Atlanta Family Photographer | A session for sisters!

Not everyone who calls the studio to book a session is a parent! In this case, it was a very proud and loving aunt. Bethani called the studio from her home in Brooklyn, New York to ask if she could book a session for her two nieces who live here in Atlanta. She gushed about how much she loved the two of them, and how she wanted some professional photographs of them at this age. Caroline, our studio manager, said that we could absolutely do that (she has two nieces and a nephew herself, so she understood completely), and she coordinated the session date and time to work for the girls’ schedules. Aunt Bethani chose to book our smallest collection which is great option for clients who only need a handful of studio portraits.

We also sent her the studio style guide, and she went straight to Zara in NYC where she picked up their ADORABLE coordinating jumpsuits. I just about fell over at how cute the two girls looked when they walked in with their parents!

I had a lot of fun with the two sisters, who were ages 1 and 3. They were so sweet and had such wonderful personalities. I photographed their session in about twenty minutes, which is all the time I need for this type of session! I play games, sing songs (don’t judge me for my inability to carry a tune), and make silly faces - whatever I need to do to engage with the children in front of my camera. I also appreciate a serious gaze just as much as a big toothy smile since some young children are naturally more serious in nature than others. My goal is to photograph who your child truly is, and we’ll chat about that in advance of your session too!

Bethani absolutely loved the proof gallery and how perfectly the personalities of each of her nieces shone through the images. I had such a fun time working with them, and welcome all the proud aunts and uncles who want to book sessions for their little nieces and nephews!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby & Family Photographer | Amelia's in home six month milestone session

Fact: I travel to homes too for lifestyle sessions. (but not if you have or had a cat in the home, because I will literally have to be taken to a hospital due to my severe allergies)

I first worked with Kristen and Dave for their maternity session at the field location with their two pups Riggs & Tink. You can view those images by clicking here. I was so excited to head to their home in Brookhaven and meet their daughter, Amelia!

Amelia is the most darling little thing! She is the perfect mix of her parents and has such beautiful blue eyes. When I arrived at the house, I looked around to see what kind of lighting I had to work with, and decided to photograph in 3 of the rooms there. Every home is unique, and because I work with the available natural light, every session will look different too. When we plan your in home session, you’ll send over some quick phone snaps of your home at a couple of different times during the day so we can determine the best time to schedule your session and know ahead of time which rooms we’ll be photographing in! I chose to photograph in one of their darker rooms in the house, and you’ll know instantly which two photographs in the below collage were taken in that particular room. Those photos prove that (a) you don’t have to have TONS of light and (b) emotional connection is what makes a beautiful photograph.

We started in the living room, headed to the master bedroom, and then upstairs to Amelia’s adorable nursery. Lifestyle sessions are all about having fun together as a family. You will play, you’ll tickle, you’ll snuggle in. Amelia particularly enjoyed playing peek a boo with Daddy on the couch, and he treated us to some singing as well which made Amelia so happy! (PS: I can’t carry a tune to save my life, so don’t worry if you can’t either - we’re in the same club) During our time together, I’ll make sure that you look great (no unflattering angles or self inflicted double chins) and give you simple guidance as needed. Your only job will be to have your home ready to go when I arrive (clutter cleared away, etc) and be ready to have fun!

Want to book an in home session? Contact us to discuss your vision and we’ll get to planning!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby & Family Photographer | Anjali is three months!

Nilam and Mitch are parents of three fun and amazing kids. As a mom of three myself, I know just what to expect with multiple children of different ages, and I absolutely love it.

This sweet family had worked with another photographer for several years - for newborn and milestone and family sessions for their older two children. That photographer was scaling back on photography work to focus on other areas of her life, and chose to send them my way. I’m always honored when another photographer sends a client to me, especially when it’s a client they’ve had for over five years!

