Atlanta Family Photographer | Fall in the field

Ashley contacted me to book a family session in the field because she loved my natural approach to family and child photography. She didn't want stuffy formal images of her two children and family, and loved the playful and loving images that result from my session. 

We scheduled a consult at my studio in advance of the session and went over clothing options for her family from their own closet. My wardrobe is always open to booked clients, but most of the time families like to use their own clothing for family sessions with my assistance and guidance. The most important goal is for your family to look like who you ARE, with a cohesive look. That's where I come in to help guide you so you aren't overwhelmed and worried about what to wear.

Since their family is more casual, we went that route with choosing outfits and chose varying shades of neutral tops and jeans for the family so they wouldn't meld together in a big blob of the same color. Ashley chose to dress her little boy in the CUTEST shirt - I loved it so much that it's now a part of the studio wardrobe in sizes 12 months through 5T! 

When we met at the field, we immediately got to playing and having fun. A laid back attitude is the best way to approach sessions with small children. High pressure and trying to force a child to "cooperate" often goes nowhere. This is why my sessions are all about fun, games, and play! When you look at your images, you will see natural and authentic responses to you from your children. The looks of love that they give you in return for your attention are as beautiful as it gets. Seriously. I know I want to always remember how my children looked at me like I was the only person that mattered to me. I want to remember how my husband and I looked at each other in the midst of all the craziness and chaos that comes along with being parents. I want to remember the glee on the faces of my children when their daddy tossed them high in the air or made funny faces at them. 

I want you to remember too. 

Here are some of my favorite images from this family session. I can't wait until next year's session with them! 

If you're looking for a family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Be sure to view this short 1.5 minute film to hear about my philosophy and see how I work so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, family and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Love and Hugs

This sweet family of three traveled all the way to Atlanta from Columbia, SC for their session with me in the field that I love to shoot in. Mom texted over several outfit options that she was considering, and we narrowed it down to what they wore that evening. This session was shot in March 2015 - I have so many sessions to share but am often just too busy working with my clients to blog sessions right away. 

I had so much fun with this family, and enjoyed watching them just love each other and be together. That's what family portraits are about for me. If we manage a shot of everyone looking and smiling, that's wonderful: but that's not at all the goal. The goal is to capture your family just as you are in that moment. It makes for a much more relaxing session too since you just have to be yourselves and have fun together. Who wouldn't enjoy that? I also love to pull mom and dad aside for some photos of just the two of them. So many of my clients haven't had any couples photos taken since their engagement and wedding photos. Things have changed a lot in your lives as parents, but your love for one another is still there - so I think it's so important to document that too during your family session. Someday the kids will be all grown up and out of the house, and it'll be just the two of you again. 


Ready to reserve your session? My 2015 fall calendar is completely full and family sessions are reserved only for those who are established clients or have a special referral from one of my established clients as a special perk to being a part of the Lily Sophia Photography family! Contact me today to begin planning your session. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Follow me on Instagram!

Are you on Instagram? I am! My username is LILYSOPHIAPHOTOGRAPHY. Instagram is one of my favorite mediums for posting photos and to share what's going on with Lily Sophia Photography. I post of mix of personal iPhone photos and client images.

 If you're a client and post photos from your session to Instagram, I'd love to see what you share  - just hashtag your post #lilysophiaphotography!


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Big Sister

As the mother of two sweet girls that are just 22 months apart, one of my favorite things about getting to be their mom has been watching the relationship develop between the two of them. I still clearly remember the moment that Lily met her little sister for the first time - the look of awe on her face as she held her for the first time and feeling like my heart would burst when I saw them together. I am fortunate enough to have a photo of that moment, so it is a memory forever frozen in time, and will be one of my favorite images for the rest of my life. 

I love when older siblings come into the studio to participate in newborn sessions, and my goal is to capture their excitement and amazement over their brand new baby as well as the natural interactions between them.

This little cutie pie was so great with her little brother. I was actually there in the hospital room with her family when she met him for the very first time as part of their Fresh 48 session at Northside Hospital


She arrived ready to have fun at the newborn session a couple of weeks later, and was so excited to participate. This big sister just loved holding baby brother and playing with his hands. It was so precious how she talked softly to him and held his hand in hers. 

I always start with sibling and whole family shots as soon as baby is sound asleep so that the older kids can be on their merry way and go and play once we finish up with them . We all know toddlers don't have the longest attention span, so I work hard to make newborn sessions as fun,  painless, and easy as possible for all involved! 

Interested in a newborn or Fresh 48 session? Contact me today to reserve your session! If you'd like to see what it's like to work with me, watch this short 1.5 minute film - all of my clients say it depicts me perfectly and gives a great idea of what to expect.

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photographer | New Family of 4

This sweet family drove to my studio from Smyrna for their newborn session. Big sister was such a sweetie, and just as cute as her little brother! I love watching the wonder of older siblings as they notice a new little person in their family, and it's equally as amazing to see how the hearts of the new parents expand to double the love before. As a mother of two little girls, I remember wondering how I would ever be able to love the second just as much as I did my first. How would I ever fairly divide it? I'm here to tell you that you really don't need to worry about it! As soon as that second baby is placed in your arms, the love only multiplies from there. 

