s my job to handle that, not yours! We’ll see how your baby is doing and I’ll determine the flow from that. I rotate out from each parent to parents together, and if baby (or you!) needs a break, we take one. You don’t need to worry about taking a break or that your baby is taking “too long” (no such thing!) to eat. Your baby’s safety and comfort are my top priorities, and the relaxed studio atmosphere is perfectly conducive to that.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from sweet Samuel’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Jordyn

Earlier this week, I blogged Jordyn’s Fresh 48 session, and am excited to share her newborn images today!

Rashida had elected to add on makeup services as she has done for all of her other portrait sessions. As a busy mom, she appreciates being able to just show up and be taken care of.

The morning of her session, she arrived with Jordyn and we went through the studio wardrobe together. She fell in love with one of our newest pieces and settled into the makeup chair while I got started with Jordyn.

Jordyn was wide awake when I took her back, and unimpressed! She gave me some of the funniest expressions. After wrapping her up so she was nice and cozy, I spent some time bouncing and rocking her, and we did eventually get her to go to sleep. Rashida had brought along a little outfit for Jordyn and requested that I use it in the session if possible. I always do my best to work in special requests, but will save them for the end so that I can be sure your gallery is complete. The biggest issue with outfits is that they require me to move your baby around a lot, and most babies will wake up while being dressed or undressed. The focus of my sessions are entirely on your baby, and I choose to use simple neutral wraps to achieve this. Rashida loves all things girly, so had requested that we use our headbands and tiebacks for every image. This is up to each mama - if you want a mix, or none at all - no problem!

I finished up pretty quickly with Jordyn and came out to the main shooting room just as daddy and big brothers arrived. Jaiden was still all about his sister, but Jace was still unsure and was struggling with losing his place as the baby of the family. Rashida was worried that she wouldn’t get any images of Jace with the family, but I asked her to trust me and give him some space. We played a few games and had some fun, and we were able to get Mr. Jace interacting sweetly with his sister, and participating in family images. Forcing toddlers to do something or putting a lot of pressure on them almost always backfires. It’s much better to take a laid back and relaxed approach with no expectations whatsoever. I work with so many children on a weekly basis, and have been told I have infinite patience. There is nothing that I haven’t seen, and I have a whole host of techniques and tricks to employ if needed. My biggest priority is the safety of your newborn. Some toddlers just aren’t going to come near their new sibling alone! Two and under is always a roll of the dice when it comes to “cooperation” for sibling shots, and the chances increase with age 3-4. Age 5 and up - I’ve never had a sibling this age not be a fantastic listener.

Rashida stepped into her dress, and we started with sibling and family images. I asked them to just let Jace do his thing and not ask him to be in any photos as we started out. I have found that when young children feel that they have a choice in the matter, they are much more likely to be happy and willing participants! You’ll always hear me talking to your child with respect and asking them for permission to move them or make an adjustment. Children are people too!

We were all laughing and having fun, and Sure enough, Jace became curious and came over to join in. We moved into parent images from there, and then wrapped up with just Rashida and Jordyn. When Rashida saw her images she couldn’t get over how Jace was in so many of the images and how he was SMILING! I reminded her that it was all about the approach, and her willingness to trust me and follow my direction was what enabled those resulting images. Rashida chose to keep all of her images, and we designed a gorgeous album together for their home as well as several mounted prints. I always love assisting families with albums and wall art so that they can enjoy their photographs in their homes every day.

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Jordyn’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Presley

Linda contacted the studio when her baby girl was almost two weeks old to see if we had any last minute availability. They were still getting used to being a family of four and hadn’t gotten around to securing a newborn photographer before she arrived. We were already booked for that week, but did have some availability the following week! We assured Linda that we have lots of babies come in between 2-3 weeks old and it wouldn’t be a problem. For some reason, a lot of new parents are under the impression that their newborn has to be 10 days old or less for a newborn session. While we do schedule babies to come in as early as 8 days in some cases, the vast majority are scheduled between 10-16 when possible. As a mom of three children, I’ve been through the newborn stage three times and I still remember what it’s like. I like to give new moms the time they need to recover a bit and get into somewhat of a rhythm before coming in with their new baby!

Linda’s husband was already back to work, and so they asked if he could be there for just a short time. We have a lot of dads come in over their lunch breaks, and we work around schedules and toddler sibling naptimes as much as possible! We’ll discuss specifics with you when scheduling your session - but the long and short of it is: don’t worry, we’ve got you!