On the morning of their three month milestone/family session for their youngest daughter, Anjali, Nilam arrived with her three children in tow. She was a bit flustered and let me know her husband was on his way. She had thrown a few possible outfits into a bag but wasn’t sure what everyone should wear, and I could tell she was feeling stressed out. She let me know that Mitch had handled the booking process, and that she hadn’t known she could come in beforehand for a style consult. I told her not to worry, and pulled out multiple outfits from my client wardrobe and we had all three children dressed in no time. She looked through the options I had pulled out for her and picked one that she loved. Mitch arrived shortly afterwards, and he was all set with what he had brought from home. They expressed amazement that I had been able to dress 4/5’s of the family.

While I can’t always do that since my wardrobe for children is limited, I am more than happy to assist you with styling your family! If you’re a busy mom who just can’t make the time to come by the studio, no worries. We can chat through email and text, and we’ll get you squared away. We have a super easy to follow style guide that we send to all our clients too, and are available to answer any questions you have throughout the entire process.

We started their session with solo images of Anjali. Three month olds are limited in what they can physically do on their own since they cannot sit up unassisted, and will need to be held by other session participants for a portion of the session.

The rest of the session was very much like a carousel of organized chaos. I have a shot list in mind that I mentally tick off, but so much is dependent on if your other children want to participate. Arjun and Lakshmi thought I was hilarious, and we enjoyed playing games throughout. Nilam and Mitch remarked on how they could see I was a mom of three because I understood the dynamics and rolled with whatever the children were giving me at that particular moment. Listen, being a photographer with a focus on babies and children is not for the faint of heart. It requires endless patience, a loving heart, and adaptability for a constantly changing situation. Anyone who has a toddler knows how they can decide to throw a temper tantrum at any random moment over something that we cannot figure out. Anyone who has a baby knows that sometimes they get fussy for some inexplicable reason. I get it, I’ve been there - with my own children, and with my clients! So if your session feels like a runaway train because your child isn’t “cooperating” like you had hoped, don’t worry about it. Seriously, just let it go. Relax, and let ME do the heavy lifting. :)

Since this session took place, they’ve been back for Anjali’s 6 month and 9 month sessions, and we’re in the process of planning her one year session outdoors. I so love this wonderful family and am looking forward to working with them for years to come!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Liz, Isaac & Frances

I was one of the very first people to meet Frances after she was born when I photographed her Fresh 48 session, which you can view by clicking here. I’ve since gone on to work with this family several times as Frances has grown. Liz contacted me in mid summer to schedule fall family photos for late October, and I was super excited to get to see them again. Frances has one of the best little spunky personalities, and the whole family is just so fun to be around. I also really love the honor of being the go to photographer for a client over the years. Developing relationships and getting to know your children as they grow is a such a privilege, and I don’t take it lightly!

Liz has worked with our HMUA team for nearly all of her sessions with me, and this time was no exception. She requested to add on hair and makeup services for this session as well, and we paired her with Margaret, who she had worked with before. I sent over our style guide and Pinterest board as a refresher, but I knew that she would be just fine as she knew the drill from having worked with us so many times.

Liz chose the park location for their session since they live intown and wanted to avoid dealing with traffic. We met on a nice fall evening, and I loved the adorable blue and green plaid print dress and black patent leather Mary Janes that Frances was wearing! The whole family looked wonderful and were comfortable and relaxed in their outfits. Frances is quite the little explorer, so we spent some time watching her run around. The key to a successful and stress free family photo experience are these three words: Roll With It. This means that you leave your expectations behind and come ready to play and have fun. Children don’t sit still. It’s not in their nature, and you can’t see their true personalities shine when they’re forced to sit and be quiet. There may be dancing, there may be singing, and there will definitely be tickling and snuggling during sessions. There may also be an accidental collision in all the fun… when you look through these images, I’ll give you one guess to find the one where that happened and where the collision was. It ended up being one of the favorite gallery images and I laugh every time I see it!

My goal for your family photos is capture your unique family dynamic, the personality of your child shining through their happy faces, and the love shared between all of you. We simply cannot accomplish that with an awkward and stiffly posed arrangement of your family members on a bench. So come ready to have fun, and willing to play games, and let the magic happen. Wanna see what that magic looks like? Have a little look.

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Quinton is ONE!