This is one of my favorite images from this family's session, and one of theirs too... they loved it so much, in fact, that a large canvas of it now hangs in their home.

Interested in booking a newborn session? Spots fill quickly, so don't wait too long to reserve your spot. I look forward to working with your family and preserving the moments and details you want to remember for a lifetime. 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.


Atlanta Family Photographer | Daddy's Little Girl

Maybe it's because I have two daughters who adore their daddy, or maybe it's because I have a wonderful relationship with my dad - but there are few things that I love more than capturing daddies and their little girls together. I still remember my father coming home from work and running out to the driveway to greet him. He would always put down his briefcase, stretch out his arms, and swoop me up into the air before grabbing me into a big bear hug. I wish I had a photograph of him doing that, but the memory will have to suffice for me. 

This little girl won't have to rely on memories though. She has a tangible photograph that she can look at fifty years from now and remember how much fun her daddy was and how much he loved her. She'll be able to show her own children this photo and tell them "This was your grandfather when I was a little girl!" These moments are why I'm a photographer. 


I'd love to work with your family to make your own moments into tangible memories. We'll have fun, and the whole process is zero stress! I help with everything from wardrobe selection, to tips for the session, and help you decide the best way to display your images as beautiful artwork in your home. Contact me today to begin planning your session!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Mommy and Me

It's no secret that the mother-daughter relationship can be complicated. And it's also no secret that it's incredibly special. I have two little girls of my own, and while there are some days that are incredibly frustrating as I navigate mothering them, the sweet moments, kisses, and cuddles more than negate those. 

Photos of you with your children are so important. Photos of you loving your children and holding them close are important. Your children will always know how much you love them, but there's something about being able to hold a photograph and see the moment in the picture. Not just for your children, but for you too. Someday we'll be old and gray and our children will have children of their own, and we might have forgotten how small they were when they were three. How wild their curly hair was in the wind, and how we cherished the extremely rare moments they sat still enough for us to hug! 

Real and authentic moments are what I look for during your family session. I may ask your child if they want to go give you a hug or tickle you, but I will not ask them to hold a pose, look at my camera, cock their head, and say cheese. That is not who your children are. I want to capture them EXACTLY as they are, and in natural moments with you - having fun, loving each other the way families do. 


I'd love to work with you and your family! Watch this short 1.5 minute film to see what I'm like to work with - every client states that it depicts me perfectly. I will help with your session planning every step of the way and make the entire experience seamless and stress free for you. Contact me today to begin planning your session. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Child Photographer | Little Miss M

I love to photograph families, and I always take some time to create some portraits of just the children during family sessions. This particular family drove from over three hours away from South Carolina for their session. I was so pleased to meet them, and honored that they would choose an out of state photographer! Her mom and I preplanned in the months before the session and pulled together the cutest little outfit that looked perfect in the field. This dress is available in size 4T in my studio wardrobe for little girls. It's comfortable and soft, and easy to run and play in. I have two little girls of my own, so I understand what it's like to plan family photos. I'm here to make it an easy and seamless experience for you and your family!

Miss M was full of personality and never stopped moving during our session. She was busy, busy, busy and had a blast running around and exploring. I am not a traditional portrait photographer - I want to capture children as they are, so this wasn't a problem at all. Clients who hire me also want me to capture their children as they are, so there's no screaming or waving from behind my back to try and get a cheesy smile and everyone is relaxed with no stress. I shoot with a long lens, so it allows me to stand back and let children be themselves without feeling like they have a camera in their face. 


Ready to book your family session? Contact me today! I'll help with your wardrobe selection and help you pull together the perfect outfits. I would love to capture your family as the are in the field location that I shoot at. Fall is always the busiest season, so I highly encourage you to plan ahead and reserve your session early. I do not shoot any other time of day except the hour before sunset. Sometimes this means pushing bedtime or taking a later nap. Want to see what I'm like to work with? Watch this 1.5 minute film of me at work - clients state that it depicts me perfectly. I can't wait to work with you! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photography | Baby Harry

I first met Harry and his parents at their newborn session, and was so excited to see them again for Harry's six month session! He is the cutest, sweetest little chunk, and his parents are just lovely. We had a lot of fun at their session in the Atlanta area field that I love to shoot in for their sunset family session. When we were planning their session, I gave suggestions on what to wear so everyone would be comfortable and the results would be gorgeous on the walls of their home. When Harry's mama saw this first picture below, she said to me, "This picture is what love looks like to me." It looks like love to me too. This picture is what my baby and family sessions are all about. I want to capture emotive images of your family that document where you are right now and how much you love each other because that is what is most important. 


Ready to reserve your field session for your baby's six month or one year photos? Or just want a family session? Contact me today to begin planning! We'll discuss what you want to do with your photos and I'll help with your wardrobe so you have artwork to treasure now and pass down to your children to cherish later.

