Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Liya

I first worked with this absolutely wonderful family for their maternity session at the field location. Visit this post to hear their backstory and see their gorgeous images!

Each member of this family has such a wonderful personality - Busola is free spirited and fun, and Jude is grounded and the kindest and most encouraging person you’ll ever meet. Ayo is a mix of both his parents and just likes to have a good time! When Busola let me know that baby Liya had arrived, I was so excited for all of them AND for Liya! She’s truly been born into such a wonderful family. I would adopt them as my own family if I could - that’s seriously how great they are.

When Busola arrived at the studio with Liya she let me know she loved all the girly and pink things and to please incorporate them as I saw fit. We mainly photograph on neutrals to keep the focus on your baby, but we do keep an assortment of pale and blush pinks on hand too! Whether tiebacks are used on baby girls is entirely up to mom. I will often photograph a mix of with and without, but some moms request that one be used for all of their baby’s images.

Liya slept for a bit but did wake up during her session. When she was awake, I was struck by her serious and calm gaze. If ever a baby was an old soul, I think Liya fits the description! Busola nursed her back to sleep and we finished up our newborn solo portraits pretty quickly - just in time for the arrival of Jude and Ayo (and grandma!). Lots of families will bring a visiting grandparent along to help with older siblings when they are not being photographed during the family and parent portion, and sometimes even step in for a few images too!

I started with sibling photos immediately, and Ayo was so great with his little sister! We’ll talk about how your toddler is doing with the new addition and the safest way to proceed based on that input from you. Sometimes sibling images aren’t the two of them alone, but being held by a parent. However they are ultimately set up, they will show their relationship just as they were at that stage. The safety of your newborn is my primary consideration when it comes to sibling images, so we’ll make decisions about how to best photograph them with that at the forefront.

We moved on to family images, and I played the jump like a crazy person game with Ayo to get him laughing. It was quite effective as you’ll see below. I always try to get one or two images with everyone looking and smiling - more often than not, I am able to with no issues. Every toddler is a wild card though, so there are no guarantees. The rest of the family portion was all natural interaction - snuggling up nice and tight and making each other laugh. It showcases your family’s true dynamic and results in the most beautifully authentic images. When you look at them you’ll smile and you’ll think, “This is us.”

When Ayo was finished, he headed home with Grandma and we wrapped up the rest of the session with Liya and her parents. I’m so happy that Liya will have these to look back on when she’s older so she can see how incredibly loved she was from the very beginning!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Lance

Baby Lance decided to follow in his sister’s footsteps and arrive prematurely. (see this previous post on this family’s maternity session for the backstory!)

Because of his early arrival, he ended up with a NICU stay. We stayed in touch with Tonya for updates during his time in the NICU. If your baby arrives prematurely and you’ve scheduled a newborn session with us, please know that we are here to support you however we can. We are constantly thinking of you and your baby, and will check in with you to see how you are. We don’t expect responses since we know that having a baby in the NICU is scary and each day is unpredictable with lots of twists and turns. When your baby is released, we’ll talk about scheduling your session!

After a few weeks, Tonya let us know that baby Lance was finally coming home! We were so excited for their family and glad to know he was home with his family. We scheduled a time for them to come in for their session. When they arrived, I squealed over his head of hair, his cute little lips, and how perfectly tiny he was! I got started right away with his solo portraits while Tonya and Briana looked through the wardrobe to choose dresses for themselves.

NICU graduates are often very scheduled babies, and Lance was no exception. He slept through his entire session, and was very much still a newborn in size and curliness. Briana was such a loving and doting big sister, and I invited her to assist me in the newborn room by holding Lances’ pacifier and sitting next to me. If you have a much older child (10+) who is interested and capable of assisting me during your baby’s solo portraits I will always involve them. I want them to know how important and valued they are!

After we finished up, we moved into the family portion of the session and also took some time with just Briana and her baby brother. He reached his hand up and smacked her in the face, which surprised her and made us all laugh. He’s already letting her know he’s going to boss her around! :)

Here are a few of my favorites from this family’s newborn session - I am so happy for them and for baby Lance! He has an incredible family to love and support him as he grows.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Clara

Megan was new to the Atlanta area and expecting baby #2. After her move, she became involved with Fit4Mom in Roswell, which is such a great resource for moms who want to meet other moms and work out! I wish there had been a chapter here in intown Atlanta back when I had my first child as it would have been such a great way to exercise and make lifelong friendships! She met Holly in the group, who is a long term client of mine. When she asked for recommendations for newborn photographers, Holly immediately gave her our information. She contacted the studio shortly thereafter, and chose to book a newborn session. Megan chose to wait until birth to find out if she was having a boy or a girl! It’s a surprise whenever you choose to find out, but I admit that I have a soft spot for fellow waiters like myself. I didn’t find out with any of my three children, and it was pretty much the best thing ever each time when I heard those words, “It’s a ____!”.

A few weeks later, we heard from Megan that her baby GIRL had arrived and was a big girl at over 8 pounds! One of the most common questions we hear from people is how it’s possible to schedule a newborn session before a baby has arrived. I’m going to touch on this really quickly because it’s an important one!

