Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Margot

Carley contacted us to book a newborn session for when her daughter arrived. She asked to add on hair and makeup services, and mentioned that she didn't really love photos of herself, but wanted to be in them so that her daughter would have them when she was older. I reassured her that lots of moms feel this way, and that I'd work with her to create some gorgeous family and mom and baby images. 

Carley let us know that her little girl, Margot had arrived, and we scheduled her session for a couple of weeks later since she was still recovering from her delivery.

When the new family of three arrived at the studio, Carley showed me some bruises on her arm from her IV's and expressed concern about them appearing in the images. We take care of anything that's not permanent. If you have bruises from your IV or have a surprise breakout happen on your face the morning of the session from all those lovely pregnancy hormones, please don't worry or stress. If you're working with our HMUA team, they'll take care of covering up the sleep deprivation side effects of dark undereye circles and brightening tired skin. I'll take care of anything that's not permanent in post processing. Trust me, we've seen a lot! Carley sat down in the hair and makeup chair and I took Margot into the newborn shooting room. 

Margot was a tiny little six pound peanut and super, super cute. Carley chose to incorporate some tiebacks and headbands into the session for her as well. If you bring me your baby girl for a newborn session, we'll discuss whether you want headbands included in some, all, or none of the images. It's your choice! I'll select from my collection to best flow with the wrap I've chosen and that is also proportionate to your baby's head size. I don't do Texas sized flowers around here, as I want the focus to be on your baby girl and all her sweet and dainty little features. 

Margot was a great little sleeper and slept through her entire session. I finished up just as Carley was also finished. Carley was still having a hard time with her recovery, and found standing while holding Margot tiring, and was also dizzy. I am always asking mamas how they're feeling throughout. We have so many different ways to photograph, so if you need to sit during your session because you're feeling dizzy, that is absolutely not a problem! We used our studio chairs and couches for Carley, and had Brendan hold Margot for the majority of the parent and family images. When Carley stood, we had a chair nearby for her and Brendan at the ready to help. Everyone's delivery and recovery experience is different, and we'll support you through it all and modify it as needed! 

Enjoy some of my favorite images of sweet little Margot and her parents! I especially love her little swirl of hair at the top of her forehead... details like these are just so precious. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Matthew

Ethel contacted the studio to inquire about newborn sessions and talk through some concerns. She and her husband hadn't had the most wonderful wedding photography experience, and felt that their photographer didn't capture them well or in the most flattering way. She was not alone, as I hear this from many of my clients. After explaining that I direct parents in my newborn sessions and have an arsenal of techniques (specific lens selection, guided direction for what to do, angles) to achieve gorgeous images of my subjects, Ethel was reassured that we'd accomplish what she was hoping for. Her husband? Not so much. He essentially agreed to go along with it out of love for his wife, which is honestly what many men do! 

A few weeks later, Ethel let us know that baby Matthew had arrived! She also asked to add on hair and makeup services because she knew she would be too tired the morning of. When she arrived at the studio, she had both grandmas with her along with her husband and Matthew. Grandparents are welcome in our studio! We ask that they only be present when it's their turn to participate as a quiet studio is essential for newborn sessions. Ethel chose a dress from the studio wardrobe, and I noticed that the grandmothers weren't really wearing clothing that would work well in photographs. So, I called them into the wardrobe room and we chose several options for them to try on. They were thrilled to be able to borrow from it, and both looked fantastic in what they chose! 

Ethel settled into the hair and makeup chair, and I took Matthew into the newborn shooting room. He was a chunky little guy at over 8.5 lbs, but such a good sleeper! He even flashed a few sweet grins, opened his eyes, and yawned. I love when I'm able to photograph these things. Every baby is different: sometimes babies don't wake up during their sessions, and smiling is 50/50.

After I finished with Matthew's images, we moved on to parent and family images. It was so special to be able to include both grandmas! Matthew truly has some amazing women in his life, and is so incredibly loved by his family. 

Joe was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing because of their previous bad experience, but I reassured him that things would be just fine. I've found with dads: they really just want to know what to expect and be told exactly what to do. Joe is a pretty stoic guy to begin with, but by the time we were finished, he was genuinely having a good time and laughing. When Ethel emailed me after the session to tell me that he admitted that it was fun and he was glad that he had done it, I knew I'd done my job. Enjoy some of my favorite images from this session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Maverick

Angela contacted us at the beginning of the year to inquire about newborn sessions and was thrilled to find out that we take care of everything for our newborn moms between our wardrobe and add on hair and makeup services. When you arrive at the studio, you can literally walk in wearing sweats and a comfy t-shirt. We don't judge (and believe me, I know what it's like to have a newborn at home in those first weeks). You'll come in, look through the studio wardrobe to see what catches your eye, and then sit down in the hair and makeup chair  to relax with some bottled water (or LaCroix if you prefer), while your HMUA gets to work. I'll whisk your baby off to the newborn shooting room to start with their solo portraits while you're being pampered. Where is dad in this picture? Two options exist for them: if they'd rather come on in later, they can come about 90 minutes into the session. Or, they can come with you and hang out on the couch. Totally up to you and your preferences! If you have an older child that will be participating, dad and big brother or sister will arrive later. We have the whole routine down to a science here!  