I headed to the office one morning and when I checked my inbox, I started reading emails. The first email was from a client who needed to reschedule her session for the next evening due to being sick with a stomach virus. She had a prime October Saturday, and I let her know that I was more than happy to reschedule her session but that it would have to be a weeknight since I was completely booked through December for weekend outdoor dates. She was totally fine with that, and we moved her to a couple of weeks later on a Tuesday evening.

Then I came across an email from Sarah, asking if I had ANY availability at all for a Family/First Birthday session and if she could be put on the waitlist for a cancellation. Fate, kismet, whatever you want to call it! I was expecting a client, so I forwarded her email to Caroline (our studio manager) and Caroline took care of calling her. She was thrilled to hear that we had an opening that same evening and immediately snapped it up. We sent her our style guide to dress her family, as well as our cake tips.

I met the family in the studio parking lot the next evening, and we headed to the park location. It was pretty much the most perfect weather ever, and the light was gorgeous. I really loved what she had chosen for them to wear - Quinton’s little leather pants were to die for! A lot of clients wonder if they need to wear pastels and neutrals in order for their images to look amazing - the answer is no. When it comes to color - I love it! It’s just a matter of choosing the right colors and mixing the colors and patterns for the most cohesive and visually appealing look. Neon will never make a comeback or be a good choice for a session. ;)

Big brother Matthew was all over the place, and his parents were concerned that he wouldn’t cooperate for any family images. I reassured Sarah and Vincent it was normal for that age, and that we would win him over eventually. When a child doesn’t want to participate or needs a break, we give them one! Pressuring children or forcing them to do something they don’t want to is not my style. Gentle persuasion by the way of having lots of fun where a child decides they want to join in is more my speed. Vincent assumed responsibility for chasing Matthew around while I photographed Sarah and Quinton. Sure enough, Matthew eventually became interested in what was going on and wanted to play games with me too. We made it work! Let me make it clear that I am not a magician when it comes to young children. It requires a team effort between all the adults involved. I will meet your child exactly where they are at and tailor my response and engagement with them to that level. With lots of patience and love, we’ll hopefully get them laughing and having fun in no time if they’re a little bit shy or not into having their picture taken. A willingness on your part to be silly and laugh is absolutely essential. And please, do not judge me if I act crazy during our time together. I do lot of silly faces and voices to win the little ones over! :)

After we finished with the family portion, we ended with the cake part. Quinton didn’t want to touch his cake unless his mama was holding it, so that’s exactly what we did. Check out the image of his reaction to his first taste of sugar - too funny!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Something Different

I’ve had the honor of working with Holly & Eddie since they were expecting their oldest child four and a half years ago. I’ve photographed so many sessions of their family I may have actually lost count. In 2019, we are offering complimentary video to the First Year Collection members! Enjoy watching one of the sweetest little families you ever did see. I dare you not to smile at little Miss Willow’s spunk and Oliver’s sweet charm.

Want to capture your family just as you are now before time completely slips away and you’re packing their bags for college? Contact us and we’ll chat about your session goals, your vision, and our approach to see if we’re the perfect match for your family photography!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and family photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | A Mommy & Me session with Abby & Liam

Abby scheduled a studio mommy and me session for her son Liam’s three month milestone. Three months is such a fun age, and the baby smiles and expressions are absolutely adorable! At three months, babies don’t have a lot of range of motion or motor skills, so mommy and me sessions are perfect for this age! With your baby in your arms, you’re able to support their neck and head, and we’re able to get all sorts of expressions from your baby and the sweet interactions between the two of you. Three month olds know exactly who mommy is and love to look at you! They also are interested in the world around them and will give me direct eye contact with the camera.

When Abby booked her session, we sent her our Pinterest inspiration board of ideas for what to wear, as well as our style guide. She knocked it out of the park with a gorgeous grey tulle maxi skirt and an ivory crepe top. What you choose to wear is totally up to you! If you’re more of a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal, that’s great. That will photograph beautifully as well. What matters most is that you feel both comfortable and beautiful. We’re more than happy to assist you with what to wear by going over what you’re considering either in an email exchange or quick studio visit. Clients are also more than welcome to borrow from the studio wardrobe should they wish to utilize it.