When you reserve your newborn session, you are holding your spot with us. We don’t schedule an exact date and time. We book a limited number of newborns due in each month so that we can fully serve our clients without being overextended or too busy. If your baby doesn’t arrive during their due date month, that’s totally fine! You’re still guaranteed your spot. You will let us know within 48 hours of your baby’s birth and we’ll provide you with some session dates to choose from that are generally within 8-16 days of your baby’s arrival when possible. The dates provided are affected by the following factors: whether you had a c-section, baby’s weight at birth, any complications for mama/baby, and whether you choose to add on hair and makeup services.

Megan chose to add on hair and makeup services for her session, because she didn’t want to add one more thing to do before leaving her house in Roswell that morning. When she arrived at the studio with Clara, we looked through the studio wardrobe and she chose a gorgeous textured lace dress to wear for herself. She mentioned she had brought jeans for her son but didn’t have a shirt that she liked for him. We stock shirts for little boys in size 2-5 T, and she opted for a simple organic cotton v-neck t-shirt from Burt’s Bees. They’re so comfortable and photograph beautifully. As a mom of a two year old boy, I know that most of us boy moms aren’t buying white shirts for the everyday wardrobe…. my little boy isn’t exactly known for keeping his clothes clean! We have other options in the studio wardrobe as well, so don’t worry if you don’t have something for your little boy that you like. Just bring a pair of jeans or khaki shorts and we’ll take care of the rest.

I started photographing Clara’s solo images while Megan settled into the hair and makeup chair. She was a good sleeper and flashed a few sleepy grins at me. Ass I was finishing up, Daddy and big brother Caleb arrived, and I got started with sibling images right away. Caleb was such a sweetie and a great listener for the sibling and family portion of the session. With toddler age siblings, I work very, very quickly. We never know how much time they will give us and I want to make sure that we have images in your gallery of your whole family together before they lose patience. Caleb did eventually lose all patience, and let us all know about it. Megan expressed that she was worried that I hadn’t gotten any good images, and I reassured her that I had. Sometimes when your child throws a fit, you only remember the frustration you experience in that moment and not the calm leading up to it. After getting Caleb squared away and content on the studio couch with some snacks and an activity, we moved on to the parent portion of their session. This is where I photograph each individual parent with their baby and then parents together with their baby. It’s honestly the easiest part of the whole session! I’ll help you get positioned just right, and then all you have to do is look at your baby and snuggle them. Which is pretty much exactly what you’ve been doing since they were first placed in your arms. You’re already an expert - I’m just here to make sure you look photogenic while doing it. ;)

Here are a few of my favorite images from this wonderful family’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Thea

Stefanie contacted the studio during her second trimester to schedule a newborn session for her second baby. She mentioned that she was a bit nervous about the sibling portion of the session because her older son, Oliver, is very shy and doesn’t do well with strangers. We assured her that we work with LOTS of shy little ones, and have a tried and true approach to them in which we let them warm up to us on their terms rather than get into their faces.

When Stefanie contacted us a few months later to let us know that baby Thea had arrived, she asked if she could add on hair and makeup services. She was driving from over an hour away for her session and wanted to have less things to worry about on her way out the door. We checked with our HMUA team and sent over a couple of dates for Stefanie to choose from. After she confirmed her date, we sent her our newborn prep packet which is full of helpful tips and guidance on what to bring from home for the rest of your family.

When Stefanie arrived at the studio, we looked through the studio wardrobe at some options for her. She chose to wear a a beautifully textured cream lace dress that she loved. We offer a wide variety of sizes to fit 0-14/16 and they can accommodate lots of different heights as well. Stefanie commented how easy the whole process had been as she sat down in the hair and makeup chair. She was so glad that the only thing she had to worry about was getting to the studio and that we took care of the rest for her.

I got started with Thea’s solo images. She was wide awake when we first started. Wide awake babies are great - as long as they’re also calm! I always love to take that opportunity for some open eye photographs. Not every baby opens their eyes during their time in the studio though. I’d say about 50% of my little clients do. I always discuss mom’s preferences regarding headbands and tiebacks prior to beginning newborn sessions for baby girls. It’s totally up to you whether you want a tieback for all, some, or none of their images. I choose tiebacks from my collection that are proportionate to your baby’s head and also work well with their skin tone and the overall setup. We keep our sessions very neutral so the focus is on your little one and all their sweet features!

After I finished up, Tom and big brother Oliver arrived at the studio! Just as Stefanie had predicted, Oliver hid behind his parents and didn’t want to look at me. So…. I ignored him. I’ve found this is the absolute best way to get a child interested in you. It was effective because he wanted to know why this lady with the camera wouldn’t even look at him. He approached me closely and I said hello. I asked him if he would like to lie down next to his sister or hold her, and he was emphatic that he did not. I think it’s really important to respect the feelings and wishes of big siblings. If they don’t want to do sibling images, we are not going to force it. Forcing things makes the experience negative and stressful for them. Instead, we’ll work around it and focus on family and parent images instead. That’s exactly what we did, and Oliver thought that my silly faces were pretty funny. He gave me a few grins, and his parents were amazed by how well he was doing with me. Stefanie sent me an email later that day after she was home thanking me for taking time with him and for being so patient. It’s part of the job! I want every person in my studio - big or small - to feel respected and that they were treated with kindness.

When I sent over their proof gallery, Stefanie was so happy with the images! She kept saying she couldn’t believe how he was smiling and interacting, and that the whole experience was absolutely amazing. She hadn’t expected much from the family portion, so was absolutely blown away. I thanked her for choosing to entrust me with photographing her family. Choosing who to work with for your newborn and family photography is a big decision, and I am always so honored and excited to be chosen!