Angela contacted us to let us know that her son, Maverick, had arrived, and we sent over a couple of dates for her to choose from. She chose one, and we sent over the newborn prep packet for her to review. It covers best practices for the morning of, what to bring to your session, and what other session participants (dad, siblings, grandparents) should wear in order to keep everything cohesive. If you have any questions at any point in the process, we're here to help! 

I took Maverick back to the newborn shooting room while Margaret started working on Angela's makeup application. He was a sleepy little guy, and loved being curled up in someone's arms. Babies need to be warm to be relaxed, and we keep our newborn shooting room at a toasty temperature for this reason. Babies also like to feel secure, so wrapping them snugly helps with that, and once they're in a nice deep sleep, then we can move into the less wrapped images where they're sprawled out. When you have a newborn, you'll notice that they sometimes startle and their arms and legs will fly out. There are certain phases of sleep in which this is more likely to happen, and I am always carefully watching and observing your baby during their session to see where they are in terms of sleepiness. Baby safety and comfort are paramount in my studio! 

After I finished up with Maverick's solo images, Margaret was putting the finishing touches on Angela's makeup. After a diaper change and a quick nursing break, we moved on to the family and parent portion, which is my favorite part. I love capturing the quiet moments of awe and wonder, where you can see the incredible love and emotional connection between parents and their new baby. This is the start of your family, one of the most amazing chapters of your story. I'm so honored to be invited to photograph that for my clients, and it's an opportunity  I don't take lightly.  

Below, you'll find just a few of my favorites from Maverick's session! His parents chose to mat and frame 16x20 image (fourth one up from the bottom, if you're curious!) to display in their home as an add on to their newborn collection. We have a varied studio frame line and will take care of getting your artwork ready for you so you don't have to deal with taking your prints to a framer. Adding on mats and frames is completely optional, and is just one part of the complete service that we offer to all clients should they choose to utilize it! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Amir

When baby Amir and his family arrived at the studio for their newborn session after driving all the way from Hampton, Georgia, they handed him to me and I took off his little hat to reveal QUITE the head of hair! He was such a sweet and snuggly little boy, with the most adorable chunky cheeks and features. His mama had followed the prep packet that we send ahead to all clients before their session, and it paid off. 

He slept well for the first twenty minutes and then began waking up, so I wrapped him up like a little burrito and took him to mom for a nursing break. Whether you nurse or bottlefeed, you may need to feed your baby during our time together. A lot of clients worry that their baby is "taking too long", but there's no such thing. I only schedule one newborn session per day and allocate time in my schedule so that we will have plenty of time. Being a newborn photographer requires endless patience and slow movements. Your baby's comfort and safety are my top priorities! 

After Amir was finished eating, he was sound asleep and we resumed the session. He stayed in deep sleep until almost the end, and then started entering a lighter sleep cycle. You can tell when your baby is doing this by how their eyelids will "flutter". As a photographer, I am on the lookout for this because this stage of lighter sleep is the best opportunity to catch a smile if they flash a few grins. Many parents have told me that they couldn't understand why I was standing frozen in place over their baby for several minutes until they see their final gallery! It's never a guarantee that a baby will smile or open their eyes to "look" directly at the camera, but I'm always waiting and watching to capture that if it does. 

Here are just a few of my favorite newborn only images of this sweet little peanut! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Glenn

Whitney contacted us to see if we had availability for a newborn session for her third child and "warned" us that she had two older boys that would be coming along. While I appreciate moms giving me the heads up on their children, I'm a mom of three very energetic children. Very little fazes me! I love working with children and am experienced with children who are extremely shy to kids who have never met a stranger. I am very good at assessing a child and meeting them where their level of comfort is. 

Whitney arrived at the studio with Glenn first, and we went through the studio wardrobe. She told me she hadn't had time to find shirts for her boys. Not a problem! We have several really cute shirts for 12 months through 5T that lots of moms borrow. Moms of boys very rarely buy light colors since boys love to get dirty. We'll provide you with the wardrobe, and we'll even do the laundry for you afterwards! ;) We had a quick discussion about whether she wanted me to use headbands in all, some, none, or most of Glenn's newborn images. It's ALWAYS up to parents when it comes to this! We don't have bows the size of Texas in our studio, and I choose what I use to be proportionate to each baby's head size. 