Abby had her makeup done by Margaret of our HMUA team. Add on services are available for every type of session, and are highly recommended! We have such an incredibly talented team of hair and makeup artists, and they’ll work with you and your preferences for a look that is natural, polished, and enhances your best features within your comfort level.

When Abby walked in, we got started right away. Liam was very interested in me and such a smiley baby. He thought my funny noises and peek-a-boos were just hilarious. Abby is such a loving mama, and had no problems snuggling her little boy as directed. Liam became a little fussy midway through our time together, so I suggested a quick snack break. Once he’d polished off a bottle, he was ready to go again. Babies run the show here at the studio! If your baby needs a little break for a snack or some snuggles, please don’t stress about it. You are not wasting time or ruining your session by attending to your baby’s needs and comfort. We’ll pick right back up where we left off as soon as your baby is ready to go again.

All clients receive their final gallery images in both color and back and white. I loved Abby and Liam’s session images in black and white, so have chosen to share some of my favorites below!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | A Mommy & Son session with Lincoln & Gus

I first worked with this mama when I photographed a family session when they were just a family of three. They booked their family session as a birthday gift to their son, Gus - because she wanted him to have documentation of their love for him for the rest of his life. How sweet is that?! You can see their family session images by clicking here

When Ana had baby boy #2, she contacted the studio to schedule a mommy and me session. She worked with Margaret again for her HMUA services as she loved working with her so much the first time around. I was so excited to meet their new addition, Lincoln and squealed over how cute he was! He has the sweetest big brown eyes and is such a serious little guy. Big brother Gus is an incredible and loving big brother. I loved seeing how Ana and Gus' relationship had developed since the last time I had seen them too. I think that all of us moms wonder if our oldest child might feel a little less unloved or a little bit neglected when we have our second, but I think it's safe to say Gus is very secure in just how much his mama loves him!

Mommy and me sessions are a lot of fun. It's honestly you just coming in and loving your babies! I'll make sure that you're in the best positions and give you some guided direction for interaction if you need it. Most moms need no help when it comes to snuggling. A lot of moms worry that their children aren't going to sit still or are going to be too wild during a session. They might be running around and rambunctious, but guess what? That's normal! I always remind mamas we only need 1/800th of a second to get an image, and I have so many tricks and little games to play to get those sweet moments even if you have a wild one. I'm a mom of three, so trust me... I get it. My own home is organized chaos and the decibel level is off the charts sometimes. Nothing fazes me. I promise. 

These two guys were FUN to photograph! I ended up holding baby Lincoln on a hip while photographing just Ana and Gus together. I think it's so important for mamas of multiple children to have individual images with each of their babies, as well as together. While I love to photograph just siblings together, Lincoln wasn't quite stable enough to sit alone, and Gus wasn't quite big enough to hold him alone so we settled with Ana holding them while they interacted.

All final galleries are delivered in both color and black and white to my clients so they have both versions. I absolutely adored the images from this session in black and white and am choosing to share only black and white images below. Enjoy looking through a few of my favorites!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, baby or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Melanie & her girls

I've known Melanie for a long time - we have daughters (our middle ones) born in the same month and year! I first met her before she was even married, and photographed a family session for them long before they had their third child. I was so excited when she contacted me asking to schedule a mommy and me session in the studio for herself and her girls.

Melanie wasn't sure of what to wear and expressed some concern about that. We sent her our studio style guide which is a short and sweet document that helps you pull together a cohesive look for your family. Don't think that you're limited to neutrals! We see plenty of color in our studio and on location sessions - the style guide covers the best palettes and mixing and matching colors/patterns too. If you're still a bit stuck after looking through the guide, or want to come to the studio for a style consultation - that's what we're here for! We have tons of mamas come to the studio to either borrow from the wardrobe or bring an armful of clothes for their family session. We'll sort through everything together and talk through it, and you'll leave fully confident in your choice. I'm a mom of three, so I know how busy life is with little ones! If you simply cannot get to the studio, we can chat via email instead with snapped phone photos of what you're considering. However you choose to enlist our help, we'll make it as easy and stress free for you as we possibly can!  

