Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Peyton

I last saw Lindsay and Matt for their maternity session in the gardens, which you can view by clicking here. This family was a pretty special family, because Matt was deploying just days after the birth of Peyton. The original plan was for an induction, but Peyton arrived via emergency cesarean section when it was determined at check in for their induction that there was no time to waste. Because Lindsay was recovering from her c-section and unable to come to the studio, I decided I would drive to their home for father/son and family images, and that we would finish the newborn session in a couple of weeks when Lindsay had recovered. I do not travel to homes for newborn sessions for many reasons (click here to read why!), but I think we can all agree that this was a session that it was important to make an exception for.  They only had one area of their home where the light was sufficient, so we moved a chair and table out of the way and made it work. I am so thankful for the sacrifices this sweet family made for our country, and was honored to work with them to preserve these moments. So, Peyton is three days old in the images with daddy, and 2 weeks old in the studio images. 

Lindsay came to the studio two weeks later with a friend of hers who was staying to help her adjust to life with a baby and essentially as a single mom. Peyton was the MOST awake baby that I have ever had in the studio. I pulled out every single trick that I have in my bag, but ultimately it was patience and waiting for him to fall asleep that won. While he was awake and bright eyed, I photographed his intense gaze and little personality. He kept pretending to be asleep and then would open his eyes and I swear it seemed like he was thinking, "Ah HAH! Gotcha!" sometimes. We all had a good laugh about it though! We wrapped up the session with just Lindsay and Peyton. 

I'm happy to report that Matt has returned SAFELY home and that we all celebrated Peyton's first birthday in the studio earlier this month for his First Birthday session. Wait until you see the images from that session... Matt made Peyton's smash cake all by himself! 

I have chosen to share the images from their newborn session in black and white for cohesiveness and flow as the color of their home and studio are vastly different. Lindsay and Matt received their images in both black and white and color edits, as all clients do.


If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Jr.

I first worked with Rich & Devi for their studio maternity session which can be viewed by clicking here, and then for their birth session at Northside Hospital. Jr. was born on his older half sister's birthday and they are 20 years apart! I thought that was pretty neat, especially considering that he arrived pretty early at 36 weeks so they didn't really consider that a possibility. At least Rich only has to remember one date for the birthdays of his children! :) 

Jr. was a very alert baby who made lots of funny faces while he settled to sleep, and I took advantage of the opportunity to capture them. Sure enough, Rich & Devi's favorite image was the second shown... I think he's so cute with his little dimple and tongue sticking out.

After he finished wiggling around and getting his energy out, he fell fast asleep. It was so sweet watching Rich and Devi with their son. They're so in love with him, and it was such an honor to photography their maternity, birth and newborn sessions for them. 

I've chosen to share only the black and white edits from this session, but Rich and Devi received both color and black and white edits of their images, as all clients do. 

**This session was photographed before the installation of the new white studio floors**

Black and white image of an half African American, half Asian baby boy, looking at the camera with his hands by his head. 
Black and white image of a mixed race, infant, baby, boy, making silly faces. 
Black and white image of a half African American and half Asian, baby boy, yawning with his arms out to the side and partially covered with a blanket. 
Side by side, black and white images, of a mixed race baby boy, laying on his side sleeping with his hands under his head. 
Black and white image of a sleeping, infant, baby, boy covered with a white blanket with his hands up by his head and his tongue sticking out just sticking out a tiny bit. 
Macro image collage of infant toes, profile, hair and fingers. 
Black and white image of a sleeping, baby, infant, boy, laying on a cream flokati, and wrapped from neck to toe in a white blanket. 
Black and white image collage of an African American, father holding his sleeping, newborn, son in his arms. 
Black and white image of an Asian mother, holding her sleeping, newborn, son on her shoulder. 
Black and white image collage of an Asian mother, holding her sleeping newborn son in her arms. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Ela

I had last worked with Priti & Paras for their maternity session in the gardens location, which can be viewed by clicking here

Ela was breech, so a c-section was planned when she decided not to turn. For my c-section mamas, I typically plan for their session to take place when baby is 10 days or older just to give them some extra time to recover. Some of my clients with c-sections have come in at 8 days old, but (a) they were feeling great and (b) they needed to do it then for scheduling reasons out of their control. All newborn sessions are booked after babies are 8 days or older unless there are extenuating circumstances that mandate it be done sooner. Example? Dad deploying. Yep, that's happened! 

When they arrived and I took Ela out of her carseat I was absolutely amazed by her incredibly long eyelashes. She definitely gets those from her daddy! To this day, I still haven't had a newborn in with longer eyelashes than this one. Priti asked that tiebacks be used for Ela during her solo portaits, but it is always up to the parents. Some mamas of baby girls prefer they not be used at all, while others ask for a mix. We'll discuss that when you arrive for your newborn session!

Ela slept well for her solo portraits and then we moved to the family portion of the session. It's always so special to see new parents with their brand new baby, especially when I've worked with them previously for maternity. There is such a beautiful change that takes place and I'm so lucky to get to witness it so often! 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy when it comes to shooting and to see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Bennett, 3 weeks old

I worked with Megan & Steve for their field maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. Megan had a little bit of a rough recovery, so we delayed their newborn session until Bennett was three weeks old. She was a little bit nervous that it would be too long to wait, but I reassured her that we have LOTS of older babies in the studio. Many of our clients didn't think they wanted newborn photos, but then realized that they did when their babies were already two or three weeks old. We try to fit in last minute requests, but it's schedule dependent. If you're one of those mamas who didn't make newborn portrait arrangements and are looking at your sweet little baby right now and regretting it - pick up the phone and call us to see if we can fit you in! Sometimes we have availability the very next day. If your husband is already back to work, we can schedule it so he can pop it over his lunch break to participate! We have a lot of dads who don't have any paternity leave at all, so we make it work for those families by having dad there for 30 minutes or less. 