When the family arrived with baby Presley, I pulled out a few dresses from the studio wardrobe and she fell in love with a gorgeous pale peach hued dress with embroidery. It fit her wonderfully and was absolutely perfect for her skin tone. She expressed how happy she was that we had a studio wardrobe available to her and how much less stressed she was knowing that she would be taken care of in that area.

We started right away with family images. Barron was just the sweetest big brother and so eager to participate! Every toddler who walks through the studio door is different, and I tailor my approach to each individual child. What I love about being a family photographer is that no session will ever look the same. Each family, child, and baby are unique, and their final gallery will reflect who they are. After we finished with Barron, we moved to daddy and baby shots, and wrapped up with parent and baby shots. Barron and his dad left at that point, and Presley was awake and ready to eat.

After a diaper change, and a nice long feed, I took Presley into the newborn shooting room for her solo images. She was SUCH a doll baby, with the most beautiful head of dark hair. I did have to take my time with the little miss though, because she was what I call a “touchy” baby - which means that she woke pretty easily. She was also a little chunk and going through a growth spurt, so we had quite a few nursing breaks in between! I never want mamas to worry about how often their baby needs to eat. Some newborns eat quickly and only once or twice while they’re here, and others take their sweet old time and want to nurse every 30 minutes. We’ll work around the needs of your baby! I enjoyed chatting with Linda during these nursing breaks and getting to know her. Don’t worry - I won’t ask for your life story, but we won’t sit in uncomfortable silence either!

After I finished up with Presley’s solo images, we wrapped up with mommy and baby. While this is not my typical workflow (I prefer to start with baby only since they are typically sleepiest first thing in the morning), because of the family’s scheduling needs, that’s why we mixed it up.

Linda loved her gallery, and we worked together to choose some of her collection images for a wall gallery to display and enjoy in her home! Framed artwork is probably one of my favorite offerings to clients and something that I have displayed in my own home. I can’t explain how wonderful it is to have photographs of your family on your walls in a beautiful arrangement for everyone to enjoy on a daily basis. It’s the first thing I see when I come into my home and the last thing I see on my way out - and makes me smile every single time. Clients who are interested in this can peruse our framing catalog, or come into the studio to see the frames for themselves. I will work with you to suggest the best sizes and arrangements for the space you’re thinking of hanging your artwork and will provide you with a to scale proof of what it will look like on your actual wall.

Enjoy some of my favorite images from Presley’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Charlie

Baby Charlie’s grandmother called the studio from her home in the Raleigh, NC area several months before his birth to find out about our offerings. She wanted to gift her son and daughter-in-law with a newborn session, and we were happy to accommodate her request. When grandparents or another family member gifts a full session, we have a gorgeous gift certificate that we send so they can present it to the recipient. Because Karen had an Atlanta visit planned, she arranged to pick up the gift certificate at the studio since she also wanted a tour. It as so much fun to meet her and show her the studio, answer a few of her questions, and talk about her grandchild that she was so excitedly expecting. Her daughter-in-law’s baby shower was that weekend and she was so excited to give her the gift certificate then.

Quinn, her daughter-in-law, contacted us in the week after and was THRILLED! She immediately made plans to add on hair and makeup services, and told us that she couldn’t think of a better gift. As Charlie’s due date grew nearer, she let us know that he would be delivered via scheduled C-section, and we went ahead and scheduled a specific date for their newborn session. Due to her husband’s demanding schedule with his job in the hospitality industry, her maternity leave, and wanting to coordinate for when his parents would be in town, she wanted to ensure those pieces of the puzzle would all fit together.

Typically we do not schedule newborn sessions until babies have actually arrived. Due dates and scheduled deliveries are estimates, at best and it’s been very rare that babies have arrived when their parents thought they would! There are also other factors we take into consideration when scheduling your session: you and your baby’s recovery, your baby’s birth weight, any complications, etc.

On the day of Charlie’s newborn session, Christian and Quinn arrived with baby Charlie. I was so excited to meet them, and we talked for a bit while looking through the studio wardrobe for Quinn. She had told me she had fair skin and loved lace, so I had a few options already pulled for her. She fell in love with one of the dresses, and then settled into the hair and makeup chair while I took baby Charlie to the newborn shooting room. Charlie was a chunky thing and a dream sleeper. He was very relaxed while sleeping, so it made his solo portraits a breeze! Karen and her husband Matt arrived and had a lot of fun watching the end of his solo portraits through the observation window. After I came out with Charlie, Karen called me “the baby whisperer”. It’s not the first time I’ve been dubbed with that nickname, and I don’t think it’s always true - but I really love working with and photographing newborns and their families, so I’ll take it!