Whitney had elected to add on hair and makeup services as well, so she slipped into the chair while I started photographing Glenn. Glenn was big girl at over 8 pounds, and a very deep sleeper, so we moved through that portion of the session rather quickly. I just loved her chunky cheeks and little lips. She was such a sweetheart!

Whitney's husband and sons arrived, so we moved right into photographing the siblings and dad images while Margaret finished working on Whitney. Whitney joined in for some of our family images, and then the boys enjoyed some snacks from the studio basket while I photographed some parent and baby images. The boys departed with dad, and we wrapped up with baby and mama images. Each newborn session has a different flow depending on how things are going. Sometimes a big sibling needs a little more time to warm up, so we'll photograph parents only first. I customize each session workflow to each family and their unique dynamic It never looks the same, and I love that! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ryan

Lindsey called the studio to see if we could accommodate a last minute newborn session. Her son had spent a little bit of time at the hospital after his birth to deal with some reflux, so she was worried that it was too late to schedule one. We had availability, and reassured her that it was most certainly NOT too late as we frequently work with older newborns, and we have had lots of babies with reflux come through the studio for sessions. Working with babies and children requires a high level of patience, and we definitely possess that! 

Lindsey brought along a fur because it was a meaningful gift from very close family friends out in Wyoming. Most families do not bring along anything as we provide everything, but I will always do my best to incorporate one meaningful item into an image. It's best if the item does not take away the focus from your baby, and is a neutral or pastel color. The fur that Lindsey brought along happened to match one of my wraps perfectly and was very easy to work into the session flow. While I started photographing Ryan, Lindsey tried on a handful of studio dresses and fell in love with a lace sheath dress. Her husband, Jarod arrived as I was finishing up Ryan's solo portraits. We have lots of dads who pop in for the 30 minutes or so that they're needed and then head back out. It's not necessary for both parents to be in the studio the entire time unless they want to be there! 

We had such a great time during their newborn session and I enjoyed chatting with Lindsey and Jarod and getting to know them. They chose a collection with a wall gallery that included a 24x24 frame flanked on each side by a 20x24  frame.  and have a large 20x20 framed print of the image of Ryan with his eyes open. Wall gallery collections can be displayed together as a grouping or split up into different areas of your home. We've even had some clients keep one framed print for themselves and gift the other two to each set of grandparents. There are lots of options to meet your needs. 

Here are a few of my favorites from Ryan's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Clara

Megan was referred to me by another long term client of mine. She is new to the area, and asked around for recommendations on a newborn photographer. When she initially contacted me, she let me know that she was waiting to find out if her baby was a boy or a girl. I love this, as I did this with my three children. It's a surprise no matter when you find out, but I always love meeting other moms who chose to wait like I did! 

When I got the email from Megan telling me that baby CLARA (a girl!) had arrived, I was so excited! She asked to add on hair and makeup services as well since she knew she would be busy as a new mom of two. I sent over the newborn prep packet to her so she'd have all the information she needed. Our newborn packet also has helpful suggestions for what the other members of the family should wear. Most clients grab a few things from their wardrobe and bring them along, and I help select the final choices at the studio. We have a portable steamer on hand to help with any wrinkles, so no need to iron everything perfectly before you leave your home.

The morning of her session, Megan arrived with just Clara. When we have families who have an older child, we like to plan for dad and older kids to arrive later in the session. Babies do much better in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, and it's no fun for bigger kids to have to sit still for a long period of time. Splitting it up like this makes it so much more fun for everyone. Megan looked through the wardrobe and settled on a gorgeous textured lace dress. I always ask moms of baby girls if they would like me to use our studio headbands/bonnets for all/some/none of their newborn portraits, and she asked for a mix. I rarely use bonnets, but I think she looks absolutely adorable in it! 

She hopped up into the makeup chair while I took Clara back into the newborn room. Clara was born at over eight pounds, so she was a hungry little thing. I took her back to Megan a couple of times during the session to nurse. This is never a problem, and most of our babies do need to eat at some point during sessions! We have a nursing pillow in the studio that fits perfectly on your lap in the makeup chair, and Margaret will keep working on you while you nurse or bottle feed your baby. 

When we were finished with Clara's solo newborn portraits, dad and big brother Caleb arrived. It was perfect timing, as Megan still needed to get dressed in the dress she had chosen. I started out with sibling portraits and then moved on to dad with both kids and then daddy daughter images. Megan came back in and stepped in for family portraits.  We then moved to parent and baby images, and send daddy and Caleb on their way and finished up with mommy and baby images. 

My workflow is never the same when it comes to the family portion of my newborn sessions... we just go with the flow based on what's happening, who's available to be photographed, and who's in the mood to be photographed. Everyone needs a break sometimes, and I'm pretty good at reading who could use one. 