Here are just a few of my favorites photographs from their newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Reese

I first worked with Kate and Trace for their daughter’s newborn session, which can be viewed by clicking here. I was thrilled to hear from Kate again letting me know she was pregnant with her second child, a baby boy! They loved their experience with us and wanted to work with us again for her son’s newborn session. I absolutely love seeing my clients throughout the years for different sessions as their family and children grow. 

Since Kate had worked with us previously, she knew exactly what to expect from our time together and already had outfits for her family chosen. While many families opt to have their newborn wrapped in a blanket, some parents choose to have their baby wear a simple white onesie or a sleeper for the family part of their session. I love either option, and encourage each client to choose the one that they like the best. There is no wrong choice here!

When Kate arrived at the studio, she made herself comfy on the couch and relaxed while I started photographing Reese for his solo images. He was wide awake when I started, but very relaxed and calm. I love capturing images of babies looking directly at the camera! Believe it or not, it’s harder than you think. Once I had these images, I wrapped him up nice and snug, and used some soothing techniques to lull him to sleep. He slept like a champ for the rest of his session, and as I was finishing up, big sister Meriwether and daddy arrived! We always have dads bring older siblings later into the session. This keeps the studio quiet and relaxed, and your older children will be much happier at home playing instead of sitting in the studio trying to be still and quiet. Moms alway tell us they really enjoy the little break too!

We moved right into the family and sibling images since toddlers have a limited reserve of attention and energy. She was wiggly little thing, but I used some of my tricks to get her to sit still for the sibling photos and she did SUCH a great job. She gave me such a hilarious face for one of her sibling photos with her baby brother. You’ll know it when you see it below! It ended up being her mom’s favorite photo of them together!

Kate and Trace are such fun-loving parents, and that shows in their final images. The family part of our sessions are relaxed and laid back, and I encourage families to snuggle together and interact just like they would on their couch at home. We’ll do a mix of sitting and standing during newborn sessions - it’s often much easier to hold a wiggly little one while sitting down! For those worried about not being able to get any images at all because their toddler never stops moving….just remember that all I need is 1/800th of a second! With patience and a positive approach, we will work together to document this special time in your lives with images you will always cherish and look at with a smile.

Here are just a few of my favorite photographs from baby Reese’s newborn photo session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Natalie

Erin contacted the studio to inquire about booking her baby’s newborn session when her daughter was already a week old. We were able to fit her in right away as we happened to have an opening that week. Erin also asked if hair and makeup add on services were also available at the last minute, and to her luck - we had someone available! While we strongly recommend reserving your newborn session in advance, we understand that sometimes life and circumstances get in the way. We can’t guarantee we will have availability, but definitely check with us if this is you!

The morning of of their session Erin and her mother in law arrived at the studio with tiny six pound Natalie Wren. She had such delicate features and her name fit her so perfectly! Erin and I quickly looked through the wardrobe and she chose a simple blush dress to wear. She expressed relief that she didn’t have to worry about going out and finding something that would fit. We hear this all the time from our clients and have a wide variety of sizes 0-14/16 to choose from.

Natalie’s husband arrived a bit later, and when he started talking with his mother, I immediately recognized their accent…. Pittsburgh! I know it when I hear it immediately and said, “Wait a minute…. do I hear Pittsburgh?!” My dad’s family hails from Pittsburgh. I was born in Pittsburgh and am a Steelers fan by default. It was so much fun to feel like I was back home as we chatted while Natalie took some nursing breaks. Mike doesn’t love having his photo taken. When I asked him what he was wearing he said he didn’t know and gestured towards a bunch of button downs that Erin had brought from home. I said, “Well, why don’t you wear what you have on?” He looked at me incredulously and said, “What, are you serious? I can wear this?” When I told him “Absolutely!”, I think I might have been his favorite person on earth in that very moment. Moms, there’s nothing wrong with your husband wearing a comfortable cotton t-shirt. The color is what is most important, and it should be free of logos and pocketless. Our newborn prep packet will give you ideas of the color palette to choose, and your guy will love you for it. If button downs are more his style, have him go with that. Ultimately, my goal is for everyone to feel comfortable and like themselves. This seems so simple but it affects your entire session.

Natalie was a curly and sleepy baby and stayed asleep for the majority of her solo portraits. She needed to take a couple of nursing breaks and then went right back to sleep, Babies dictate the flow of my sessions. What works for one baby won’t necessarily work for another, so every newborn session in the studio is unique to each individual baby.

After we had finished with our session, I noticed that the blanket they’d brought from home was the perfect match to the dress Erin was wearing. I asked if they’d like to use it for the family portion, and they loved the idea. I welcome the use of blankets from home. This particular blanker was a soft muslin blanket from Amazon with blush and gold accents. I pulled a gold headband from my stock, and the whole look was perfection! You’ll notice it throughout the photos below. I love being able to tie in a personal piece for that extra touch. If you’re thinking about bringing a blanket, we’ll give you tips and suggestions about what kind to bring. If it’s a blanket that was knitted by a loved one, it might not work for all of the images but we can definitely incorporate it into an image or two.