Bennet was absolutely adorable with little kissable puckered lips. He slept like a champ and mom and dad were just absolutely smitten by him. I love seeing the joy on the faces of my clients as they look at their little one and then at each other. The realization of "We made this little tiny human being!" makes for the perfect expression of joy/disbelief/amazement/awe/insert your adjective here. I truly do feel like I have the best job in the world to be able to witness brand new families in their first days and weeks. There is nothing else like it, and I'm honored to be chosen to share in that with my clients. 

Image of a sleeping, newborn,baby boy, covered partially with a white blanket, with one hand on his belly and the other up by his ear. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, baby, boy with his hands under his face, and puckering his lips. 
Macro image 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Slade

I first worked with Caroline and Blair for their maternity session in the field, which can be viewed by clicking here. I was so excited to hear that their little girl, Slade Ivy, had arrived!  The new family of three drove an hour from their home in Alpharetta to the studio, and Caroline opted to work with Margaret again for add on hair and makeup services. Many of our moms comment on how easy it is to have this taken care of for them. Having a newborn can be a bit stressful in the first few weeks when you're tired and sleep deprived. Our clients simply have to show up with their baby, and we will handle the rest for them if they so choose! 

Slade was a snuggly little girl with incredibly long and lush eyelashes. She strongly preferred to have her legs fully stretched out and extended, and was not interested in curling up, which is perfectly fine! I will never force a baby into a position they don't want to be in. Instead, babies lead the sessions around here. If they don't want to move a certain way, I'll work around them. Your baby's comfort and safety during their session is my top priority. Slade woke up towards the end of her session and started wiggling around. She had great eye contact with the camera, so I took the opportunity to capture her cute little faces and personality. Those images ended up being some of her parents' favorites that they chose to print.

After I finished with Slade's portraits, I photographed her daddy with her. He's a man of few words, but he was clearly smitten with his little girl. It's always so sweet to watch a new daddy interact with his tiny little baby. I don't know if it's because I have two little girls of my own, but I am such a sap when I photograph a daddy with his new baby girl. It takes me back to when my own girls were that tiny, which seems like a lifetime ago AND only yesterday all at the same time. (if you don't have children, that statement won't make sense to you...but when you do you'll know exactly what I mean).

We then wrapped up with family images and then just Caroline and Slade. I always tell clients that the family and parent portion of the session is the "easy" part. Your job is to love your baby and admire them, which you're already an expert at. My job is to photograph these connections and do so from flattering angles, and adjust all of you as necessary. 

***This session was photographed before the addition of our new white studio floors.***

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Caellum

I first worked with Theresa and Jabari for their field maternity session, which can be seen by clicking here. I was there the day that their son Caellum entered the world and documented his birth as well. I was so excited to see them a couple of weeks later for Caellum's newborn session! This little baby boy has some of the most perfect little newborn lips I've ever seen, and was just so, so squishy and cute. It's hard to believe he's going to be turning one this summer! 

I've selected just a few of my favorite images from Caellum's newborn session to share! 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Adeline

I last saw Carolyn & Greg at their field maternity session, and was excited to meet their baby girl Adeline. The new parents were absolutely smitten with her, and it was so endearing to watch. Carolyn chose a simple white lace dress from the studio wardrobe, and elected to add on hair and makeup services with Margaret who she worked with for her maternity session. 

I started working with Adeline for her solo portraits while her mom was in the hair and makeup chair. Carolyn requested the use of tiebacks during her session, and we chose a few that were proportionate to Adeline's head. Some mamas choose not to use any tiebacks and that is totally okay! It all comes down to your personal taste and preferences. There are no bows or flowers the size of Texas in my studio. 

After I finished with Adeline, Carolyn was still being prepped so we started with daddy and daughter images. When we had finished with those, Carolyn stepped in for family images and we then moved to mommy and baby. Every session will have a unique flow as it's led by your baby. If they need to take a break to nurse or just snuggle, we'll work with that. The comfort of your baby and family is my paramount consideration, and we'll do what it takes to ensure that.

Shortly after their newborn session, this family found out they were moving to New York City for a new job for Greg! I was sad to hear this since I knew I probably wouldn't get to photograph Adeline again. BUT....I turned out to be wrong, and photographed her six month session up in New York, and have her First Birthday Session scheduled for July as well! I'll share the story behind all of that when her six month session is blogged.

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Adeline's newborn session! 


If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer here in Atlanta, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Christian

I last worked with Chris and Lisa for their field maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. I was so excited when they let me know that baby Christian had arrived!

Christian was the most adorable baby. He had the most delicate little features and the cutest head of hair that stuck up all over. I love when baby hair sticks up because it's so unique to each individual baby, and they will only look like this for a short time. Lisa let me know that she wanted mostly white for Christian's portraits. I love all white setups, and primarily use white, so I was more than happy to oblige. Macro images of all of his little details (lips, fingers, toes, etc) were important to Chris, and I assured him that I always take these during every session. 