Here's a few of my favorite images from this adorable family! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Fiona

Liz contacted me to schedule a newborn session in her second trimester, and let us know that she would also want to add on hair and makeup services. I checked in with her every now and then throughout the remainder of her pregnancy, and was so excited to get the email that her daughter had arrived! I always love hearing what my clients name their babies, and I just love the name Fiona! 

The morning of their session, our HMUA Margaret and I greeted them when they arrived. After looking through the studio wardrobe, she fell in love with one of the dresses. Liz slipped into Margaret's chair, and I took Fiona into the newborn room to begin her solo portraits. She was such a cute little thing, and had the sweetest head of fluffy brown hair. I always ask moms with baby girls if they would like to incorporate our studio tiebacks in some, all, or none of their images. It's completely up to mom! You won't find any boys the size of Texas here - we like to keep things dainty so that the focus is on your sweet baby's face. 

She flew through her newborn portion with me, and woke up right at the end to give me a very suspicious gaze. I just love the expressions that I see on the faces of newborns...they are often little glimmers of their future personalities! As I was wrapping up with Fiona, Margaret was putting the finishing touches on Liz. Liz looked absolutely stunning, and was so happy that she had chosen to add on hair and makeup services. Most newborn moms are struggling a bit in those early weeks, and the idea of getting dressed and ready to be photographed can feel overwhelming. Let us take care of everything so you don't have to worry about that. That's what we're here for! 

Margaret bid us goodbye, and we started with the family and baby portion of the session, which is honestly my favorite. It's so easy for new moms and dads! All you have to do is hold your baby and admire and love them... and you've been doing that from the moment they were first placed in your arms. I'll take care of making sure your placement looks great and make small adjustments as needed. If you freeze up in front of a camera, no worries - I've got you. I will walk you through your entire experience with me with gentle guided direction, and you'll be amazed at how easy and enjoyable the whole experience was. 

During the session, we had fun chatting and I discovered that Liz used to work with another client of mine. Such a small world! I also learned that Ian is in the process of writing a book, which I found to be so cool. I love to read, so I asked him to let me know whenever it was published. We finished up the session, and I sent them off to have a lunch date. Most of our moms who choose to have their hair and makeup done for a session want to go somewhere afterwards to show it off, and with good reason! 

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from adorable little Fiona's newborn session. I cannot wait to see her in a few weeks during our special Mother's Day event! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Parker

Sarah contacted the studio when her baby girl was three weeks old to ask about a newborn session. She told us she knew that she'd waited until the last minute, and didn't think she would want newborn images but changed her mind as she saw how quickly her little girl was changing each day. This is not the first (nor will it be the last) time we've heard this. We fortunately had availability to fit them in right away, and scheduled them to come in within a couple of days. If this is you, and you regret not scheduling newborn images but are afraid your baby is too old now, give us a call and we'll discuss options!

Sarah also decided to add on HMUA services and worked with Megan who gave her one of the most beautiful smokey eye looks I've ever seen. Don't worry - makeup is applied to your vision and tastes to best flatter your features! Our HMUA team welcomes inspiration photos and will work closely with you to achieve the best look that you feel beautiful and confident in! Sarah also chose to wear a tunic piece from our studio wardrobe that she loved. Her husband Raj, is a more casual guy - so he elected to wear a casual white v-neck tee. Dads should dress how they feel most comfortable. I want parents to feel true to who they are when they look back at images. So if that's a casual t-shirt or a pinstriped suit... you can't go wrong either way. 

Baby Parker was a little six pound peanut and just SO cute. We flew through her solo images because she was such a good little sleeper. She opened her eyes a few times and I just had to laugh at her funny little expressions. I love to capture babies naturally as they stretch, yawn, and look around. We then moved on to the parent and family images with a special appearance by Tiber, of of the cutest Frenchies you'll ever meet.

Sarah came back to the studio a couple of weeks later to look through her newborn images with me and we designed a newborn album together. She also added on a couple of grandparent albums as well, and chose which images she wanted as prints. Ordering can be done online, but many clients elect to come in since it's actually much easier and faster to walk through the process in person when it comes to an album or wall art if you choose one of those! 

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Jacob

When Kristin contacted me to let me know that baby Jacob had arrived safe and sound, I was so excited. She even sent me a cell phone picture of him! While I certainly don't require clients to send ahead photos, I just absolutely love seeing brand new little babies. I really do consider photographing new babies with their families such an honor, and it's incredibly fulfilling on a personal level to be a source of encouragement and support. 

Kristin added on hair and makeup services for her newborn session, and she'd also determined a couple of choices for her dress when she was in the studio for her maternity fitting. She arrived at the studio and slipped into the hair and makeup chair while I took Jacob into the newborn shooting room to photograph the baby only portion. He was such a little sleeping angel with his chubby cheeks! 