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | Capturing those little moments

One of my favorite things about being an Atlanta family and baby photographer is getting to see my clients more than once! This lovely mama and her family are such a joy to work with.  I first met them when Harry was just a tiny eleven pound baby (okay, maybe not so tiny) for their newborn session, and was excited to see them again for his 6 month old session. He's SUCH a doll, and such a happy boy! 

His mama let me know before the session that she wanted the session to focus primarily on Harry, and I reminded her that I shoot the connection between parents and children for my family sessions. I did shoot half of the session to be of just Harry, but the other half was focused on capturing moments between Harry and his parents. This moment is one of them, and I just adore this image so much. This is what motherhood is all about! Getting down on the ground with your baby and seeing the world through his eyes. Who knew grass was so fascinating? Someday Harry will be a grown man, and he will have this image of his mother on the ground next to him exploring the world right alongside him. He will know how much she loved him - because he will SEE that in this image. This is why I am so passionate about photography and what shapes the way I shoot sessions...emotive, connective moments where you feel the love in the images. 


Ready to book your session? Contact me today to begin planning. I can't wait to meet you!

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Violet is one

I can't believe my youngest is one. I took my daughters out to the field in Atlanta that I love to shoot in (all by myself) so that I could preserve this time  in photographs. My oldest looks oh so very big… when really, it wasn't that long ago that she was an itty bitty thing. I let them explore the field and be themselves and just stood back, like I do with my clients. 

Through my lens, I saw two sisters, undeniably siblings, but so different in personality. One blonde (where did this come from?!), the other brunette. One full of energy that has a hard time sitting still, the other content to sit quietly and explore through observation. This image captures my two little girls perfectly, and sums them up. It speaks more than a thousand words to me about each one and their relationship with each other. I love it. I am so glad that I have it to keep and look at forever. So that when I say "Remember when…", I have a photo to truly remember. And in a way, having this moment frozen in time will keep them this little forever. 


If you would like to reserve a session for your baby and family, please contact me today! My sessions are intimate, relaxed, and fun. You won't feel rushed or pressured, and your little ones will lead the way for how the session unfolds. 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Baby Photographer | Mommy and Harry

I just loved capturing these two at Harry's 6 month session. We doubled it as a family session, and I will be able to share the rest of the images after Christmas! If you think that a winter session isn't a good idea: think again. Winter provides such a beautiful natural background and I love to use the golden sun. 

This image is perfection to me and makes me happy just to look at it. How many of us will do anything to make our children laugh and squeal with delight? We are the entire world to our children for such a very short time. There will come a day when they won't be small enough to lift to the sky. 

Family and baby sessions are so important because you need to remember these moments with your baby. You will blink, and they will be going to kindergarten. Being a parent is so bittersweet, because you want to hold on to their littleness forever but you're so proud of them as they grow and learn new things. 


Contact me today to begin planning your baby or family session! My session fee includes 3 appointments: pre-planning for your session, your actual session, and your gallery reveal/ordering session in my natural light studio. I can't wait to meet you and create images that will make you and your baby smile for a lifetime.  

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Child Photographer | Sweet innocence

I love to photograph children, including my own. This is my little girl. She is my oldest, and spunky and smart. I study every sweet feature of hers in the moments she is still, and cement them in my mind. Because I know I will blink, and she'll be asking for the car keys. I take photographs of her and her little sister, because I know ten, twenty, thirty years from now I will struggle to remember in my mind exactly what they looked like when they were small.. 

This is why photographs matter to me. So I never forget.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Maternity Photographer | From 3 to 4

This sweet family is welcoming a new baby at the beginning of 2015 and wanted to capture both their pregnancy and family for their photos! They're waiting to find out if they're having a son or daughter, and I can't wait to find out when the baby arrives. Erica and I planned their shoot a few months prior, and she chose to use a dress from my studio wardrobe available to my clients. We spent an evening in 37 degree weather to capture their family and Erica's pregnancy. I just love their little family, and can't wait to share more from their session.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | The Preston Family

I love family sessions! The outdoors at sunset is the most beautiful time to shoot, and I take clients to a quiet field in the Atlanta area. I stay back while families love each other and capture the special connection between each family member. 

This session was a special one since the Prestons are from Michigan. They were passing through for a wedding in Florida and reserved a session with me during their stay in Atlanta. It's such an honor when out of state clients contact me for a session! 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Newborn Photography | Why photography?

Because these are the moments mothers need to remember forever. 

Let's make sure you both remember these moments forever. Contact me today.


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.

Atlanta Family Photographer | the perfect moments

My Atlanta family sessions aren't just about getting that "perfect" family photo. Perfection is in the stolen moments. It's in the secrets whispered between mother and daughter, and the harder to come by hugs from your almost three year old who never.stops.running. It's remembering how perfectly your little girl fit in your arms and the smell of her freshly washed hair. My photos are about capturing your love in real life. Let's schedule a session with your family today! 


Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.