Here are my favorite photos from Natalie Wren’s newborn session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Grant

I first worked with Brittany when her first baby was born! You can see big sister Ava's newborn session images by clicking here. I worked with them again for a fall family session when Ava was sitting up at our gardens location, and was thrilled to hear from her to let me know baby #2 was on the way and she wanted to schedule a newborn session for him.

Brittany asked to work with Margaret again for her hair and makeup - she's become such a big fan of our HMUA add on and has used them for all her sessions with us. When you've just had a baby, you're tired and sore, and sacrificing more sleep to try and get yourself ready sounds pretty much like the worst thing ever. Here in our studio, we take that stress away for new moms. I can't tell you how many of our clients have showed up in sweatpants and a comfy shirt. We'll get you settled with a snack, something to drink, and I'll whisk your baby to the newborn room to get started on the session. I want to clarify something that we are asked a lot: adding on HMUA services does NOT add more time to your session. I photograph babies alone regardless, and that's what I'll be doing while you're in the hair and makeup chair! 

Grant was a sleepy little babe, and only needed to nurse once during his session. However you choose to feed your little one - we support that! We have nursing pillows here in the studio for our mamas and our HMUA team are experts at working with new mamas. Your baby directs the show, so if they need to eat, I'll bring them to you to do so. 

I actually love when babies start waking up during their newborn solo portraits. If they're calm and not too hungry, they're usually wide eyed and curious, and make the cutest little expressions. I'm there at the ready to capture as many of those as I can. I love little yawns, stretches, tiny little sneezes, sleepy smiles, and puckered lips. They're just adorable!

As I was finishing up with Grant, Brittany was also ready to go. Daddy and big sister Ava arrived, and we got straight to work. When we have a toddler sibling, we always start right away with some family images and parent images. Depending on your toddler's personality and temperament that day, we'll take some sibling only images. Ava was a great listener and already used to "holding" Grant, so these images were very easy to set up and take in just seconds. We always have mom and dad right there for safety purposes. Sometimes a toddler just isn't feeling their baby sibling, and that's ok! We default to images of them together with a parent holding them. Our studio has a unique marriage of lifestyle and natural posing when it comes to our approach. During family time together in front of my camera you will often hear me ask you NOT to look at the camera. I want you to look at your newest addition, and to encourage your older child(ren) to interact with the baby. These are how we get the most beautiful and authentic images that really show who you are as a family and highlight the love that you all have for one another. It's the beginning of the wildest, and the best, ride of your life! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photograper | Baby Troi

Toya contacted us to book a maternity and newborn session with us. Unfortunately, baby Troi had other plans and decided to enter the world at 26 weeks. We stayed in constant touch with Toya throughout her extended NICU stay to get updates on Troi and how she was doing, and this sweet little fighter came home after a couple of months!

Toya let us know that she was being released, and we scheduled her newborn session to take place a few days afterwards. When moms who have booked a maternity session have their baby before their scheduled session, we transfer any funds already paid to a newborn session. Losing money should be the least of a preemie mom's concerns after going through one of the most emotionally difficult situations a parent can experience! 

Toya brought Troi in for her newborn session, and oh my! She was such a tiny and dainty little thing, and the sweetest. Troi also had a very independent personality and let me know when she didn't like being moved. She was such a deep sleeper once she settled and we flew through the newborn portion of her session.

Toya chose a simple dress from our studio wardrobe that she loved. Her husband, Troy (any guesses who baby Troi was named after?!) arrived during his lunch break and we completed the family and parent portion very quickly. I loved working with this sweet family!

Here are a few images from this amazing little fighter's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Cedar

Lauren called the studio to find out if we had availability for her son who had already arrived. She had thought newborn photos weren't something she wanted, but as she watched her baby change each day she knew that she wanted to preserve all the tiny newborn details as much as she could. Cedar was quite the chunker, so we suggested coming in right away. Each baby is different, but generally speaking: the larger your baby is, the sooner we want to schedule your session. As babies grow they become less curly, and bigger babies usually tend to become less flexible more quickly. One thing that bigger babies do have going for them is that they usually always sleep like rocks! Cedar definitely lived up to that during his time with me!

Lauren and her husband arrived at the studio and I set to work with photographing Cedar alone for solo images. I photograph with neutral colors so that nothing distracts from your baby and all their precious little features. Your baby won't be competing with props or bright colors while they're here. Because Cedar was such a deep sleeper, we moved through his newborn portion pretty quickly. He woke up towards the end and I handed him to his mom to nurse. Babies are fed as needed while you are here. Our sessions are laid back and relaxed, so if you need to feed your baby four times during the course of your time here, or if your baby likes to eat very slowly - please know that this is perfectly okay! Your baby's comfort is our top priority, and that's what we will work around. 

Once Cedar finished eating, we moved into the parent and family portion. Lauren and her husband chose to wear more casual clothing from home and followed our newborn session prep guide when making their selections. While the newborn only session can take a while and is more "complicated" in terms of getting baby wrapped and positioned just right, the parent and family part is a breeze. I'll walk you through the whole thing and give you some simple "rules" to follow and the rest flows easily, I promise!