I finished up with his solo images just as Kristin was finishing up with her HMUA. She chose one of the dresses, and we got started with the family/parent portion. This is honestly my favorite part of newborn sessions. I love seeing the joy, the wonder, the excitement, all of those emotions on the faces of new parents as they look at their baby. It takes me back to the time my own children were itty bitty, and I'm just so excited for my clients and all the wonderful things they have ahead of them as their baby grows. Parenting a newborn is not an easy gig, but oh man, the joy of it all far outweighs the hard moments when all is said and done. 

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from this precious family's session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Benjamin, 17 days new

Ashley contacted us when her baby boy was over two weeks old. She was concerned that he was too old, and called to find out if that was the case. We assured her that it most certainly wasn't, and that we had one day open for her in a couple of days. She also opted to add on hair and makeup services and expressed relief that she didn't have to worry about getting ready the morning of. When she asked what she should wear, she was SO excited to hear she didn't need to worry about that either! 

When I took Benjamin out of his carseat after he arrived for his newborn session, I was immediately amazed by how much he looked like his dad! Most newborns will have features that resemble each of their parents but there's no clear defined likeness to either. I think we can safely say that's not the case with Benjamin! 

Ashley selected her favorite dress from what I had pulled for her as options and settled into the hair and makeup chair while I started with Benjamin. He was such a little chunky thing, but was in a deep sleep so was a breeze to wrap and move around. We finished up before his mama was finished having her hair done, so we moved into the daddy and son images right away. Once we were finished with those, Ashley was ready to go and jumped into the images. The parent and family images are my favorite part. I love photographing the joy and wonder of new families, and that beautiful contentment and peace on their baby's face. Your baby feels so safe and secure with you, and it just melts my heart. Being able to freeze these moments for you forever is the most special part of my job. 

When Ashley viewed her proof gallery, she decided to order a collection with a wall gallery for her home. She chose one of the frames that we have in the studio and we matted a 20x20 family image flanked by two matted 16x20 images. It's such a gorgeous display and I know they'll enjoy looking at it for many years to come. 

Here are a few of my favorite images from their session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Theodore

When Jessica called the studio, she told us that time had gotten away from her and she hadn't gotten around to scheduling a newborn session for her son who was already a few days old. We'd had a few babies arrive earlier than their due dates, so we had a last minute opening for her. Jessica was so excited about being able to borrow from the studio wardrobe because shopping was absolutely the last thing she wanted to do. We sent over our newborn preparation guide which helps clients immensely in choosing what to bring for their husband and other session participants (such as older children or grandparents) and in preparing for the morning of the session. It's a short and sweet read - we know you're sleep deprived and don't need a fifty page manual to go through! 

When they arrived at the studio, I handed her an armful of dresses that I knew would fit her. While she was trying them on, I started photographing Theodore. He was such a handsome and sweet little boy. I have three children of my own, and my youngest is a boy. Theodore was so adorable, it made me want to have another little guy! After I finished photographing him, he needed to nurse and snuggle with his mama for a bit before moving on to the parent and family portion. Regardless of how you choose to feed your baby, you're supported in our studio and babies lead the session flow. We'll take as many breaks as needed so that your little one remains comfortable and happy - they're my first priority! 

We then moved into the parent and family portion and I walked Jessica and her husband through everything. The majority of images we create are often things that you're doing at home with your baby anyway. I provide very simple and easy to understand direction to make it beautiful and flattering for photos. Don't worry about what you need to do, because I've got you covered. You won't feel awkward or weird, and you'll have lots of fun snuggling your baby and celebrating your new family! As the family was leaving my studio, they told me how surprised at how relaxing and wonderful the whole experience was for them. Just what I love to hear! We've created a serene environment for new parents and babies, and strive to make sure you're well taken care of from first contact to final image and product delivery. 

I loved seeing what Jessica chose from their proof gallery. She opted to order two large 11x14 prints for their home - one of the images she chose is the second one you'll see! Enjoy a few of my favorites from this woderful newborn session. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Alexandra

Sometimes dads contact us to schedule newborn sessions! Colleen had contacted us for information and then life juggling a full time job and two older children got in the way and she forgot to email us back. A few weeks later, we heard from her husband Jeff, who had been tasked with squaring away their third baby's newborn session. We fortunately had an opening due to one of our December babies arriving in November and scheduled them to come in. Colleen also requested to add on hair and makeup services because she knew it would be nearly impossible to do herself the morning of. 