Melanie is seriously one of the kindest people I have the pleasure of knowing, and is such a loving and warm mother. Her older daughters are a bit on the shy side with new people. I work with a lot of children who are shy or have severe separation anxiety! Please let us know in advance of your session if you think this might be an issue, and we'll talk through some ways to make it a bit easier for your child. Their comfort and security is my utmost priority, and I have so many workarounds for every situation that pops up. These gals warmed up quickly to me and we had lots of fun together!

When a mom has multiple children, I always photograph groups and individuals. Each of your children deserve to have a photo of themselves with their mama to have forever. Sometimes one child might not be feeling it for a group photo, and that's perfectly fine! I also love to grab a few of just your little ones. Our flow is determined by our little subjects. With patience and positivity, we'll get everyone participating and having a great time. 

We played a few silly and goofy games to get the girls laughing and having fun. I always tell people not to judge me for whatever I have to do to get kids engaged and laughing. There have been instances of dancing, very off-key singing, jumping up and down, and making really weird noises that a baby finds hilarious for some unknown reason. Whatever it takes! 

At the very end of our time together, we piled the girls up in a chair together. I just love the dynamic of these three sisters... and the progression of the images. Baby sister was ALL DONE with the snuggles and let us all know! 

I can't wait to see these little ladies in the studio again for their second visit with Santa this year! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | A Mommy & Me session with Clarissa & Isabella

Clarissa has been a long term client of mine over the years! I first met her when she contacted me for a maternity session and then photographed Isabella as a newborn. We've worked together for several milestone sessions over the past couple of years, and I'm so excited to see them again this summer in August for Isabella's two year session!

The love these two have for each other runs deep. Clarissa is such a warm and loving mother with her daughter, and Isabella is happiest in her mama's arms. The two of them came in for a mommy and me session in the studio, and wore their own clothing with the help of our style guide. Clarissa's makeup was applied by Margaret, our lead HMUA on the team. Add on hair and makeup services are available with any session type - just ask about them when you inquire! 

Mommy and me sessions are so easy for the participants. Your child adores you, and the images taken during your session will show just how much. Your only job is to hold and snuggle your little one and let things unfold naturally. Sometimes I'll suggest fun little games to play to get some interaction going, and I'll often make silly faces from behind the camera. We also have some other tricks up our sleeve to help children relax if they're feeling a little shy. 

Here are a few of my favorites of this beautiful duo! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | A Mommy and Me session with Benjamin and Sabrina

Sabrina came in for our special Mother's Day session event last year with her adorable little guy - who has the cutest dimples. I just love him! Benjamin was full of energy and all over the place, and I could tell Sabrina was a bit worried that it would be difficult to get pictures.

I embrace and welcome energetic children! Asking a child to sit stoically and smile is not the way that I do things. If your child is naturally playful and full of energy, why would you want images of them that don't show off that aspect of their personality?  I like to interact and play with your child and give you guided direction for what to do so we can get those images. The reality is that I only need a shutter button press worth of time to grab that image. There are so many in between moments in the wild and crazy times that you'll be shocked actually happened. I can't tell you how many moms have told me they can't believe I was able to take any useable photos at all. 

I'm so excited for our next Mother's Day event coming up next week! They sold out very soon after booking, but we frequently shoot full mommy and me sessions, and would love to photograph you and your little one(s)! 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | A Mommy & Me session with Holly, Oliver & Willow

I firmly believe that it's so important for mamas to be in the photos. So often, we are the ones who document the special family moments. And sometimes we just don't want to be in the picture because we don't feel pretty that day, or we have baby food stuck in our hair and it's just been a crazy week. I get it. I have three children six and under and they're all two years apart. While the selfie option is certainly better than nothing at all, I absolutely love it when mamas take matters into their own hands and come into the studio for a mommy and me session. 