Here are a few of my favorites! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Joseph

Alecia and Michael were so excited for the arrival of their first baby - a little boy! Alecia requested to add on hair and makeup services, and when they arrived at the studio she was a little overwhelmed with all of the options available to her in the wardrobe. She had been worried about finding something that would fit her since she's on the petite side, but we assured her that it wouldn't be a problem. We were right - she absolutely LOVED the dress she chose to wear as soon as she put it in. If I remember correctly, there was a gasp when she saw herself in it. Michael had brought a few options, and we chose a plain t-shirt for him to wear. A t-shirt? You betcha! My number one goal for you is for EACH of you to feel comfortable in what you're wearing and to be happy with how you look. I have men in my studio who are most comfortable and confident in a three piece suit. I have other men who want to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Neither way is wrong - my concern is with color, not the level of dressiness or casualness. So if your guy wants to wear a cotton t-shirt with jeans, that's perfectly okay, and it's welcomed in my studio. 

For reference, our shortest female adult client was 4'10", and our tallest was 6'2". We have various lengths and sizes (0-16) and have yet to have a client not be able to find something they liked. Clients are also more than welcome to wear their own clothing if they prefer! We'll provide a super easy and to the point style guide, and we're available via email to go through things with you, or we can schedule a quick studio consult. Our goal is to make your experience as easy and stress free as we possibly can.

Alecia settled into the hair and makeup chair, and I got started with Joseph's newborn solo images. He lasted for about thirty minutes before he woke up needing to eat, so Alecia nursed him in the makeup chair while Michael and I chatted. Michael is a videographer, so it was fun to talk in technical terms since photography and videography share basic principles. He had a few questions for me about my equipment and expressed that he had no idea how much went into newborn photography in terms of getting the perfect images. I asked him a few about the video editing software he used. When Alecia finished Joseph was content and asleep again and we were able to wrap up the rest of his solo portraits quite quickly. 

We moved into parent and family images, and it was so sweet to watch Alecia and Michael with Joseph. You could tell how blissfully happy they were to be parents, and the images exude the feeling of calm and content that was present in the studio that day. 

Here are a few of my favorites from their session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Ella

Miriam contacted us to see if we had availability for a maternity and newborn session since she was booking a bit late in the game since they had recently relocated from another state. We did have room left, and were able to fit her in relatively quickly! Miriam let us know that she and her husband were waiting until birth to find out if they were having a little boy or girl. I think it's a surprise regardless of when you choose to find out, but I do have a special place in my heart for those who choose to wait....because I waited to find out with all three of my babies! 

Baby GIRL Ella surprised her mama by coming a little bit earlier than planned and had a short stay in the NICU as a result. When clients have this happen, we simply wait until baby has been released from the hospital. We've worked with many preemies (even some micro preemies!) and their sessions still look just like a newborn session would. We are also constantly in touch with our clients who have a baby in the NICU because we care about them and their baby, and we want to hear how everyone (baby AND parents) are doing and if we can be of support in any way. 

Ella was released from the hospital relatively quickly (although I'm sure it felt like eternity for her parents!) and the new family of three came in for their newborn session. Miriam already knew which dress she wanted to wear since it had been a favorite from her maternity fitting. Many of our moms fall in love with multiple dresses during their fitting and become familiar with what we have - so when they show up for their newborn session, there isn't much debate about what to choose from it. 

Ella was a tiny and adorable little peanut, and I got started with her solo portraits while Miriam settled in the makeup chair. We offer this as an add on service, and our HMUA team is absolutely fantastic. They are all incredibly experienced with every skin tone and are true professionals. All our newborn moms who choose to add on this service express relief at one less thing to do the morning of their session, and really enjoy pampering themselves. For most of our moms, it's the first time they've put any focus on themselves at all since their baby was born! For those who don't really ever wear makeup, don't worry! Our artists are experts at a very clean and classic beauty look that will enhance your features, erase that look of sleep deprivation, and look very natural. Fact about me: I don't wear makeup. I literally don't own any! But whenever I have my own family or personal photos taken, I always call one of the members of my team in for professional help and always love the results. 

Ella was quite the sleepy little thing (as is the norm with most babies born early) and we sailed through her solo portraits. Dad arrived at the studio a bit later, and we moved into family and parent images. I really love seeing my clients who have worked with me for maternity sessions as new parents! There is such a difference in their demeanor and even in their dynamic, and it's such a beautiful thing to witness. The love they have for each other is magnified, and watching them hold and admire the little life they created together is truly something else. I truly do have the best job in the world! 

Here are just a few of this little sweetheart and her parents! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Holden

I first met Mary and Matt over two years ago when I photographed their maternity, birth, and newborn sessions for their oldest son, Harrison. Mary texted me as soon as she found out she was pregnant with baby #2 to make sure she could get on the calendar again! As time went on, I was thrilled for her as she found out she was expecting another little boy. Brothers close in age = high potential for built in best friends for life! 

I photographed the family maternity session in the winter which was absolutely beautiful and so much fun, and then was present for Holden's birth at Johns Creek Emory. It was amazing how much he looked like Harrison at birth but he's since turned into a mini me of his mama! 

Mary brought him in for his newborn session and worked with our HMUA team for her makeup. I started working with Holden for his solo newborn images and just loved capturing all his little baby rolls and details. Those detail shots are some of my favorites: it's so easy to forget what your babies looked like when they were tiny! I photograph babies on neutral colored backgrounds and in simple wraps with natural posing. I never force a baby into a position they don't like - we are very baby led in practice around here! Sometimes babies will protest at first but once they're settled are nice and comfy. 