After Christian's solo portraits were finished, we moved on to the family portion. Lisa chose a dress from the studio wardrobe to wear, and Chris wore the same shirt of his that he'd worn for their maternity session. We took our time and they enjoyed being together as a family and holding and loving their new son. Christian decided to give us a few smiles as well during his session, and he sure does have the cutest little smile! 

This gallery shows just a few of the images from their final gallery. Chris and Lisa emailed me a few weeks after their move to NY state and attached a photo of their nursery so that I could see it. I was touched to see two two matted images from the newborn session hanging on the wall above his crib. 

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Christian's newborn session! 

Image of a sleeping, newborn, Asian, baby, boy, laying on his back, covered with a white blanket, with one hand over his chest and one up by his ear. 
Macro image collage of newborn, baby, eyelashes, toes, lips, nose, hands, and hair. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, Asian, boy, on a cream flokati, with his legs curled up by his chest and his arms by his head. 
Sleeping baby with long eyelashes. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, Asian, boy, wrapped in a blanket with his feet and hands up by his head. 
Side by side images of a mother, sitting on a bed, holding her sleeping, newborn, son, wrapped up in a brown blanket and smiling down at him. The second image is a close up  of her son smiling in his sleep. 
Side by side images of a new family of three. In the first image, the mother is holding her sleeping, newborn son and her husband is holding her. The second image of a close up of their hands around the baby. 
Image of a new father, holding his sleeping, newborn son on his chest. 
Side by side images of a father holding his sleeping, newborn son. In the first image, he is holding him and kissing his head and in the second image, they are touching noses. 
Side by side images of a father holding his sleeping, newborn son, wrapped in a white blanket in his hands. 
Image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, son, in her arms, by a window and kissing his head. 
Side by side images of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, son in her arms. 
Image of a woman and an Asian man facing each other, and holding their sleeping, newborn son between them.
Image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn son in her arms, facing her husband and smiling at him while he holds her and smiles back. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Oliver

Blake contacted me in advance of her due date to schedule a newborn session for her second son when he arrived. She and her husband had just relocated to Atlanta from Austin, Texas and loved the simple and natural light style in my portfolio.

On the day of their session, the family arrived at the studio and I began with Oliver's newborn portraits. Big brother Harley was having some challenges adjusting to his new role, and didn't want to hold his brother or lay next to him. Toddlers decide what they want to do, and trying to force or threaten doesn't work. Bribes sometimes do, but parents should be prepared for their toddler to not cooperate how they envision. I will work with your toddler and do my best, but I won't lay them on the floor alone with your baby for them to hold if they don't want to cooperate. Your baby's safety and comfort isn't worth that risk. In Harley's case, he was happiest to sit next to his brother and play with some of our studio toys with his parents just out of the frame watching carefully and ready to intervene if needed. Not what Blake had envisioned for sibling photos, but she did love how it worked out in the end. 

Blake chose to dress her family from their closets and stayed true to their own personal and casual style. She also brought the cutest little outfit for Oliver that she wanted him to wear for their baby announcements that also reflected the cool hipster style the whole family has. 

Here are some of my favorite's from Oliver's session. Doesn't he have the most adorable blonde eyelashes?!

Image of a sleeping, newborn boy, wrapped in a white blanket, curled up. 
Black and white, stacked images of a sleeping, newborn boy, curled up and wrapped in a blanket. 
Macro image collage of a newborn, boy's eyelashes, lips, hands and toes. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, boy, on his back and wrapped in a light tan blanket, with his feet curled up on his stomach. 
Black and white image of a sleeping, newborn, boy with his hands on his stomach. 
Close up image of a sleeping, newborn, boy's face and eyelashes. 
Black and white image of a sleeping, newborn, boy, with his arm's crossed on his chest. 
Black and white image of a new family of four. The mother is holding her infant son while the husband is holding their two year old son. 
Side by side images of a mother holding her newborn son. In the first image, the infant is looking at the camera and in the second image, they mother is smiling down at him. 
Side by side image of a father holding his newborn son in his arms and smiling down at him. 
Side by side images of a 2 year old boy playing with wooden blocks next to his newborn baby brother. 
Image of a newborn, baby boy, wearing a gray jumper and a dark gray hat and laying on a cream flokati, taken at the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Lincoln

I first worked with Millini and Cedric for their studio maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. 

Lincoln was born at DeKalb Medical Center at exactly 42 weeks by family centered cesarean section attended by Dr. Brad Bootstaylor and the SeeBaby midwives. I know this because I was there in the OR to document the entire beautiful experience. His mama was such a trouper and they were so proud to bring him into the studio for his newborn session! 

Because Lincoln was two weeks overdue, much of the skin protecting vernix was gone when he was born. Babies who are born later tend to lose most of their vernix in utero, and tend to peel more after birth. Lincoln was one of those babies. Millini loved his peeling skin because it told a part of his story, and asked that I not completely edit it out. She also wanted to be sure to document his umbilical cord stump as it is the last physical connection between her son and herself. Not everyone likes a photo of the umbilical stump, and that's totally ok! We will talk about your preferences when you arrive for your newborn session if it has not yet fallen off. 

Millini chose a simple white gown from the wardrobe and worked with Margaret to add on makeup services. Cedric wanted to be more casual in a simple white v-neck tee with jeans. Every family is different, and I send a newborn preparation packet with wardrobe suggestions for dad based on his personality and comfort level. I've had dads be most comfortable in a button down with a sport jacket, and others in a simple tee. The most important thing to me is that you feel comfortable and love the way you look and feel. That will translate to your final images. 