Karen and Matt were only present for the time that they were being photographed, so we started with group shots, and then some grandparent shots together and individually, We ended with images of Karen with Quinn and Charlie, and a three generation image of Christian, Matt, and Charlie. It was emotional for their family, and I was reminded of what a wonderful job I have. I’m invited to photograph these incredibly special moments for families, and it is such an honor. When we finished up with those, we sent Karen and Matt on their way.

At this point, Charlie was hungry and wanted a diaper change, so Quinn and Christian took care of his needs while we chatted and got to know each other further. Both work for a luxury hotel here in Atlanta, and it was really fun hearing about their experiences and travels all over the world. Charlie was having a hard time settling down, and was a bit fussy. During the parent portion of sessions, it’s totally fine if baby is awake, as long as they’re calm. Since Charlie was not calm, we needed to get him to that place before we could continue. Quinn and Christian did their best, but he was not having it, so I gently took over. I’ve had three children and we see multiple babies every week in the studio. While there is sometimes still a baby that will throw me for a loop and refuse to “cooperate” every once in a blue moon, I do know most of the tricks! I walked him and bounced him all over the studio, and he fell back into a deep sleep. Quinn asked if I’d like to come home with them and help put him to bed at night. This is something that I hear from my clients on a regular basis! While I can’t do that, I can definitely give some advice if it’s asked for, and will gladly share tricks and techniques that may work for your family. The newborn stage is full of trial and error and do dependent on your baby’s unqiue needs and personality - you’ll get through it one day at a time. I promise!

We wrapped up the session with parent images, and I just loved the way that Quinn and Christian looked at each other. Welcoming Charlie into their family was not an easy journey for them, and the emotions of relief, gratefulness, and joy were very prevalent on their faces.

Here are just a few from Charlie’s gallery! Karen opted to purchase the full gallery along with an album for them, and also surprised them with a large 16x20 framed print for their home.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Jonas

Katherine called the studio to ask if we had any availability for a last minute newborn session. Because they had adopted their sweet little boy, they were required to stay in the state they adopted him from for a certain length of time. He was already over three weeks old, but when she read that we frequently photograph babies this age she contacted us right away.

We work with adoptive families all the time and are flexible with their scheduling since there are often so many hoops to jump through when it comes to bringing baby home after their birth when it’s out of state.

Newborn sessions are so special to me, because I get to hear all about the journey to welcoming their newest member. Some of the stories I’m privileged to hear from both biological and adoptive parents literally bring me to tears alongside mamas. (We keep Kleenex stocked in the studio!) I really cannot verbally express how honored I am to be chosen to photograph every single newborn who comes into these studio doors and to be a small part of their beginning.

On the day of their session, the proud parents arrived with baby Jonas and big sister Kaia. We looked through the studio wardrobe for Katherine and she quickly settled on a pretty floral dress. Kaia was already dressed perfectly, and Jonas Sr. was as well thanks to following our helpful newborn prep packet which covers what to wear from your own closets. I started with baby Jonas’ solo portraits in the newborn shooting room, but he was having a hard time sleeping due to some gas issues. We moved into the family portion next since he was more comfortable being held at that time. That part went pretty quickly, and by the time we finished, he was in a deep sleep.

I then took baby Jonas back into the newborn shooting room and was able to photograph him for one setup, and then he woke up due to wanting to eat. I took him back out to his mama, and while he was eating he also let us know that he would need a diaper change very soon. Kaia and her dad left the studio to go get some lunch, and I sat with Katherine while she told me all about the story of how Jonas came to be a part of their family. I won’t go into details as it’s not my story to share, but (a) I cried with her and (b) they’re amazing. That is all!

After changing his diaper and snuggling him for a bit, his belly was no longer uncomfortable from gas and we were able to knock the rest of his solo images out! Babies lead the way for their sessions in my studio. If something’s not working or they’re not comfortable, we change direction and do something else. Your baby’s comfort and safety are my top priority when you’re in my care. I’m always watching and monitoring how parents and babies are doing throughout the entire session.

I love looking at the images from this session! They’re so full of love and he’s just so sweet! His parents loved the images so much that they ordered a large 20x20 matted collage of (4) 8x10 prints and framed it with a gorgeous gold metal frame. I loved it so much that I ordered one for the studio too which can be seen when you’re here on request.

Without further ado, here are a few of my favorites from this session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.