Matt arrived with big brother Harrison and we started with the sibling and family images right away. Harrison wasn't even yet 18 months, so we had to be a little bit creative. Depending on the age of big brother or sister, it may not be safe for them to lay next to baby or interact with baby alone. In those cases, we simply frame sibling shots while a parent or both parents are right there to supervise and protect the baby. No matter how young a toddler may be, almost every single one loves to show off that they know where baby's nose or toes are! We have lots of little games and tricks to employ when it comes to engaging wiggly young toddlers. While we certainly cannot guarantee older sibling cooperation, I can state that we have yet to have a session where we weren't able to work with them to get what we needed!

I have loved working with Mary and Matt and getting to know them over the years. This session was so much fun to shoot - here are some of my favorites of sweet baby Holden and his incredible family. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Carson

Erica was referred to me by a friend of hers and let me know she was expecting her third boy and requested to schedule a maternity and newborn session! I photographed their family maternity session at the park in the fall, and we had such a great time together.

Erica let me know that the newest addition had arrived, and came to the studio the morning of her session with just baby Carson. When older siblings are involved, we always have them arrive later on. This gives mamas some time to relax by themselves, get their hair and makeup done by our HMUA team, and peruse the studio wardrobe. Some moms have even opted to just take a nap! 

Erica chose a pretty lace dress from the studio wardrobe that she commented was super comfortable to wear. The vast majority of our pieces are soft and stretchy, and flatter postpartum moms. I know when I was recovering from childbirth the last thing I wanted to do was go through my closet to find something that fit! 

While we are not a studio that utilizes props, we will do our best to work in one special something if baby cooperates. Erica brought along a little blue hat with pea pods on the top that both of her older sons had worn in their newborn photos. Other things we have incorporated have been special blankets knitted by grandmothers, special hats, and a little lovey. While every effort will be made to incorporate the one item brought, it depends on your baby, and it's saved for the end so we can ensure that you have a gallery that looks like what you've hired us for first! 

Daddy arrived with the boys as I was finishing up with Carson and we moved on to sibling images. Big brothers were just so cute and proud, and they were lots of fun to work with! From there, we headed into family and parent images, and then wrapped it all up. The family portion of your session is generally very quick and easy and only interrupted by baby potentially needing to eat! We will spend time getting your older children comfortable as well. It is a very laid back and relaxed vibe in our studio. Your children shouldn't feel stressed out or pressured by anyone. Taking our time and keeping things mellow will result in the best images of your children and family. Remember: even if your toddler is struggling with big feelings during our time together, we only need 1/400th of a second for a beautiful shot where they're calm and interacting. I can't even count the number of times I've received emails from clients exclaiming, "I can't believe you got what you did! I thought we got nothing because of how my children were acting!" Full disclaimer: these brothers were very excited about participating and no tantrums were thrown during their session. 

When Erica chose her final images, she also elected to add on grandparent albums to give as Christmas gifts as well as a large 16x20 wall portrait to frame and display in their home. We have a range of print sizes and absolutely gorgeous frames available to you should you wish to take advantage of them, and love helping clients make decisions about what to display. All of our frames and products are here at the studio and available for you to see and touch. 

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Carson's newborn session!  

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Weston

Erika and Matthew drove from their home in Marietta to the studio. We schedule newborn sessions for after the majority of traffic has passed for our clients who don't live intown. For those who do live intown, it's a quick trip as we're located less than a half mile off the Zoo Atlanta exit on I-20. We have a lot of clients who drive from far away - we've had newborn clients from Macon, Braselton, Hampton, and Carrollton. All you have to do is get here and we'll handle the rest! 

When the family arrived, I pulled out a few options for Erika to look through. She didn't want to have to deal with finding something to wear and loved that we had a whole wardrobe available to her to choose from. Their new baby boy, Weston was absolutely ADORABLE and had the cutest little smirks and grins throughout his session. I started the session by photographing Weston alone for his newborn portraits. He woke up a couple of times during his session when he wanted to nurse, and I took advantage of his being awake and calm and took some photos. Not every newborn will open their eyes during a session, and sometimes they are not calm when awake. I can't always guarantee an image of your newborn with their eyes open making direct contact with the camera, but I definitely do my best when presented with the opportunity!  

After I finished up with Weston, we moved on to the parent and family portion. It was so sweet seeing Erika and Matthew with their son. I love watching new parents interact with their babies. The expressions of awe and wonder and ineffable joy are beautiful to observe and document. While I do help my clients get into the best positions for photographs, the emotion you see is all genuine and unforced. How can you not look at your beautiful baby and each other and smile? These are the moments I'm looking for as you interact with each other, and the reason why I love photographing newborns and their families so much. I want you to physically see how much you loved your sweet little baby right from the start... and I want you to be able to show your child so they can see it too. For me, that's the entire point of photography. It's the only true way we can freeze time and revisit the days that we will someday miss. 

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Weston's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Baby Liam

Jennifer contacted the studio to learn more about newborn sessions and thought it was amazing that she didn't have to worry about what to wear and could borrow from the wardrobe. It can be overwhelming when you're pregnant to wonder what you have that will fit after delivery, and even more stressful thinking about going clothes shopping immediately postpartum. The good news is that with us, you don't have to! We have a large selection of beautiful and flattering pieces that will fit sizes 0-12/14. Many of our clients show up in comfy yoga pants and a tank top, and we take care of the rest. If you'd prefer to wear your own clothes, that's no problem at all! We send all of our clients a newborn prep packet that helps them choose the best options from their own closets for the entire family. 