Here are some of my favorite images from this long awaited baby boy's newborn session. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer here in Atlanta, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Reagan, 10 days new

Rosanna contacted me for a Fresh 48 session and a newborn session after she was referred to me by another client. She came to a studio open house to meet me and see the studio

When Reagan was born at home attended by Birth By Grace Midwifery, Adam and Rosanna let me know and I traveled to photograph her Fresh 48. I met several extended family members and it was just a fun family to be around. Before I left, we scheduled her newborn session to take place at 10 days of age. I like to schedule between 8-16 days of age, but often have newborns that are as old as a month! The older the baby, the bigger and less curly they tend to be. Reagan was perfect, and her mom let me know she wanted her to wear some tiebacks for her session. I have a wide array of dainty and neutral tiebacks available for my newborn girls, and use them based on client preference! Some babies startle more easily, but Reagan slept deeply for her session and was such a sweetie! 

Side by side images of a newborn, baby, girl, sleeping on her hands, with a brown, flower tieback in her hair. 
Macro image collage of newborn baby hands, eye lashes, and feet. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn girl, wrapped in a blanket and laying on a cream flokati, with a white bow in her hair. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, laying on her stomach and wrapped in a blanket. 
Black and white image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, laying on her back with her arms by her head and wearing a rosebud headband in her hair. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wrapped up in a blanket with her fingers and toes peeking out.

While I love photographing babies and all their sweet details, my favorite part of newborn sessions is when baby is in the arms of their parents... exactly where they belong. It's impossible to do anything "wrong" during this portion of the newborn session and many of the photos that I I take are of you and your partner doing the things that you would normally do at home... admiring your baby, loving your baby, snuggling your baby. The difference is that your hair and makeup are done, you don't have a burp cloth over your shoulder, and the lighting is perfect. 

Image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter. 
Side by side images of a new family of three. In the first image the close up is on the baby in her mother's arms. In the second image, the father is kissing his wife's temple as she smiles down at the sleeping, newborn in her arms. 
Image of a father, holding up his sleeping newborn daughter and touching his nose, to hers. 
Side by side images, of a dad holding his sleeping, newborn daughter in his arms. 
Black and white image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter on her shoulder. 
Black and white image of a new family of three. The mother is holding her newborn daughter in her arms and the father is holding his wife and they are both smiling at the camera. 
Side by side, black and white images, of a mother, cradling, her sleeping newborn daughter, in her arms and kissing her fingers. 
Black and white image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter with her husband on one side, and her mother on the other side. 
Black and white image of a man and woman holding their, sleeping, newborn, daughter in their arms. 
Image of a man and a woman kissing each other, and holding their sleeping. newborn, daughter between them. 
Side by side images of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter in her arms. In the first image, she is kissing her daughter in the nose. In the second image, she is smiling down at her. 
Black and white image collage of mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter, wrapped in a blanket, and wearing a rosebud headband in her hair. 
Image of a mother holding up her sleeping, newborn, daughter, wrapped in a white blanket, and wearing a flower tieback in her hair. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer here in Atlanta, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Emma

I first met Yetsie and Roger when they came in for a studio maternity session, which can be viewed by clicking here. They chose to reserve a newborn session also, and I was so excited to hear that sweet baby Emma had arrived safely! Yetsie chose to work with Margaret again and added on hair and makeup services. The family arrived at the studio with Grandma in tow, and I started working with Emma for her solo portraits while Yetsie slipped into the hair and makeup chair. Yetsie already knew exactly which dress she wanted to wear from the studio wardrobe as she had tried it on during her maternity fitting. Most of my clients have a pretty good idea of what they'll want to wear for their newborn sessions since they've already seen the wardrobe! 

Emma looks SO much like her mama, and was a sleeping angel during her session. She was one of my easiest babies that I've had in the studio, and it was evident that they had followed the instructions that I provide in my newborn preparation packet. 

After I finished with Emma's solo portraits, we moved on to the family images, and Emma decided to wake up. She was so cute with her eyes wide open and perfectly happy to be held by her mom and dad. We all laughed about how alert she was and how she kept looking right at the camera and making funny faces. She was the sweetest little thing, and I loved working with this family again. I can't wait to see her in the studio again for her First Birthday celebration! 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Raquel

Leslie inquired about a newborn session in her third trimester, booked, and then attended a studio Open House with her own mom so that she could meet me and see the studio. I love meeting my clients in advance and welcome them to make an appointment if they don't have the opportunity to attend an Open House. We talked about how the session would flow, and about what her husband and stepson should wear. The whole family prefers to be casual, which is never a problem! I gave her ideas for colors and pieces that everyone could wear. She told me that her stepson was incredibly excited to be a part of the session as well, and that Hector, her husband wasn't much for having his photos taken. 

On the day of their session, the family arrived in my studio along with Hector's mom. Leslie requested that no tiebacks be used and that we keep it very simple with more focus on family images than solo portraits. That's never a problem to do when a client requests this. Otherwise, the final gallery is a 50/50 between baby alone and baby with parents and family. The family wanted to include Grandma in some of the images, and I was more than happy to do this. 

I started with Raquel's images, which I finished quickly since she was sleeping so soundly. Then I moved on to sibling shots with proud big brother. He is just the SWEETEST. I loved watching him with his baby sister! (Leslie surprised him by ordering a matted print of his favorite image for his bedroom at home) 

We then moved to images with Leslie and the children, and then gathered everyone together. Even though Leslie had warned me that Hector didn't enjoy having his photo taken, he seemed to have a pretty good time! Sessions in my studio are always relaxed and not rushed. I never want anyone to feel stressed or that we're in a hurry - because we are not. When everyone is relaxed and enjoying themselves, the session flies by that much faster! LOVED working with this family, and cannot wait to see them again in the future! 

Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl with her hands by her cheeks. 
Side by side images of a, newborn, baby, girl sleeping on her side, wrapped in a gray blanket. 
Image of a newborn, baby, girl, sleeping with her arms stretched out over her head, wrapped in a light pink blanket. 
Side by side images of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wrapped up in a pink blanket with her hand on her ear. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, baby, girl, wrapped in a light pink blanket, with one hand over her face. 
Image college of a brother holding his newborn, baby, sister, on a bed, in his lap. 
Side by side images of a brother interacting with his newborn baby sister. In the first image, he has his hand on her head and he is smiling down at her. In the second image, he is kissing her forehead. Taken in the natural light studio of Lily Soph…
Image of a boy holding his newborn, baby, sister up on his shoulder and smiling at the camera. 
Image of a mother, holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter, wrapped in a blanket, smiling down at her with her step son at her side, also smiling down at the baby. 
Close up image of a newborn's head in the crook of her mother's arm. 
Image of a mother sitting on a bed, cradling her newborn daughter in her arms. 
Side by side images of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter. The first image is of the mother and daughter and the second image is a close up of the newborn baby. 
Side by side images of a family of four. In the first image, they are all smiling down at the baby in the mother's arm and in the second image, they are all looking at the camera. 
Side by side images of a grandmother holding her new granddaughter. In the first image, the grandson is standing with his grandmother and in the second image the grandmother is holding her granddaughter up and kissing her head. 
Side by side images of a father holding his sleeping, newborn, daughter in his hands. 
Image of a father standing in front of a window, holding his sleeping, newborn, daughter up and kissing her forehead. 
Side by side images of a father and mother cooing over their sleeping, newborn, daughter. 
Image of a father and son smiling at each other while the father holds his sleeping, newborn daughter. 
Image collage of father holding his sleeping, newborn, daughter, wrapped in a blanket,  to his chest.
Side by side images of a husband and wife, interacting with their newborn, daughter. In the first image, they are smiling at her and in the second image, they are kissing while she sleeps on her dad's chest.

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby A, 12 days new

Kristel contacted me in her third trimester to schedule a newborn session for her baby girl, and I was happy to add her to the schedule. When Kristel and her husband John arrived at the studio, I squealed at Little Miss A's fluffy strawberry blonde hair. Kristel's mom also tagged along for the session and when I asked if she wanted to step in for some images, she waved me off and told me that she didn't have anything to wear. I pointed at the studio wardrobe and said, "Ah, but you do!" I pulled a lace sheath dress for her that was very similar to the cut of the dress she was wearing and it was a perfect fit. Problem solved!  I will absolutely never tell a client that a grandparent cannot be involved with their newborn session. Grandparents are so important, and if you want images of them with your tiny newborn, I am more than happy to accommodate. If you don't want the grandparents to be present for the entire session, we can arrange to have them stop in at the very end. 

How adorable is she? I loved working with this family, and can't wait to see them again when she's older! 

Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wrapped in a white blanket with a flower head band in her hair. 
Photo collage of macro images of baby toes, profile and fingers.
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl with her hands on her chest. 
Side by side, black and white images of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wearing a rosebud headband,  with her legs crossed over her and her hands on her toes. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, laying on a cream flokati, wearing a flower head band, and tightly wrapped in a blanket with just her hands sticking out. 
Side by side images of a sleeping, newborn, girl, laying on a cream flokati, wearing a rosebud flower headband, and wrapped up in a cream blanket with her toes and finger peeking out. 
Image of new parents, holding their newborn daughter, and smiling down at her. 
Image of a father cradling his newborn daughter on his chest and kissing her head.
Image of a father holding his newborn daughter up in his arms, and smiling down at her. 
Image of a mother, in a white lace dress, hugging her husband who is holding their sleeping, newborn daughter to his chest. 
Side by side images of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter, wrapped in a pink blanket. 
Image of a mother in a white lace dress, holding her sleeping, newborn, daughter on her shoulder. 
Image of a mother in a white lace dress kissing her sleeping, newborn, daughter's head. 
Image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter on her chest, and standing next to the baby's grandmother. 
Side by side images of a grandmother holding her sleeping, newborn grand daughter, wrapped up in a pink chiffon wrap. 
Side by side images of mother, sitting in a chair, holding her newborn daughter. 
Image of a mother cradling her sleeping, newborn, daughter who is wrapped in a pink chiffon wrap, taken in the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography. 
Image of a mother cradling her sleeping, newborn, daughter. Her husband is kissing her cheek and then has one had on the baby. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer here in Atlanta, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. You can also sign up for my studio open house this month on Sunday, September 25th from 2-5 PM. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Camille, 1 month old

"My baby is too old for a newborn session, they're already three weeks." What if I told you that I have three week olds ALL the time... and have even photographed a one month old? Camile is the second baby girl for Crystal and Philip. I photographed big sister Graces' Fresh 48 session and then Camile's! Philip was out of the country for work, and had very limited availability. On the day of their original session (scheduled for three weeks), Philip was sick so we rescheduled to a week later at exactly one month old. I sent along the preparation packet to Crystal and told her that with a bit of patience, we would make it work.

And boy, oh boy, did it work. 