When Colleen arrived, I took baby Alexandra back to the newborn shooting room, but little miss was uncomfortable and didn't want to settle. I held her and determined that her little tummy was bothering her, so I took her back out to Colleen and asked if she had been having any issues with gas. Colleen let me know that all of her babies had reflux and she suspected that Alexandra did as well. I'm not a doctor, but I work with several newborns every week. Handling babies and reading their body language (are they stiffening up when put on their backs?) has given me a lot of hands on experience. It was clear that Alexandra would not be comfortable enough to proceed at that time, so we stopped shooting and I held her upright in between feedings. Sometimes that's what my job looks like: I hold newborns for as long as I need to in order to get them comfortable. Rushing a session is pointless. While the average newborn sessions takes between 2-2.5 hours this is not a guarantee. Sometimes babies need more time to settle or have special needs that we might not know about until they're here for their session. 

Jeff and the children arrived for their part in the session, and we moved to sibling family images right away because Jeff needed to get back to the office. Colleen warned me that her oldest daughter, Reagan didn't typically ever smile. I warned Colleen that I could be pretty goofy during sessions, so there was a chance I could get Reagan to laugh at me. (scroll through the images to see if I was right!) Grandma was in town helping out, so she was able to take the children back to the house after they were finished.

Alexandra had settled and was sleeping by this point, and we had been able to get a few good burps out of her. I moved slowly and gently, and was able to photograph her despite her reflux issues. When she woke up, we moved to mommy and baby images and kept alternating between. Even though the session took much longer than the average time, it gave Colleen a break, and she enjoyed the peace and quiet while enjoying snacks and drinks from the studio supply. We also chatted a lot and found that we had a lot in common besides having three children. Both of us were from Pennsylvania, and we both had similar childhoods. I always love getting to know my clients during their sessions, and this time was no exception. 

I adored working with this wonderful family, and their squishy cheeked baby girl. Enjoy the images! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ava

Mayra contacted us to book a newborn session for her daughter due in October. I have a special place in my heart for October babies... it might have a little something to do with the fact that two of my own children were born in October, my grandmother's birthday is in October, and MY birthday is in October. October just miiiiiiight be my favorite month of the year. 

Mayra asked if she could use the studio wardrobe because she couldn't fathom the idea of going shopping for something, and also wanted to add on hair and makeup services. I assured her we would find something for her in the wardrobe, and we arranged for her HMUA to be at the studio on her newborn session date as well. You have enough things going on with a newborn: if you want to add on hair and makeup, the only thing you need to do is tell us and show up on your session date. We'll take care of all the scheduling details for you! 

When Mayra and her husband Brent arrived with baby Ava, I had several wardrobe options pulled for her. She tried a few on and fell in love with a lace dress. I actually love the texture and simplicity of lace, although I don't wear it myself often. With three kids it's not the most practical choice! Choosing the right lace is essential for a look that's not overly fussy or prissy. The pieces we have in our wardrobe are timeless and feminine. If lace isn't your thing, not to worry! You can bring clothing from home, and we have so many other options without a shred of lace in sight. Brent had also brought along a few shirts from his closet. I can tell you that pretty much every dad who walks into my studio brings at least three different options. Once we've chosen what mom should wear, I simply make my suggestion as to which is the best choice. We send out a prep guide in advance of your session as well that gives you suggestions as far as colors, patterns, and textures when choosing from your closet. 

I started photographing sweet little Ava while Mayra was in the hair and makeup chair. Mayra requested the use of some of our dainty bows and tiebacks. You won't find headbands with flowers the size of Texas in my studio. That's just not my thing, and anything I choose for your baby girl will complement her skin tone and be proportionate to her head size. As I was finishing up with Ava, Mayra was still in the chair getting the final touches on her hair. We started the session with Brent and Ava for some daddy and daughter shots. To this day, I think he's one of the most visibly happy and proud fathers I've had in the studio and I absolutely love their series of images together. Mayra stepped in for some whole family images, and we wrapped up the session in about thirty minutes. 

I loved working with this family - here are a few of my favorite images from their baby girl's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Amira

When Saira contacted us for information about a newborn session, we called back to follow up as we always do. She let us know that she was still thinking about it. We completely understand that choosing the right newborn photographer is a big deal! We're always here to answer any questions that you might have, and welcome them.

It turned out that Saira knew she wanted to work with us, but was worried about being fair to her children. She hadn't had a newborn session for her first baby, and was concerned that booking one for her daughter was shortchanging her oldest a little. This is such a common concern with parents. I love that so many want to treat their children equally. As a mom of three, I am always thinking about whether I'm giving enough time and attention to each of my three. 

Here's what I can tell you: it unfortunately will never be "fair". Your first child had you all to themselves for however long before their sibling came along. Your second child won't get that alone time with you since there's no way to make that happen. What they will get are more experienced and laid back parents who understand how the whole parenting thing goes a lot better than they did the first time around. ;) Your children will also be very different personality wise. What each of them need and want will also look very different. My oldest child wants to spend time actively doing things together. My middle child just wants to snuggle on the couch and would settle for hours every day doing this. My youngest child just wants me to be in the same room as him and watch him playing. He frequently makes sure that I'm looking at him, but if I try to join in? Oh no, my place is to sit in the chair and watch him. It's so funny how different they are! 