When Liam was born, Jennifer contacted us to let us know and requested to add on hair and makeup services. You do not need to decide when you reserve your newborn session if you want to add this on. When you contact us to let us know your baby has been born, you can let us know at that time and we'll give you dates that a HMUA is available. It's such a wonderful way to treat yourself, and our HMUA team works magic on those undereye circles from sleep deprivation!

Margaret and I were waiting in the studio for the new family and welcomed them in when they arrived. Liam's grandma was visiting from Alabama, and she was such a lovely woman. She'd also dressed perfectly with help from our newborn prep packet! A lot of folks ask if grandparents are "allowed" to participate in the session. OF COURSE. I cannot imagine forbidding such important members of your family from participating in this once in a lifetime session. Grandparents are so precious and if you want them to be a part of the session, we welcome and encourage their involvement. Jennifer settled into the hair and makeup chair and I took Liam back to the newborn shooting room. His dad enjoyed watching the solo newborn portraits through our observation window. We keep the newborn shooting room at a toasty 85 degrees to keep our babies comfortable and sleeping. Liam woke up a few times during his session, and was very alert and calm. I love when babies decide to open their eyes since we can often photograph their cute little expressions. Not every baby wakes up during their session, but when they do we definitely take advantage of it! 

When I came out with Liam after we finished up his portraits, Margaret was applying the final touches to Jennifer. Jennifer "warned" me that she and her husband weren't that comfortable in front of the camera and often felt awkward, so they'd need a lot of direction. If I had a dollar for every time I heard this from clients....  Here's the good news! You're already an expert at what you need to do for your part in the session. Holding your baby, admiring your baby, loving your baby. You've been doing that since the moment you held them for the first time. Expert level status! I'll take care of the rest when it comes to the most flattering angles, and I walk you through the entire session. After about 5-10 minutes, you'll be comfortable and you'll actually have fun. If your baby needs to take a nursing break, or you need to sit down for a moment or have a snack, that's no problem. We're not in a rush, and stressing out isn't allowed in the studio. We want your experience to be calm, relaxed, and FUN. 

I'm happy to say that Jennifer commented as we finished up, "Wow, that was really fun! I wasn't sure what to expect, but we had such a great time today." That's always the goal for our clients. 

A few weeks later, I found myself back in the studio going through their newborn session proofs to create their album. They chose a 16x20 wall portrait of their favorite image to display in their home, and also selected some smaller prints to give as gifts to the grandparents. All collections come with a certain number of high resolution digital files with a personal print release too, so they left that day with their USB and proof box. 

Enjoy some of my favorites from Liam's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Griffin

I first worked with Jess for her maternity session in the field, which can be viewed by clicking here. She had tried on a dress in our wardrobe while in for her maternity fitting that she loved, so she knew she wanted to wear it for her newborn session. Jess had also worked with Margaret for hair and makeup add on services for her maternity session, and enthusiastically requested to work with her again for newborn. Once you've worked with one of our HMUA team members for your session, you won't want to do it on your own for future ones! Not only are they lots of fun to hang out with, but the experience is also wonderful, and they are experts at applying camera ready makeup. All of them welcome your ideas and inspiration and will work closely with you to create the best look for your features and your comfort level. They can and have done it all: a wide range of skin tones on women of every ethnicity, women with vitiligo, glamorous looks, "no makeup" makeup, and the list goes on and on. 

When Jessica arrived at the studio with sweet baby Griffin and her husband, we couldn't get over how roly poly and plump he was! Rolls on rolls, and over 9 pounds with the cutest little nose and head of hair. Despite his chunkiness, he was a deep sleeper so curled right up when I worked with him during his solo newborn portion of the session. As I was finishing up with Griffin, Margaret was putting the finishing touches on Jessica's makeup. We moved right into the parent and family portion, which is so easy! All you have to do is worry about holding and loving your baby. I'll take care of the rest and gently guide you through the entire thing. The family portion usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on your baby. Some babies decide partway through that it's time for a snack break. This is never an issue, as your baby's comfort is our top priority. If they need to eat or be snuggled, that's exactly what will happen! 

Here are a few of my favorites from Griffin's session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Alexander

I first worked with Ann and her beautiful family for their field maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. When I heard from her that baby Alexander had arrived, I was so excited for their family! She asked if she could bring along grandparents and other family members, and I told her she was welcome to. Family members are always welcome to come along for your newborn session if they're in town and come by the studio when it's their turn to participate. Having a noisy and crowded studio is not conducive to the calm and relaxing environment needed for your baby's best session, so that's why we don't have anyone who is not being photographed present. 

Ann arrived with Alexander and we went through the studio wardrobe together to choose something for her to wear. She loved a blush lace dress, and cozied up on the studio couch for some rest while I took Alexander into the newborn shooting room. He was wide awake, but calm, and very alert. I'm always looking for babies to wake in a calm state so that I can capture their faces with their eyes open. Sometimes this doesn't happen during newborn sessions though if a baby just prefers to sleep or won't look towards the camera, and that's totally fine! After wrapping Alexander up and using a few tricks in my newborn photographer toolbox, I settled him into a deep sleep. We finished up the newborn portion fairly quickly once he was asleep and the rest of the family arrived.