When Camile arrived at the studio, she was sound asleep, so we started with sleeping images. Amazingly enough, she opened her eyes and I started talking to her... and she made eye contact with me and smiled. I thought to myself "This has to be a fluke." But no. She did it again. And again. I was ready with my camera and captured her sweet little baby grin. When I came out, I mentioned to Crystal that I was super lucky to be getting all these random eye contact smiles and she said, "Oh no, she does that all the time at home too." As a disclaimer: MOST newborns are not smiling until 6-8 weeks of age. I don't want clients to think that if they wait until their baby is one month old, they'll smile for their newborn images!  After she fell back to sleep, I finished up her solo portraits and moved on to sibling images.

Sibling images with toddlers are truly a tossup. Sometimes a toddler doesn't like the way a rug feels, which was the case with Grace. I placed them on the bed instead with mom and dad close by, and we made it work. Parents are always concerned about whether their toddler will cooperate. While I cannot make any guarantees, I can assure you that I am a mom of three children myself and understand how toddlers work and think. I have a whole bag of tricks and will do my very best to capture an image of your children together. If that just doesn't happen, we'll default to family images instead and I'll sneak up for a close shot of your older child interacting with their new baby brother or sister. The most important component is to remain relaxed and not to stress. Everything else will work itself out, promise. 

Isn't Camile the sweetest little baby girl?!

Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, with her hands up by her face.
Photo collage of macro images of baby fingers, a belly button and tiny toes. 
Black and white image of a baby girl, smiling and looking at the camera, wearing a rosebud headband
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wrapped in a white blanket, laying on a cream flokati. 
Side by side macro images of a newborn girl's eyelashes and lips. 
Image of a sleeping, newborn, girl, wrapped in a white, waffle weave blanket, laying on a white blanket. 
Image of a mother holding the hand of her newborn, baby, girl while her daughter looks up at her. 
Image of a newborn, baby girl, wrapped in a tan blanket and wearing a rosebud headband, laying on a bed, next to her big sister. 
Side by side images of parents holding their newborn baby daughter, while they smile down at her. 
Photo collage of a new family of four. The mother is holding the new baby girl and the father is holding their toddler. 
Image of a father holding his newborn daughter in his hands. 
Side by side images of a father holding his newborn daughter. In the first image, he is cradling her in his arms and kissing her hands. In the second image,  the father is looking down adoringly at his daughter.
Image of a mother in a white lace dress, holding and kissing her sleeping, newborn, daughter wrapped in a white blanket.
Image of a mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter on her shoulder. 
Side by side images of a mother sitting and cradling her sleeping, newborn daughter in her arms. Taken at the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography.

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer here in Atlanta, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Oona, 12 days new

   If you're new to the website, this week is a throwback to one of my favorite families! I thought it would be fun to show the progression from maternity through the first year with one client. You can view Irene & Steve's maternity session by clicking here.

   When Irene and Steve let me know that their little girl Oona had arrived so we could schedule their newborn session, I was so excited to see them and meet her! She was every bit as cute as I imagined she would be and had the poutiest little lips and the longest fingers. Steve and Irene brought her to the studio and Irene chose a dress from the studio wardrobe.

   I started working with just Oona, and was lucky enough to catch a cute little baby sneeze and her studying gaze. She was such a big baby and so long, and also preferred to stretch out rather than be bundled up. I always let babies lead the way when it comes to their images, so I photographed Oona as she was most comfortable. I love all the tiny details of brand new babies... their lips, fingers, toes, and eyelashes. I always marvel at how perfectly made every baby is! I will never force one of my newborns into a contorted position - all of my images of babies curled up are because that particular baby preferred to be wrapped in that manner and felt more secure that way. Every baby is different! 

  After I wrapped up Oona's portraits, we moved on to parent images which I absolutely love. Parent images are always included in my newborn sessions, and are such an important part of them. I want your baby to see how much you were in awe of them in those early days and how much you loved them from the very beginning. Some parents need some extra help with guided natural interaction, but Steve and Irene did not. They snuggled together and loved on their little girl. 

Next up on the blog will be Oona's 6 month session, so check back in a couple of days to see how much she grew between this session and 6 months! 

Sleeping, newborn, Asian, girl with her hands by her head, covered in a white blanket. 
Side by side images of a sleeping, newborn, Asian girl, wearing a rosebud tie back and wrapped in a white blanket.
Image collage of macro images of a newborn baby girl's lips, toes, hands and cheeks. 
Image of a newborn, Asian, girl, sleeping on a cream flokati, with one hand on her chest and the other by her side. 
Side by side images of a newborn, Asian baby girl, wrapped in a light pink wrap and sleeping on a cream flokati. 
Image of an Asian, newborn, baby girl , wrapped in a light pink wrap and sleeping on a cream  flokati, taken in the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography.
Image of a newborn, Asian, baby girl, wrapped in a light brown wrap and looking at the camera. 
Image of a pouting, newborn, Asian, baby girl wrapped in a tan blanket. 
Side by side images of an Asian mother, holding her sleeping, newborn daughter in her arms, and smiling down at her. 
Image of an Asian mother, wearing a cream, lace dress and smiling down at her sleeping newborn daughter, cradled in her arms. 
Side by side images of a new mother, smiling down at her newborn baby girl cradled in her arms. 
Side by side images of a father holding his newborn baby girl in his arms, and smiling down at her, taken in the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography. 
Side by side images of a father holding his newborn baby girl, who is wrapped in a light pink blanket, in his arms and smiling down at her, while she looks back up at him. 
Image of a sleeping newborn baby girl, wrapped in a light pink blanket, nestled in between her mother and father. 
Image of a sleeping newborn, half Asian girl, wrapped in a light pink blanket and nestled between her two smiling parents.
Black and white image of a father hugging his Asian wife from behind, while she cradles their newborn baby daughter in her arms. 
Black and white image of a man looking at his wife and smiling while she holds their newborn daughter in her arms. 
Side by side, black and white images of a father holding his newborn daughter. In the first image he is touching his nose to hers and the second image is a close up of his daughter's head in his hands. 
Black and white image of an Asian woman holding her newborn baby girl on her chest, and smiling up at her husband while he smiles back and hugs her and their daughter.
Side by side, black and white images of an Asian woman holding her sleeping, newborn daughter on her chest. In the first image she is smiling and in the second image she is looking down at her daughter. 
Side by side, black and white images of an Asian mother holding her sleeping, newborn daughter who is wrapped up in a blanket and wearing a rosebud headband.  