When Saira came in the morning of her newborn session with her beautiful baby girl, Amira, we chose a dress from the studio wardrobe for her. I asked her what finally made her decide to reserve her session with us, and that is when she told me she was worried about the fairness factor. I told her what I tell all second and third and fourth time moms. If you didn't have a newborn session with your first baby for whatever reason, that's okay. Maybe you didn't know you wanted one. Maybe your baby had a long NICU stay, or maybe you were so overwhelmed with being a new mother that you put it off and before you knew it you had a six month old and the time for one had long passed. Whatever the reason is, that doesn't mean you have to repeat that with your second baby. Your first baby is celebrating a MAJOR milestone...they're a big brother or sister! Think of your newborn session as a celebration of your new family and the new role that your oldest child has assumed. Some of the sweetest images that I've ever taken are of new siblings together, and this session proved to be no exception. 

I started with Amira's solo portraits, and then Daddy and Oscar arrived as I was finishing up. We always have older siblings join us later because they're much happier that way! This gives you a break and some time to rest and relax, and your big kid has some fun time with their dad and gets their energy out. As soon as they arrived at the studio, we started with the sibling images. Oscar wasn't quite big enough to safely hold Amira, but I have lots of other ways to photograph siblings. Saira and Addison also stepped in a few of the images as well. I really loved how warm and affectionate this family was with each other, and we just had so much fun!

Here are some of my favorites from this amazing family's session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Luke

Some of my clients are more emotional than others, and Priscilla is one of them - in a good way! She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is genuine and caring. She also loves being a mother to Luke and a wife to her husband, Steve, and that love is written clearly all over her face and every move she makes. It's an amazing thing to see.

The morning of their newborn session, the new family arrived with Grandpa in tow! She was so excited for her dad to be involved with the session too, and I was more than happy to include him. Both of us definitely teared up a little bit during her dad's part. I blame Priscilla: she became overwhelmed with emotion, and I'm a sucker for happy tears. I was incredibly close to both of my grandfathers growing up and cherish the memories and photos with them when I was small. One of my grandfathers passed away five years ago, and my other grandfather is still with us. Grandparents are so important. They're part of your chid's legacy, and your child is part of theirs. If you want to include them, please do! 

I started with Luke's solo newborn portraits and couldn't stop inwardly squealing over his little chin and his hair. Priscilla asked me if we should slick it down, and my response was "It's your choice, but don't you want to remember how curly and stick up everywhere it was?" She decided she did, and left it just the way it was. We flew through Luke's newborn portraits because he was in such a deep sleep and moved right into the family portion. I once again loved watching the deep connection between Priscilla and Steve that I saw during their maternity session. When I look at these images, I see a couple madly in love with each other, completely overjoyed, and utterly grateful be parents to their baby boy. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ian

Erin contacted us right after her son Ian, was born. As in, contacted us from her hospital bed in her recovery room. She hadn't booked a newborn session and decided that she probably should after falling head over heels in love with her new baby. She realized that how he looked was going to change, and she wanted to forever remember his features and when he was this tiny. We were fortunately able to schedule her for a couple weeks out, and she also elected to add on hair and makeup services. She knew that she would be way too tired to attempt to do it on her own - and every mama who adds these services on is so glad that they did! It's such a nice way to pamper yourself after all the sleeplessness... and I'm telling you, the HMUA artists know how to make those dark undereye circles from the sleep deprivation disappear! 

Erin also mentioned that she didn't want to try and find anything to wear because she wasn't sure what she had that would fit, and the last thing she wanted to do was go shopping. No worries! That's exactly what the studio wardrobe is for. I can't tell you how many mamas have showed up in sweats and a messy bun and we just take it from there.

The morning of their session Erin, Stephen, and Ian arrived. Erin chose a gorgeous blush lace dress from the studio wardrobe that complemented her skin tone and beautiful red hair.  She settled into hair and makeup with Margaret, while I got started with Ian. He was absolutely adorable and I think might I spy a hint of his mother's hair! During his newborn portraits, he needed to eat, so we took a break so Erin could nurse and I then I took him back to finish up. Our HMUA's are completely used to working around nursing moms and they're all very supportive of breastfeeding, and not intrusive at all. I nursed all three of my own children, and I know how difficult the early days can be sometimes. My biggest priority in setting up the studio and crafting the entire experience was the comfort of new moms and babies. Your newborn session shouldn't be a stressful experience. It should be calm, relaxed, and you should feel encouraged and supported during and afterwards. 