The grandmothers both wore their traditional Vietnamese dress, which I loved. Grandpa was a retired Vietnamese Air Force vet, and put on his uniform at their request for a couple of images. Once we finished with the larger extended family images, the grandparents departed and we finished with parent, sibling, and immediate family photos. Big brother Andrew was SO sweet with his baby brother!  

I so enjoyed working with this tight knit and loving family, and I can't wait to see them in the fall for Alexander's First Birthday session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ander

When Sara emailed to let me know that Ander had arrived safely, I was overjoyed for them. He's was welcomed after previous losses, and knowing that they had a baby in their arms now was so emotional for all that know them and their story. It's not my story to tell, so I'll leave it at that. 

The morning of their session, I had Sara's dress waiting for her. Because she had done a maternity session, she had already chosen her dress for her newborn session. Lots of my clients fall in love with multiple dresses and have a pretty good idea of what they'll wear when they come back with their baby. Those who don't know look through with me before we get started, and some clients elect to wear their own clothing. We send a newborn prep guide to all clients in the week ahead of their session that helps with choosing what to wear from their own closets and takes the guesswork out of that! 

Sara and Jay arrived with Ander and were a bit flustered. Jay had a huge work deadline, and they'd been up all night with the baby. Sara was tired and a bit emotional, and I recognized the overwhelm and the stress immediately. Margaret was also there, so I asked Sara to settle into the makeup chair, and took the baby. I directed Jay to a nearby coffeeshop and told him to go finish up work and come on back to the studio when he was done. I also told everyone that no stressing out was allowed in the studio, and that everything was all going to be just fine. I could feel the relief in the room and watched the stress lift. Jay went off to work, and I took Ander back into the newborn room. 

Everything did work out just fine! The deadline was met, Sara looked beautiful and refreshed, and everyone was happy and calm. I know firsthand what a jumble those first few weeks are with a new baby. It's not easy, and there's a lot to figure out. It can feel overwhelming, and being sleep deprived certainly doesn't help! The last thing you need is a stressful newborn session experience, and we know that. Newborn sessions in our studio are calm, relaxed, and not rushed. You don't have to worry about getting your house warm enough or cleaning it up for pictures, all you have to do is arrive at the studio, and we'll take care of the rest! The comfort of our little clients and their parents is our first priority. We want you to feel well cared for during your entire experience with us!  

When I photographed Ander, I stayed with creams and whites at Sara's request. I love the bright and clean palette. All of my baby setups are neutral, and I choose the best wraps and background drops based on your baby's skin tones. I love subtle textures, and simplicity is the name of the game in the studio. Why? Because your baby and their sweet features deserve to be the highlight of the images. They shouldn't have to compete with a giant bowl or elaborate setup. 

Enjoy some of my favorite images from Ander's newborn session! 


If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Liam

Amy's son Liam arrived before his due date, and decided to scare everyone a little bit, so he stayed in the hospital for a few days. Once he was cleared to go home, we scheduled his newborn session. When they arrived, Amy looked through the wardrobe and I showed her a couple of dresses that had just arrived. She ultimately chose one of those new dresses, and then hopped into the hair and makeup chair with Margaret. Hair and makeup add on services are such a fun way to really treat yourself to some relaxation and pampering. You'll be tired from the sleep deprivation, and our HMUA is literally magic when it comes to brightening up tired eyes and skin. Lots of our newborn moms have a little extra pep in their step when they leave from loving their hair and makeup, and head out to lunch to show it off. Hint: some of our moms have been gifted HMUA services as part of their push present or instead of flowers from family members! ;) 

I took Liam into the newborn shooting room and began photographing his solo images. About halfway through, he decided he was hungry, so I took him to Amy. Our entire HMUA team is very supportive of nursing moms and they don't skip a beat. We have a nursing pillow available in the studio to use, and it fits perfectly on your lap in the chair. They'll keep applying makeup as you feed your baby until your baby is ready to come back with me to continue their session. Every newborn is different! Some may never need to eat during the entire course of their time with me, but the vast majority will need to eat at least once. Newborn sessions are not rushed in my studio, and you will be the only newborn client scheduled for that day. We want your experience to be relaxed and stress free! After Liam was done eating, I took him back into the newborn room to finish up his solo portraits. 

When we were finished up, Amy was still having her hair done. We knew it would take a bit longer because Amy has incredibly thick and curly hair that needed a blow out. So, I started with daddy and son images, and by the time we were finished with those, Amy was ready to step into the images. I want to note that many of the father and son images were not directed other than, "Just hold your son and love him." That's it! Newborn sessions are really so easy for parents because your job is to hold and love your baby, which you've been doing from the second they were placed in your arms. So you already have lots of practice and can consider yourself an expert at this point. ;) I'll step in from time to time to smooth back an errant hair, or ask dad to get a little closer, etc but for the most part, I place you where I want you, and the rest is all you. Worried that you'll freeze up in front of the camera? Fair enough, because some clients do. I'll walk you through it with guided direction for natural interaction.  Before you know it, you won't need me to tell you what to do while holding your baby. Promise! 

I loved working with Amy and Brian and seeing them as new parents. Liam is absolutely adorable, and so very loved. I'm so happy for them, and so glad that Amy and I met by chance. As a reminder: she's an amazing wedding and event planner, so if you know anyone looking for someone with incredible taste, organization, and an eye for all those little details that make things stunningly gorgeous, definitely visit her website at

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.