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby Henry

I last worked with Katharine and Howard for their winter maternity session at the park location which you can view by clicking here. I was so excited to hear that Henry had arrived, and we scheduled his newborn session to take place two weeks later.  Katharine chose to add on hair and makeup services and worked with Megan. 

When they arrived, Henry was sound asleep in his car seat. Katharine and I looked through the studio wardrobe, and she chose a beautiful champagne pink dress. I began working with Henry for his solo portraits while Howard relaxed on the couch and Katharine was being pampered by Megan. Henry was the cutest little squish and so easy going. I loved photographing all of his little details, and was amazed at how he curled up in my lap while I was wrapping him. I never force babies into poses, and tend to wrap them as they naturally fold. He was definitely one of my easiest babies in the history of the studio. 

After I finished with Henry's solo portraits we moved on parent and family images. Katharine is so in love with Howard and her son, and was just radiant and beaming. Howard is such a sweet guy, and he's a great dad. I was pretty sure he would be a doting father when I first met him, and I was right. I loved watching this new little family of three together in the studio, and was so happy to get to be a small part of their passage to parenthood. It's an honor to be chosen as the photographer for each family, and it's one that I don't take lightly.

Here are some of my favorite images of sweet Henry and his loving parents! 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. You can hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio by watching this video so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Isabella

I first worked with Clarissa for her maternity session in the studio, which can be viewed here. She had already booked a newborn session with a photographer before she had found me for her maternity session. Because she'd already reserved her session with that photographer, she went ahead with it.

I heard from Clarissa after she viewed the images from her initial newborn session with that photographer. She was unhappy with her experience and felt that her daughter didn't look like her daughter. I asked what she meant, and she stated that her baby's skin looked fake and that she didn't even recognize her when she saw the gallery. The photographer she worked with also did not prioritize mother and baby images as Clarissa had requested, and only took one photo of them together. Clarissa wanted a do-over, and she wanted it to be with me. So, a few days later, she brought sweet little Isabella all the way from Hampton, Georgia for her newborn session.

Isabella had the thickest head of hair on a baby that I have ever seen! So many curls and such gorgeous creamy skin. And those perfect little lips! She was such a sweet little sleeper, and I had so much fun photographing her.  After her solo images, we moved on to the most important ones... Isabella in the arms of her mother. Moms, these images are going to mean so much to you when your children head out the door for college. They're going to mean so much to your children who will look at them and SEE how much you loved them and how you looked at them when they were tiny. They're going to be images that your children will always have of you expressing your love for them even when you're not here anymore. They're so important. 

Clarissa loved her images, and emailed me to tell me that I had given her what she had envisioned in the first place. All she wanted were natural images that showed off how beautiful her baby was, and that showed the relationship and unique bond they shared. I can't wait to see them again in April for a family session in the park, and then again this summer when Miss Isabella turns ONEI 

An image of an African American Atlanta baby girl yawning during her newborn portrait session. 
An African American baby girl with curly hair sleeps soundly during her newborn session in the natural light Atlanta studio of Lily Sophia Photography. 
Macro detail close up images of an Atlanta African American baby girls' nose, toes, eyelashes, and fingers. 
A sleeping and relaxed African American baby girl during her natural light newborn session in Atlanta. 
A natural light portrait of an Atlanta newborn with black curly hair tucked into a white blanket with her hands by her head 
A natural light portrait of an Atlanta newborn with black curly hair tucked into a white blanket with her hands folded on her chest.
A natural light portrait of an Atlanta newborn with black curly hair lying on her side on a white blanket with her hand under her cheek. 
The belly button of an African American newborn in the natural light studio of Atlanta photographer Lily Sophia Photography. 
A natural light portrait of an African American baby girl with black curly hair wrapped in a pink blanket with her hands folded on her chest during her newborn session in Atlanta.
A black and white portrait of an African American mother in Atlanta holding her brand new sleeping  baby girl with curly hair in a natural light studio .
A black and white portrait of an African American mother in Atlanta hugging her sleeping newborn  baby girl with curly hair in a natural light studio.
A black and white portrait of an African American mother with curly hair hugging her sleeping newborn baby girl and smiling in a natural light studio in Atlanta, Georgia. 
A black and white portrait of an African American mother with curly hair snuggling her sleeping newborn  baby girl in an Atlanta natural light studio.
Images of an African American mother with curly hair sitting in a chair and admiring her newborn  baby girl in an Atlanta natural light studio.
A black and white portrait of a sleeping African American newborn baby girl with curly hair sitting on her mother's lap in an Atlanta natural light studio.
A portrait of an African American mother with curly hair snuggling and admiring her awake newborn  baby girl in an Atlanta natural light studio.
A  portrait of an African American mother with curly hair sitting on a bed looking down at her sleeping  baby girl during her newborn session in the Atlanta natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography. 
A beautiful portrait of an African American mother with curly hair lying on a white blanket and snuggling with her sleeping newborn baby girl in an Atlanta natural light studio.