Erin was finished with hair and makeup right around the same time I was with Ian, so we finished up with the parent and family images. Stephen needed to get to work as he had only taken a few hours away, so he departed as soon as he was finished. This is totally normal for many new dads since not everyone gets paternity leave. We have lots of dads stop by during their lunch break, and we only need dads for 15-30 minutes depending on how your baby is doing! They are absolutely more than welcome to stay the entire time, but please know it's not necessary if they can't or just would rather not. 

Erin and I had a great time chatting in between feeding Ian and photographing, and I felt like we were old friends by the time we wrapped up. There are so many topics that are covered in the studio while moms and I are chatting... I feel like at this point there's nothing I haven't heard! 

Here are just a few of my favorite images of this sweet family of three... can't wait to see them again in the future! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Olivia

When Monica let me know that Olivia had made an early appearance, I was so excited for them and gave them a couple of dates to schedule their newborn session. A lot of clients ask what happens if their baby arrives before they're due because we only accept a certain number of newborns due in each month. The answer: it doesn't matter when your baby arrives! Once you've booked a newborn session, you are guaranteed a spot on our calendar regardless of whether they arrive at 37 or 42 weeks. Weekend dates are limited and not guaranteed, and most newborn sessions typically take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. For dads who don't have much of a paternity leave, they either come over their lunch break for their part, or take a half day from work. 

On the morning of their session, the new family of three arrived at the studio with Grandma in tow and I was able to meet Olivia and gush over her head of hair. She was the sweetest little thing at right around 6 pounds. I took her to the newborn shooting room to get started, and she was a very easy baby to work with. We finished her newborn solo portraits in just over an hour. 

Monica knew exactly which dress she wanted to wear from the studio wardrobe for her newborn session because she had decided during her maternity fitting! (See Monica's maternity session by clicking here) A large percentage of our clients who work with us for both session types either know or have a good idea of what they'll be wearing for their newborn session!

We moved right into the family portion of the session, and had Grandma step in for a few images also. Many clients ask if grandparents and siblings are "allowed" to be part of the session and the answer is, "Yes!" We do ask that you not plan to have siblings and extended family present during the entire session as it often creates a noisier and less calm environment for your baby. Instead, they come at a predetermined time, participate in their part of the session, and then head on out. This ensures a pleasant experience for all! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ella Mary Claire

I first worked with Cindy for her studio maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. Cindy had also wanted to work with me for The Birth Session, but I was unfortunately already fully booked. We tend to book out 6-8 months in advance for The Birth Session and are often the very first to know that our clients are pregnant to begin with! 

I was so excited when Cindy let me know that her little peanut, Ella, had arrived a couple of weeks early! She was a tiny little not-quite-yet six pounds thing and just so adorable! Cindy worked with our HMUA team for add on makeup services. Hair wasn't required this time around since she had her mom to do hers... and her mom is a professional hairstylist! 

Cindy brought along her parents and sister for Ella's newborn session and included them in several images as well. I WELCOME the inclusion of family members should clients want to do that. My own family is everything to me, and I can't imagine not allowing grandparents or siblings to participate in a newborn session. I do like for family members to arrive later on in the session if at all possible. It's so important to keep the studio quiet and serene, and a lot of bodies present for the entire time can affect that. Every family dynamic is different, and you know your family best.  

We had a great time in the studio together photographing Ella with her mom and her entire family. She's a very loved little girl! Cindy loved her images so much that she chose the album option and we had fun designing it together. Because she lived about an hour away, we handled the album design and proofing process via email and she simply came to pick it up when it was ready. We have lots of clients who drive from an hour or more away, so we try to make things as easy as possible for them! 

Enjoy some of my favorite images of sweet Ella's newborn session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Ava & Addison, fraternal twins

Stacy called the studio to see if we had any availability for her twin girls to come in for a newborn session. We usually have a few sets of twins each year and always have lots of fun with them! I absolutely LOVE working with twins because seeing their unique personalities and features is always so much fun. I've found that even identical twins have some differences! Twin sessions CAN take a bit longer than a single newborn, but that's not always the case. It really just entirely depends on the set of twins.

Stacy opted to work with our HMUA team and added on hair and makeup services. She also borrowed a dress from the studio wardrobe, because hello... twins, nobody has time to try and go find something to wear! 

While Stacy was in the hair and makeup chair, I was photographing the twins. I don't use an assistant for twin sessions, but I do often use dad's help. Kevin was absolutely amazing in bringing me each baby as I photographed them individually and then together. He commented that he had no idea what actually went into newborn photographer and that it was fascinating to get a behind the scenes look at how babies are wrapped, adjusted, and soothed. He also mentioned he was taking notes on the soothing techniques! 

After we finished up with the twins, Stacy was still in the hair and makeup chair, so we started with daddy and daughter images. As we were finishing with those, she was finished up so we moved right into whole family images and then wrapped up with mama only images.

I loved working with this sweet family, and can't wait to see them all again in a couple of months for their First Birthday session! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.