Holly is a sweet long time client of mine! I've photographed her maternity and birth sessions, and I just adore working with her and her adorable children! She let me know that she was going to have her daughter wear a dress that belonged to her as a baby, and that her hairbow would be the one she'd worn for her newborn pictures. I absolutely loved the sentimentality and meaning of those items. Holly asked if I had anything in the wardrobe that she'd like and I send her a photo of one of the newest additions. We're always adding pieces to the wardrobe if they meet our standards for color and photographing well. She absolutely loved it, and we discussed ideas for her son's outfit as well.

The day of her session, she arrived at the studio and got into the hair and makeup chair. Our add on HMUA services are such a fun way to pamper yourself... most of our clients plan a date with their partner later that day to get the most mileage out of it! 

Mommy and me sessions in the studio are all about loving and interacting with your babies. It's as simple as that. We'll also take a few portraits of just your children too. This session makes me smile when I look at it because there is so much affection and joy! We really had such a great time creating these images. If you're considering a session for yourself and your children, I would LOVE for you to reach out to discuss your vision! 

Enjoy some of my favorites of this sweet mama and babes. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | The S Family in the Field

Oh, this family is so dear to me. I first met Crystal when she brought her second son, Aevan in for his newborn session.  She and I had a lot in common and have stayed in touch over past few years since then. She asked to schedule a fall session so that she'd have updated family portraits and images for Christmas gifts and their holiday card. Crystal was smart enough to book her fall session in advance - she chose her date in the month of May. Once our schedule is full, it's full - so if you're hoping for a session during the popular months of April-June and September-December, it's best to get on the schedule as soon as possible. Many of our clients book their outdoor session 9 months to a year in advance if they know they want a specific date. 

Crystal and I emailed back and forth about wardrobe, and I sent her our helpful styling guide. She absolutely knocked it out of the park with her choices for the entire family! I think this session is a perfect example of how to incorporate color into your family session if neutrals aren't your thing. I love neutrals AND I love color. Choose what suits your family's style preferences the best.

On the evening of their session, they drove all the way to the field from Powder Springs. They had chosen the field location because they loved the backlight and the wild and rustic look of it. I think it provides the perfect setting and is lots of fun for kids to run around.

I would tell that Crystal was a little bit stressed. It's a lot to get everyone out the door, get them all dressed, and then you have the worry about them behaving. I pulled her aside for a moment, and reminded her that stressed moms equal stressed kids. She took a deep breath, and forced herself to relax... and then the games began. 

When I say games, I mean games. We PLAY during family sessions. I want your child to smile naturally, and when they're laughing and having fun, that's what happens. I want you to interact with your children and have real moments with them. I want you to love each other, and enjoy the time together too. This is a lot easier to do when you're actually having fun, right? Family portraits are always a mix of the entire family together, parents with each child and all their children together... and then we can't forget just mom and dad. At the end of a session, you're so glad that everything has gone so well. Now you get a chance to snuggle for a little bit. Crystal and Rae, you two are the sweetest. These images of the two of them together are ALL them. All I did was put them close together, the rest was their natural interaction together. For many of my parents, the last time they had a professional photograph of just the two of them taken was their wedding day. I always want to honor the fact that your family began with the two of you, and give you some images of just you together. 

As we were leaving the field, Crystal asked if she could walk with me to my car. I'll take any chance I can get to hang out and chat with my clients, so I of course said yes! We ended up chatting for about fifteen minutes, mostly about mothering three kids and the challenges it can have... but also the joy and the fun! I always want my clients to feel understood and encouraged when they share with me. Motherhood is not always an easy gig - I'm right there in the trenches with you. 

When Crystal received her gallery, she was so excited. She told me "These photos are everything, and even more perfect than I could have imagined." I love her gallery and how perfectly they capture her family and the individuals within it. I hope the images bring you a smile as you look through them. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Child & Family Photographer | Four generations!

When Maria contacted the studio, she asked if we photographed children. The answer is yes, we do! She wanted to book a studio session for her toddler granddaughter to continue on with a family tradition. When Millie's mother was little, her grandmother booked a session to create portraits of her, and Maria wanted to do the same for her granddaughter. Sweet little Millie came in wearing a special dress that was very similar to the one that her mother wore... and her mom, grandmother, and great grandmother all joined in! It was truly a very special session with four generations, and a little baby on the way to boot. 