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity, Newborn & Family Photographer | Take the stress out of finding something to wear for your portrait session!

Let's talk about the biggest stressor when it comes to portrait sessions.


For expecting mamas, figuring out what to wear for their maternity session can be a super stressful experience. Trying to shop while pregnant in a body that you're not used to (especially if it's your first baby) and dealing with horrid store lighting is no fun. As a matter of fact, it was after receiving a few panicky texts from clients that I decided to start building a studio wardrobe. I'm pretty particular about what joins the wardrobe. You can rest assured that every piece photographs beautifully.  I'm looking for gorgeous flattering neutrals, colors, fabrics, and drapes. The majority of the wardrobe isn't even maternity specific, and is super comfortable to wear. We're always adding to it as we come across gorgeous pieces that we just can't pass up. Maternity clients come into the studio about two weeks before their session. We chat for a bit about what you're looking for, and I take a look at your skin tone. I'll then pull pieces for you to look at, and we'll narrow down choices from that. Then, you simply try them on and check them out. No horrid store lighting in the studio - and a nice full length mirror. I will give you my input as well, as I want to make sure that you're wearing the most flattering options to your skin tone and body shape possible. The below dresses are just a few of the ones we have in our studio collection! 

Dresses that are beautiful, comfortable, and flattering that accommodate a pregnant belly for your maternity photos. All part of the studio wardrobe for clients by Lily Sophia Photography in Atlanta, Georgia. 

But, it doesn't stop at maternity. 90% of our newborn mamas choose something from the wardrobe for their maternity sessions. Not knowing what your bust size is going to be if you're planning to nurse, or trying to find something to wear with a brand new baby in the house is stress that you just don't need. Imagine showing up in comfy yoga pants and a sweatshirt and then choosing something from the wardrobe and slipping into the hair and makeup chair. Guess what? You don't have to imagine: that is reality for many of our Lily Sophia Photography newborn mamas every single week. 

But, wait! We're not finished yet. It doesn't stop at newborn sessions either. As babies grow and mamas return to their pre-pregnancy bodies, they're often comfortable in their own clothing. The studio wardrobe is available for family and milestone sessions too! However, if you'd rather pull from your own closets, no need to stress. I'm here to help you pull together a gorgeous and cohesive look that is perfect for your entire family and reflects who you are. I'll work with you by sending over a style guide in the month before your session, and I'll schedule a complimentary appointment in the studio for you to bring over options and we'll mix and match. Planning a session shouldn't be stressful - let me help make this an amazing and relaxed experience...the best you've ever had! 

If you're pregnant and looking for a maternity, newborn, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Penelope, 26 days new

Danielle contacted me to see if she could schedule a newborn session, but was a little bit concerned because her daughter was already three weeks old. I explained to her that this wasn't an issue at all, and that we could definitely make it work! She was so excited that I had last minute availability in my calendar and showed up a couple of days later with her sweet little girl, Penelope. Proud daddy came along for the session too! 

Penelope was over 9 pounds at the time of her session, so she wasn't quite as flexible as a smaller baby is likely to be. She loved being wrapped up like a burrito and slept soundly throughout. Your baby's comfort and safety is my primary concern, so if they don't like being in a certain position or don't easily curl up, I am not going to force it. Most babies resist change, but there's a big difference between a squawk of protest and some squirming versus screaming and flailing. I aim to soothe your baby and work with them so it doesn't ever get to that point. Being a newborn photographer who photographs multiple newborns every week definitely requires lots of patience...good thing I have a pretty big supply of it, and I really love what I do! 

After Penelope's solo portraits, we moved on to parent images. Danielle and Nick were just the sweetest, and had such a great sense of humor in their dynamic. They weren't afraid to laugh and make fun of each other, but did so in a very caring and affectionate manner. Nick had quite an interesting childhood growing up in England, and they both had been all over the world. It was lots of fun chatting about their adventures and what led them to where they were today. 

The images during this session, especially of their new little family together, are some of my favorite images ever. Capturing brand new families just as they are, sharing quiet and tender moments together that are REAL and not staged... that's what I'm all about. 

Portrait of an Atlanta newborn baby girl sleeping while wrapped in a white blanket. 
Natural light mages of a baby girl sleeping on a beige patterned blanket during her newborn photography session in Atlanta, Georgia. 
Macro images of an Atlanta newborn's feet, profile, and fingers.
A black and white profile photograph of a newborn snuggled in a white rug in the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography located in Atlanta. 
Natural light images of an Atlanta newborn baby girl and her toes. 
A black and white image of a proud Atlanta father gazing down at his newborn baby girl.
New Atlanta parents embrace and smile at each other while holding their newborn baby girl between them. 
An emotive portrait of a new mother holding her newborn baby girl in a natural light studio location in Atlanta. 
A new Atlanta mother holds her newborn baby girl close and gives her an Eskimo kiss.
A rich black and white image by Lily Sophia Photography of Atlanta of a brand new mother holding and kissing her newborn baby girl. 
A brand new family of three in a quiet moment during their newborn photography session in an Atlanta natural light studio. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.