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | The Tuckers, party of 6

Heather is a local doula and a mother of four adorable and sweet children. As a mother of three (who wishes it was four!) I was thrilled to work with them to plan their session. I love large families and the different personalities and quirks of each child. I love the chaos and the running around and having fun during these sessions. When we discussed what to wear, I suggested that Heather either choose to dress her family in neutral colors or to take color inspiration from a patchwork quilt. I LOVE color, and encourage families to wear colors if that's more true to who they are. It is stressful to coordinate a family of six, and I'll help you every step of the way with styling input! Heather chose the neutral route, and we exchanged a few emails and texts leading up to their session. Many of the clothes they wore were from their own closet, but Heather treated herself to a new tunic (from Old Navy!) to wear. She asked me if it would be okay for her middle daughter to wear her cowboy boots that she loved... my answer was "YES!" I absolutely love when children choose to wear their favorite pair of boots or a favorite dress because it makes the images that much more meaningful to them and to you. 

We met at the field and started our session off with everyone hugging each other and snuggling. As kids lost interest and ran off, we photographed the remaining ones. Family sessions are fast paced because small kids just don't have long attention spans or much patience for dragging things out. Keeping it interesting and fun for them is key, and I'll be working with you every step of the way with suggestions for natural interaction and engagement. Your job is to relax and simply love your children. Everything else will fall perfectly into place! 

We have VERY limited fall sessions remaining, so please contact us soon if you want to grab one of our last dates! 

If you're looking for a family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Child Photographer | Rylee & Ross

Courtney and her family are long term clients of mine that I just love. I photographed the day of her son's birth as well as his newborn session. They came back in to the studio for some portraits to celebrate Ross turning one. The session was originally supposed to be a First Birthday session, but unfortunately Ross had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic which caused the session to have to be rescheduled. The reschedule date ended up being almost two months later because of their travel schedule, so Courtney decided to have it be a regular portrait session with no cake involved. Her goal for the session was for me to capture the unique personalities of her two children. Ross was quite the busy bee who had recently started walking. He ran all over the studio, jumped on the bed, played with toys, and was adorable. Courtney had showed up from the gym, so was not dressed to participate in the session. Because Ross was all over the place, I asked if she would mind putting on one of the studio dresses and holding Ross so that we could get him to be still for a little while. She agreed, and I loved the results. 

Big sister Rylee was just as adorable and sweet. I had a lot of fun photographing her... with her wispy curls and big brown eyes, what's not to love?! 

Here are just a few of my favorites from this sibling session. I can't wait to get them in front of my lens again soon! 

**this session was photographed before the installation of white studio floors**

Image collage of a little boy playing with a wooden toy and standing on a bed. 
Image of a curly haired, little boy with a blue button down shirt and khaki pants, standing on a bed and smiling. 
Image of a curly, brown haired, boy wearing a blue button down shirt with a boy tie, smiling in his mother's arms. 
Image of a toddler boy in his mothers arms, with a focus on his feet and toes. 
Image collage of a one year old boy playing on the floor. 
Image of a smiling little girl, with curly hair and a bow in her hair. 
Side by side images of a little girl, with curly hair,  in a peach dress.  In the first image, she is looking down and in the second image, she is smiling at the camera. 
Image of a little girl, sitting on a chair, smiling at the camera, while wearing a peach dress an a white bow in her curly hair. 
Image of a toddler boy, kneeling on a chair and looking at the camera. 
Image of a brother and sister, laying on a cream flokati and smiling up at the camera. 

If you're looking for a child and family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.


Atlanta Baby Photographer | Mommy & Me Sessions Event

The Mother's Day Sessions are now open to the public! We opened booking to our existing clients last week, and are already 50% sold out of our spots. Our booking calendar is now open to everyone and spots are still available on both April 23rd and April 30th.

A few important notes!

1) Sessions are for mothers and their children only. Babies should be at least 8 weeks old, with no upper age limit. If your oldest baby is 12, they're NOT too old!  If you have multiple children, bring them all to participate! There is no limit to the number of your children. We'll talk about if you want individual images with each of your children in your gallery or prefer to have everyone together. If you are a same sex couple, this is for one mom. 

2) Professional makeup application is complimentary! You'll need to arrive 35 minutes BEFORE your scheduled time slot. If you are late, our makeup artist will not be able to accommodate you. If you don't want makeup application, feel free to skip it or ask for very light makeup. Tips are not suggested or expected. 

3) If you're pregnant with an older child, you're welcome to participate. If you're pregnant with your first baby, you'll need to contact us about booking a maternity session instead as this is not designed to be a maternity session. 

4) You can opt to dress casually (jeans and white t-shirt) or dress it up a bit! A What to Wear style guide will be emailed out to you in advance of the session. 

5) 50% is due to book with the remainder due April 9, 2017. You can also opt to pay in full at booking. 

Want to see all the details and book your spot?! Click here. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn & Family Photographer | What a difference a year makes

After newborn sessions, I often see my clients again for milestone sessions! The most popular milestone sessions are when babies are sitting unassisted (between 6-8 months) and then again at one year. I love comparing the newborn and one year photos with my clients, and I'm always amazed by how much babies change in that first year! 

The first image was of her as a big sister again holding her tiny two week old brother on her lap. When I photographed his one year portrait and cake smash session, we decided to take another similar image. These two are the best of friends. She is his little mama, his protector, and encourager. She was there when he was born, and she correctly predicted that he would be a boy. She begs to go into his room when he wakes in the morning or from a nap, and his face lights up with joy when he sees her. She crawls around on the floor with him, and picks up his water cup countless times when he accidentally (or not so accidentally) drops it. I hope they're always close and there for each other, and I hope when they're adults they look at these images and smile. 

Clothing provided from the studio wardrobe.

Big sister and little brother together during newborn session and then one year later in the natural light studio of Lily Sophia Photography located in the Grant Park neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia. 

If you're pregnant and looking for a newborn or maternity photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Fun family sunset session in the park

    Oh, this family. How I love them!  I was so excited to shoot their family session since I last saw them for their son's newborn session, which can be viewed here. 

    Emily came to the studio for a style consult and fell in love with a floral maxi dress. A lot of clients think that they need to wear a neutral palette, and while this is lovely and beautiful - it's not the right fit for every family. I welcome colors, and work closely with my clients to choose the best colors and setting for the most beautiful results. Color can work well if they are carefully chosen and planned, and that's what I'm here for! I will personally walk you through every step that you need some help with to make sure your images are the best they can be.

   Emily had her hair and makeup done by Margaret, the lead of our HMUA team, and I helped select an outfit from Matt's existing wardrobe. Penelope and Raphael borrowed pieces from my studio wardrobe, and we pulled together a fun and classic look built around Emily's fun floral dress! My biggest rule of thumb is to ALWAYS dress mama first. It's so important that my clients feel beautiful because when they feel beautiful, they shine in their family photos. And we all know that most of you are the ones taking the pictures and not in them with your families. Let's change that, and make sure you look amazing at the same time. 

My family sessions are meant to be fun and relaxed. If we manage a photo where everyone is looking and smiling, that's great, but it's not the ultimate goal of family sessions. What I want for all of my family clients is to have images of real and authentic moments that show love and joyfulness. It means tickling your children and swooping them up into your arms. It means eskimo kisses and bear hugs, and taking some moments to quietly hold your babies tight. It's okay if your toddler is a bit grumpy or isn't into the session. We'll work with it, and there are lots of "tricks" in my bag to help them forget about being grumpy and have fun. All you have to do is be a family, have fun, and love each other. Sound easy? That's because it is!   

PS - I always, always grab my moms and dads for a few photos with just the two of them. Most of the time the last photographs of just them together were taken at their wedding! Your family would not exist without the both of you, so taking some time to celebrate your love is so important too!